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KISS AND TELL / o, patrol - Printable Version

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KISS AND TELL / o, patrol - ROXANNE R. - 07-01-2018

✧*:・゚ She sort of expected this to get a shitty task from the shitty Lemon Tart who thought he was high and mighty. Petty sap. She didn't care, she would make it fun for herself and those that would have tagged along or at least try to since she wasn't in the best of moods. She had brought a small pack with her and it felt quite uncomfortable on her back due to it crushing her wings, she decided to play a small game while they were doing the patrol. It was that weird headband game where you had a card on your forehead and people had to show you without telling you what you were. Hopefully, she'd do a decent job at it since she tended to blurt out most things without much intent. She would sit down at the edge of camp calling with a blink of her eyes "Gather around for a patrol!" Hopefully this would be interesting since she hated these kind of things, she just hoped it didn't end up with her being alone with someone she didn't like at all. But, she was sure that she would be able to handle herself quite well without the help of her sister or brother, huh, she hadn't told them either is what she realized. She was embarrassed to say the least and well, that's mainly why she kept so quiet about herself anyways.

Re: KISS AND TELL / o, patrol - charrie graveyard - 07-01-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]It was pretty obvious to anyone who encountered Connor that he was extremely unfamiliar with the workings of a clan. To put it simply without going into his backstory- he had never been apart of a group like The Typhoon before. In fact, he wasn't even sure if he had been apart of a team before. For most of his life, Connor had been a loner- independent and self-sufficient, used to doing things on his own, but in the week he had spent here, he had learned that most of the Typhooners worked together. This was normal behavior for pack animals, like wolves, but The Typhoon was made up of multiple species... cats, birds, reptiles, the list went on. What had spurred them to behave in this way? Do all of the animal groups in this region have this behavior in common? Soon, he would find out the answers to these questions, but only after he left this place. The tabby had just stepped out of his home when he heard Rox call for a patrol, ears perking up with interest. Padding over to the light brown feline, Connor would nod at her in greeting, the LED on his head glowing a vibrant, steady blue as he made to speak. "Hello, Roxanne. Do you mind if I join you on your... patrol?" Connor asked politely, tail flicking.

Re: KISS AND TELL / o, patrol - coldblue - 07-02-2018

Unlike Roxanne, Coldblue does not mind patrols. Honestly, of all the things a person could be ordered to do, walking around and sniffing things and maybe yelling at a trespasser every now and then is not too bad. And as lazy as the young Roux is, walking is something he is fully capable of doing. "I'll tag along," announces the boy as if the others are blessed by his presence--if anyone bothers to look at him close enough, they may be able to detect that his is exaggerating his usual haughtiness for his own personal amusement. A lazy smirk dances upon his handsome cream-colored features as glacial blue eyes flicker about the small group. "Hi, Connor," the boy greets with a smile that is about as genuine as Blue gets towards people outside his family. He has not spoken to Connor much, but Blue likes the other male already. The child's attention switches to Roxanne. He still hasn't figured out if she is actually his aunt or if Pincher just sort of adopted her into the family. He supposes he could ask, but that would reveal that he hasn't been paying attention for months. "What's with the bag?"