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SUGARBEAR / o, gifts - Printable Version

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SUGARBEAR / o, gifts - ROXANNE R. - 07-01-2018

✧*:・゚ She laid in bed with her eyes half closed as she stared at the ceiling having this type of empty feeling, her paws resting on her chest and Kal was huddled next to her side, he would hiss at her whenever she moved or tried shoving him away. She still felt a bit mopey and angry though she figured she shouldn't feel like this because it had partially been her fault for accepting Greed's challenge then again he had suggested that one thing and both of them were mutual toward it. God, it was so frustrating. Her paws fidgeted slightly with irritation and her pupils narrowed a bit trying to think of things that made her happy. Being loved made her happy and being appreciated. She was sure some people needed some form of appreciation didn't they? She would sit up on her bed looking down at Kalayavan touching his head with her paw being gentle as she murmured with a sad smile "You didn't do anything, baby. I'm sorry I treated you so badly. I'll get ya some ice cream and fish then we can watch movies." This seemed to get a positive reaction from the saltwater crocodile with his tail lightly thumping against the bed like a pleased puppy. She was able to get away only to start rummaging through her stuff to find things to make decent gifts with, her eyes concentrated on what she was doing the entire time. A soft breath escaping her as her pink pencil soared over the paper as she did her best in drawing some things for her friends and family only to write in neat handwriting some type of notes. Some of them were scribbled with the word anonymous and well, it was more of angry scribbling rather than peaceful doodling. She continued to pick around her room with a small frown on her room pulling out a chest from under her bed and opening it slowly, quite happy with what was inside of them. She pulled out a large spiked blue collar, she held it in her paws smiling even more at Kalayavan adjusting it so it fit nicely onto Kal before she said with a soft giggle "Look at you. So much bigger and you mean the world to me. You're the real VIP, Kal. I love you so, so, so much. Dumb boys can wait because my baby boy means the most to me." She kissed his snout only to gather up her things putting a letter with each gift she had already found in that chest of hers, of course, she would have to fly back and forth though she didn't seem to care as she took a soft breath deciding to start with the person who had first welcomed her into this new life and was like family to her.

[member=66]PINCHER[/member] meant a lot to Roxanne not in a romantic matter, no, but rather in a different relationship one that was more familial and she respected th other despite her sassing off to him sometimes. Acting like a complete gremlin yet he had given her something else had never given her; love, respect, and a family. Just a week in, she was already acting like an annoying little sister to Pincher and they sort of clicked since then with Pincher telling her to join the family or well, offering anyways. She had been hesitant at first but, Pin was patient (most of the time) and eventually she agreed to become a Roux. Becoming a Roux wasn't something she expected but then again, it was something she was grateful for. Now, she was related to wonderful people that were here and Goldie being her niece, Rosemary her sister. Something she had never had yet it was given to her, she was grateful for it and she didn't know if she would ever be able to thank Pinch enough for the opportunity. She fiddled with the letter a bit a soft sigh escaping her jaws setting a basket in front of Pinch's home finding a smile on her face, she pawed at the pink envelopes, there being two, since Goldie and Pinch lived together. She supposed she'd hit two birds with one stone or however that saying went. The paper in which she had written on was a light pink and she had written in a darker pink that was more visible. She had torn page after page just to get Pinch's letter correct since she didn't want to mess up with any of this. She swallowed a bit nervously holding the letters close to her chest. Were these even good enough gifts? Hell, if she knew and she was much too afraid to stick around to see their reaction. She drew in a soft breath placing the letters in the basket with the gifts. One of the gifts was a small sketch of a scarred shark poking out of the ocean with its powerful jaws open and it wore an eyepatch as well as a pirates hat, at the bottom of it there was her signature and a small "p.s. it's a self portrait of you". The other gift was a necktie with a small, silver anchor pin, of course, she would have found something better but she thought that this gift would suit Pincher. Besides, she was sure that he would need a necktie for his wedding so she was doing him a huge favor. The envelope holding the letter when it was opened would say;

