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plot with starrynight! - Printable Version

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plot with starrynight! - Cakie ! - 03-21-2018

he's open to most everything except rape, murder, litters, and things of the like
just run it by me and we'll see, though

Re: plot with starrynight! - BASTILLEPAW - 03-21-2018

hijacked redacted's link to that rp generator and im just

"bastille is starry's hired body guard"
"starry and bastille watch a sad movie together. bastille is crying"
"bastille and starry swap bodies"

im dead
- as they become "friends" (aka starry is Nothing But Cheerful and bast pretends to despise it but secretly will kill for starry), bast acknowledges that starry aint gonna defend himself like PLEASe this boy is too soft and smol and peaceful. instead bast will be on top of you in .0004 seconds if you breathe funnily in starry's direction. one of those punk ass warlike clan leaders insulted starry at the meeting this month? surprise bitch bast is kicking the door in
- lmao starry tried to host a clanwide movie night for bonding!! and popcorn!! bast is not pleased but starry with Be Sad if not everyone shows up and acts happy so he grudgingly drags himself to the damned thing. he absolutely cries over the tragic sad ending
starry: omg is that emotion
bast: starry honestly shut UP no
- can you just... can you imagine a body swap later on? literally. starry just like "oooh bastille these powers you have are so interesting what fun LOOK i made a flower grow"
bast: oh god. oh GOD. what the fuck? am i going to be expected to do things if people think im you? holy shit. WHAT IF HIS HAPPINESS RUBS OFF ON ME?

ugh their friendship is literally level 1 rn and i already need it to have developed to this point DAMN

Re: plot with starrynight! - Cakie ! - 03-21-2018

okay but?? every single one of those ideas is on point and precious
i'm totally down for this future development
maybe i will make a movie night once i make the planetarium discovery thread - but i have another one planned before that and i'm lazy atm

Re: plot with starrynight! - Sympathy - 03-29-2018

These two could definitely be friends and gush over space and stuff?

Re: plot with starrynight! - Cakie ! - 03-29-2018

i could see that happening!

Re: plot with starrynight! - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 04-01-2018

*finger guns*
vinny and star? B)

Re: plot with starrynight! - Cakie ! - 04-01-2018

finger guns back
you know it girl