'Dear Pincher. I don't know how to say or show how grateful I am for taking me into your family and welcoming me into the Typhoon. I apologize for whenever I'm too much of a gremlin because really, you mean the world to me. It's not every day you join some place and you meet someone whose like family to you, I mean, except those small cases when someone actually is family but that's aside the point. These gifts barely show how much I respect and love you but I hope my future actions will show you. You're a big doofus and if I gotta share my ice cream so that fucking wedding starts then I'll do it. I wouldn't mind sharing with you or Goldie either. You're a huge loser and I love having you around, you're a big help and you keep everyone in line despite all the havoc. I feel like I can rely on you and tell you my problems when I need to get them off of my chest since I make a lotta mistakes. . . I made one recently but that's for another time. Thanks again for being the family that I never had as a kid, I'm so happy to have met you and I wouldn't trade what we have for the world. Now stop fucking around and marry Jacob, god damn it, it's obvious you two got the hots for each other. Love, the little gremlin herself, Roxxie.'

Next was [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] , of course, her stuff was in the same basket as Pincher's though the envelope for her had her name on it. The things she had found for Goldie inside of her little chest was a small bracelet with blue rocks and a slightly translucent hibiscus flower pendant hung from one of the sides, she thought it would match nicely with the feather earring that Goldie seemed to wear that Pinch had given to her. It was cute really, she really loved the relationship held between Pincher and his daughter. Hell, it actually made kids look like a lotta fun though she doubted she'd have any of her own buggers to nurse and take care of. Kal was enough for that matter. The other gift was a necklace with minerals pressed together in a nice looking manner and they were held together by a silver chain. Maybe it was too much or too little? She didn't know but she just hoped that Goldie would love the gift, Rox had taken almost half an hour trying to figure out perfect gifts for her loved ones while others were just hastily put though that was only two people she had done it to otherwise everyone else had decent, good, and well thought over gifts. Goldie, despite being a child, had already had to undergo several hardships and Roxanne had hoped that hadn't happened to her yet shit happened so it couldn't necessarily be stopped even if she had wanted it to. Goldie had lost her father only to get him back, she got injured more than once, and well, she just generally looked like she needed a break. And she hoped that at some point, Rox would invite both Pinch and Goldie for ice cream since they both deserved it besides, it wasn't like she had anybody else to share ice cream with. She figured spending most of her time with her family rather than friends or simple acquaintances. Her paw touched the envelopes one last time before she flew off to deliver more gifts, Goldie's letter written as such.

'Dear Goldie, I hope you like your gifts and that we will be to spend some quality aunt and niece time. You're a great kid and you're really tough, remember me and your ol man will be there for you. Never change, we need more people like you and Concon around. You really brighten the mood and make everyone's day. I'm sure your father and I can agree that you're absolutely contagious in the best way. You're sweet to the point where I'm sure that I got cavities. Also never let anyone bring you down honey, you already went through some things that no kid should endure and you are still pretty strong. Girl power, amirite? Maybe if you want I could take you for a fly? Unless you're scared of heights then that's understable. Enjoy life to its fullest and ignore the dumb jerks we got around here. Anyways, I love you loads. Love, aunt Roxxie.'

Eventually she flew to the next home which belonged to [member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] , a smile was etched onto her maw just thinking about how lucky she was to have such an intellectual as a sister. She didn't seem to treat her any different despite Rox being adopted into the family and not born into it by blood, she held the small basket in her paws with a smile tugging at her lips hoping that Rosie would appreciate her gifts or effort to find a good gift for her, she had picked something similar to what she had given Goldie like a necklace and bracelet. The necklace was certainly interesting to say the least, the pendant resembled that of an eye one of those mythical creatures that Roxanne often found herself staring at when she read through the books. It was mysterious yet the colors that seemed to make it pleasing to the eye was quite calming ad well, the eye itself was slightly intimidating and Roxanne hoped that it didn't spook Rose all that much especially since her sister already had two pairs of eyes. She was sure that a fifth wouldn't hurt, right? The other present wasn't as weird looking but rather nice, the bracelet having beautiful diamond shaped gems and what kept the bracelet together had odd markings of some sort. Sometimes, Roxxie didn't quite recall where she found these but they certainly made quite the unique presents for her loved ones. She smiled at both gifts only to blink down momentarily at the envelope taking a deep breath slowly spreading her wings and flying to the next house. She still had some gifts to deliver and she wouldn't rest until she delivered every single one of the gifts.

'Dear Rosemary, I have to say that you're a bomb af sister. I never had a sister or an actual family but now that I got you, Pinch, and Goldie. I'm so much happier. I hope you take these gifts and like them, I put a lot of thought into them and they might not ever express how much I care and appreciate you. . . I hope you like em aaah. I hope we keep up with hanging out and pranking Caesar. Us girls gotta stick together after all. I think you're really cool and what you do is great. You're so smart and I admire you so much! Love, Roxbox.'

The next place she stopped was at Connor's zen garden, her mismatched gaze would briefly survey the area to make sure he wasn't around before she smiled place the small basket down. She had taken the time to make a blue friendship bracelet for Connor and it had three silver stars and a small pendant with his name on it. Settled next to the friendship bracelet was a little bandana that was a variation of blue and had white stars scattered over it, she truly hoped that Connor liked it and she wrote a small "from Roxanne" on a slip of paper that she hid underneath the bandana, Connor was a nice kid so she decided to give him a gift so he felt more at home. She felt like she had done a decent job and slowly spread her wings feeling the breeze pass them for a moment, two more homes and frankly, she didn't even want to go there but she supposed that they deserved some Rox love even if the two of them made her angry and were both idiots. Then again who wasn't an idiot in this world? It was questionable to say the least yet she didn't dwell on these thoughts for too long. She flew by in the air growling at any seagulls that came near her.

She stopped in the pirate ship going over to where she presumed was Caesar's room, her eyes settled down on the tiny basket she had setting it down slowly. She had folded up a drawing she had done and if [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] opened it he would be face to face with a hand with its middle finger sticking out. She giggled at the thought of his reaction though hidden underneath the card was a blade of sorts, the knife itself was gold and the handle was black, it had swirls and small skeletons on the blade though if it was flicked out a small piece of paper would slip out of it saying "Don't go stabbing our clanmates with it or I stab you." She giggled at that bit, she had slipped some turtle food there too for Edward or whatever his fucking face was.

She then walked to the next room that was here on the ship, she took her time in walking along the ship. Her insides twisting and she felt a flurry of emotions starting to overwhelm her, in all truth, she didn't even want to go near the room but she couldn't let some lousy fling ruin her mood. No, she was gonna go watch movies with Kal. At the thought, she began to gain a bit more confidence holding the basket close before setting it in front of the door. Just like Caesar, there was a small card with a hand flipping off whoever looked at it. She didn't do it because she hated the person per say but because she loved imagining their reaction, her nose wrinkled a bit though her thoughts subsided momentarily as she glanced down at the small beaded bracelet that was for [member=697]GREED[/member] , it was to match with his fur and well, his eyes. She swallowed bitterly before she left the pirate ship heading for her home that was down near the beach, she would step into her house finally being able to breathe. She flopped onto her bed and passed out.

Re: SUGARBEAR / o, gifts - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-01-2018

To say Caesar was surprised to have gotten gifts was an understatement. He was an asshole to everybody here, why did he - of all people - get a gift? But that wasn't to say he didn't appreciate them. Believe it or not, Caesar did actually like the gift (or rather, just the blade) Roxanne gave him, and honestly the threatening note she had amused him. No promises. The demon thought to himself in response. If he had telepathy, he probably would've tried to say that to her mentally, but alas, he didn't have that power just yet. The drawing she had done kinda made Caesar snort. Yeah, he probably deserved that, didn't he? The turtle food was a surprise, and the Officer glanced over at his bed when he saw it and grinned. Maybe I can train him with this. Yeah, that's what he was going to do.

Caesar took the blade and the turtle food into his room and practically locked himself in there. Yeah, he probably wasn't going to thank Roxanne, even if he really did appreciate the blade she gave him. He just wasn't the type of person to go around spreading his gratitude.

Re: SUGARBEAR / o, gifts - guts - 07-01-2018

Greed himself was pretty surprised to see that he had a gift, since he wasn't exactly close with anyone in the Typhoon. He would think of Roxie, sure, but not after what had happened. Apparently she was making a thing of avoiding him, and biting him, too. Of course he didn't expect all his one-night stands to be very pleased with his actions the morning after, but that was the price to pay. He didn't expect her to be so invested in him, anyways.

But nevertheless, he had given him something, it seemed. It had to be her, since none else would have gone through the trouble. Was this a sign she forgave him? Upon opening the drawing she had left attached, he quickly decided it wasn't. Though he chuckled at it slightly, it still tugged at his heartstrings, which didn't feel good. He wasn't sure what to make of that response to it, unsure why he felt so affected by it. Usually he didn't care about the opinions of others.

He shrugged it off, instead turning his attention to the bracelet. It was a nice combination of colors, purple and black to match his appearance. He grinned and slipped it onto his paw, wearing it on the opposite of the one with his Ouroboros tattoo. Pleased with how it looked, he glanced around, slightly disappointed she wasn't around. Oh well. With his gift retrieved, he retreated back into his room.


Re: SUGARBEAR / o, gifts - PINCHER - 07-03-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher was glad that he was now the head of the Roux family especially how difficult it had been to even be a member of it. With his father taking over his mother's role in being the boss of the family, it had been a blood-only family. No outsiders were allowed in for his father believed that they were a waste of time and did not deserve to be in such a "royal" family as he would like to call it. And that was all complete bullshit. They were scum and were called gypsies due to the constant travel and well because his father was Romanian. It wasn't surprising why they were treated like shit and behaved like bastards due to the constant problems that would bubble within their family and outside of it. Yet his father believed no one needed friends, no one needed connections unless they were beneficial which Pincher viewed as just another way for his father to place himself on a pillar of trash and call himself king of the world. So when he had once finished him off, ending his life due to the rage that had blinded him in that cursed night, Pincher was able to lead. He knew his uncle was still around kicking and stalking, the trained mercenary always out looking for blood with some fun but Archie held no desire to be the head of the family. Do whatever you wish, I desire no power from a broken family was the statement that his uncle had given before seperating to become a wandering loner in the lands of the earth.

Pincher had been set on allowing the Roux name to be changed, to be seen in a light that was not considered too negative. He knew that would be a lot of work due to the reputation of the Rouxes being snakes and traitors to anyone that got close to them. He was unsure why or how it had lead to him deciding to open the doors for members that weren't related in but he knew it had something to do with Roxanne. When he had first joined, he had immediately felt a connection with her that he had noticed expected to find so quickly. There was a chemistry between them but one of platonic sibling love that tended to appear in a good sense or bad sense. He was used to her constant jabs and teases, always returning the comments to the point they would bicker and bash heads to the point they would be mad at each other before returning to their friendly selves. He enjoyed her eccentric energy especially when she was unafraid to speak her mind yet held very deep personal emotions that Pincher still wanted to know better. She seemed to be very caring and comfortable with his biological family to the point that the Captain had decided that she deserved a spot within their blossoming family. When she had accepted, he had been pleased and was glad that she had become the first Roux to ever be adopted.

He had been out of the submarine, busy barking out orders in the Capricorn Tavern while also enjoying a nice rich glass of rum. It was nice to see everything going according to plan and despite the weight of responsibility in his shoulders, he felt relaxed with the position he held. It could be tiring at times but it was nice to think that there was something worth working for and that was his crew and family. Finishing his drink, he stepped out and headed back towards the submarine and noticed a small basket that held letters and gifts...? His fictional eyebrows knitted together with confusion as he stepped close to inspect them noticing that one letter was meant for his daughter and another for him. Grabbing his letter, he opened it up and read what it said and as he got deeper and deeper into it, a smile slowly grew on his muzzle. It was a genuine one, full of shark-like teeth and warmth that Roxanne had given this to him and that he meant this much to her. He reminded himself to offer gifts to her in the near future as he observed the drawing with a light bubbly laugh drawing out of his lungs before inspecting the lovely tie, a faint blush growing on his facial features as he realized this was meant to be a tie for a wedding. Jacob's and his wedding. He swallowed, feeling butterflies in his stomach as he gently set them down and grabbed the basket to place it in his home for Goldie to also inspect her gifts.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: SUGARBEAR / o, gifts - ROSEMARY - 07-03-2018

Returning to her little treehouse with a bag full of plants, the ocelot set to work preparing them for storage - dry pressing in the sunlight, really. The work, in its mindnumbing way, kept her busy for a few minutes before she noticed the strange gleam of metal in a random corner of her room. Pleased to have a distraction, the ocelot wandered over to it with perked ears.

Reading the note, she flicked her tail happily as she realized that Roxanne and her seemed to have a proper sibling bond; this meant a lot to her, as she felt very uprooted by leaving the tight-knit coven of her birth to come here. She knew she'd never get another family or home like the coven, but that seemed a little more alright. Picking up the bracelet - which, honestly, was quite huge for a small ocelot like herself - she fascinated it around her neck. The necklace, she supposed, would make a good hanging decoration from the ceiling. It reminded her of the Evil Eye from several Middle East human cultures; though she found its more mystical and reptile nature more befitting of her mystical abilities.

Resolving to get Roxanne a gift in return, the ocelot placed the note and the necklace in a safe spot behind one of her potted plants. For now, though, she still needed to finish her work with the fresh herbs.

Re: SUGARBEAR / o, gifts - bubblegum - 07-04-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie had been taking a small nap when the gifts arrived, but slowly opened her eyes as she heard the basket being set down. her ears perked upward curiously and she weakly pushed herself upwards, legs shaking as she struggled towards it. she only glanced at it at first, just wanting to see what it is and not really expecting it to be for herself. that was, until she saw her name addressed on it. she tilted her head quietly, sitting down next to it.

the girl slowly grabbed at the letter, figuring it would be polite to read that before looking at anything else. she wondered what had inspired miss rox to give her this. she read it slowly, smiling quickly. that was probably the nicest thing anybody had ever said to her - even if it was in writing. not to say that others didn't say kind things to her, but this was a very genuine and sweet set of compliments.

she also felt a bit of relief reading it. she loved praise. and, this helped confirm that her efforts to make others feel good and help them were not wasted. she was doing something right and that felt good. she hoped they were proud of her. she would need to personally thank miss rox for her kind words. she was easily satisfied with just the letter, and almost put it down without looking at anything else before remembering that she mentioned gifts. now she just felt spoiled.

the girl happily picked up the necklace, eyeing it for a moment. it was very pretty. it reminded her of the ocean and her papa's and brother's eyes. she wouldn't hesitate to put it on, just staring at it for a few moments. it was shiny, which was something she liked a lot. she immediately decided she'd always wear it. she looked in the basket again, finding the bracelet now. she quickly put it on and spun it around her paw for a moment, blinking at it.

she gave a soft grin, immediately wondering how she could repay miss rox. she'd need to make something very nice for her in return, she decided.