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pretty when i cry — joining - Printable Version

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pretty when i cry — joining - imperia - 07-01-2018

// revamped her a bit just in case any of you remember when she joined last time (we’re pretending that never happened btw)

Paws calloused from trekking across miles and miles of empty landscape ache from overuse and lean legs begin to tremble from fatigue, yet the elegant young she-wolf continues on her course without pause—never once losing balance. She has already traveled so far and she is unwilling to collapse only minutes from her destination. Luxurious golden grasses tall enough to tickle the creature’s chin dance and sway as she moves past; akin to a ship breaking through sapphire waves. Washed in monochrome like an early film actress, the dainty predator possesses a unique beauty. She is the night to the day. A pelt of gunmetal grey undertones and brilliant silver highlights contrast starkly with the warm, summery hues of the plains. Lithe limbs propel the slender huntress forward with an uncanny grace—closely resembling that of a ballerina striding ever so elegantly across a stage. But there is also fear in the way she moves. It is present in those full moon eyes that flicker back and forth to see all that she can possibly hope to see. Beautiful, yet fearful; this wolf is more prey than predator.

Sleek fur shines like starlight as the young female finally slows to a halt upon reaching the potent border of a myriad of scents. The stench nearly overwhelms her—it has been more than four months since she last encountered a group this large. She desires a connection with others, but the time spent wandering alone has enhanced her natural apprehension of encountering strangers. Especially many strangers all at once. She fears their claws and their words. And yet she also craves a sense of belonging; a pack of her own.

After taking a moment to smooth her disheveled pelt into something more appealing and adjusting the the leather satchel strapped around her torso, the lovely creature primly takes a seat. Like a proper lady, she sits with her back straight and head held high. Those stunning silver eyes reveal  her nervousness, however. ”Hello?” she calls, voice as delicate as an angel’s wing. The aroma of herbs and fresh citrus cling to her pelt, betraying some of the contents of her satchel. ”Might I speak to someone who lives here?” Sooner rather than later, preferably. All this waiting makes her anxious.

Re: pretty when i cry — joining - arcy - 07-01-2018

Caboose probably wasn't the ideal person to encounter at the border as a first person or something. Not because he was intimidating or aggressive or anything. He was the opposite, really. The problem was that Caboose was not helpful. He wouldn't help unless prompted. And he was as dumb as a rock. Any questions would be answered simply, but they weren't satisfactory. Luckily, in a group this large, Caboose wasn't generally left to his own devices with people for long. Wasn't even usually there first. Or at all. Caboose didn't really approach often. Cause either way he'd end up just standing there or scampering off without a word. He didn't talk a lot of the time cause people didn't want him to. They scolded him a lot. Caboose didn't want to upset them, so he was quiet!
"Hi!! Hello!! Yes!! I live here!!" So, of course, here comes Caboose. The Golden Retriver stumbles over his paws approaching, and his helmet, round and blue and definitely weird, is definitely skewed, but he seems happy enough. Head held high as he stumbles to a halt in front of the much more regal being. Hey, did he actually live here? Well. He'd been here for enough nights, that was fine! In any case. He considers her, head tilted, but he doesn't really get anything out of it. She was pretty and she was a wolf and that's all Caboose got out of it. He wasn't very observant. Or smart.  "Did you ... Did you need something.' His voice is pretty flat, but that was just how he spoke. His tail is still wagging, friendly enough. Honestly, if it weren't for Caboose's experience in demanding why people were on their territory or whatever he'd probably be stumbling a lot more right now. But they barged into each other's bases a lot, back at home. So. This wasn't anything really new. And besides, she was just in the forest-border-place-thing!! Not even base!! That was cool!!

Re: pretty when i cry — joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-01-2018

Honestly, Gordon probably wasn't the very ideal person to meet on the border, either. She was often to anxious too look a newcomer in the eye and she had a tendency to mumble when she talked. Gordon followed after Caboose, although she was a few paces behind him. She didn't look up from her paws as he spoke towards the stranger, but she was listening to the conversation, waiting for Imperia - whose name she didn't know, of course - to respond.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: pretty when i cry — joining - Margaery - 07-01-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Typically, Margaery would have been the ideal person to greet a newcomer upon the border. All smiles and charm, she knew her way around the Ascendants and could answer any inquiry that regarded her home with little to no contemplation. Genevieve, on the hand, was in no position to even be leaving her room. She was a troublemaker and someone who delighted in the pain of others. Far from a proper candidate for a welcoming team. She still sauntered up to the trio though, unfazed by the protests that sounded in the back of her mind from Margaery. In the recent days, she had stopped caring so much about what her counterpart had to say, instead relishing in the delight that came with being in the waking, conscious world once more. If Margaery was going to seize control again, she would have done it by now. Though neither of them would ever willingly admit such, they both enjoyed this little change up in power- even if none of their clanmates did.

Pausing besides Gordon, the huntress would flash a wicked smile, claws sheathing and unsheathing in anticipation. [color=#b14767]”Hello, sugar,” She extended smoothly, the sickly sweet venom lacing her words difficult to miss. A glance would be shot in the direction of her clanmates, muted intrigue flaring in her chest as she wondered how they would handle this joiner now that she was here. She already knew that she put poor little Gordon on edge. She wondered how much she could push that. [color=#b14767]”Genevieve Harper, at your service. This is the Ascendants.”

Re: pretty when i cry — joining - Roy Mustang - 07-02-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy was padding through the Ascendants territory, paws leading him down a familiar trail when his ears pricked up at an angelic voice. The male came to a pause as he looked over in the direction of the unfamiliar voice, an ear flicking as he listened to the stranger from afar. Whoever this was, they wanted to speak with them- he couldn't help it but wonder what they wanted. The three legged bobcat let out a sigh, deciding to change his plans and head in the direction of Imperia, ears drawing back to his skull. Roy wasn't sure why he was making his way over to the border, Roy wasn't that open to strangers- especially those who wished to join. The Flame Alchemist hasn't officially welcomed anyone into the Ascendants, or really offered anyone to join. He might have offered it to Riza and Maes, but he already knew those people. They already gained and earned his trust, unlike the people he doesn't know at the border.

The male was the next one to pad into the scene, the melanistic bobcat looking over at Imperia. His gaze locked on her, blue eyes scanning her person, noticing the satchel she wore. He didn't make any comments regarding it, smelling the scent of herbs off of her fur. She must be a medic, or at least have an interest in herbs, if she was carrying that around. As he stood there, the male noticed how no one asked for this proper lady's name, blue eyes blinking. "Who are you?" He questioned her with a flick of his ear, before falling silent, awaiting an answer.

Re: pretty when i cry — joining - imperia - 07-02-2018

The sound of approaching pawsteps draw Imperia's attention from her own thoughts to the amber ocean of prairie grasses. Sagacious steel-colored eyes notice how some blades of grass shiver and shake, as if someone were moving through them. The lovely young she-wolf assumes that a resident of this place approaches from that direction. As confident as she is in her assumption, Imperia cannot ignore the sudden build-up of pressure within her chest. The anxiety is irrational and overwhelming. Her heart thunders madly. She can't breathe. Her muscles tense as the unknown person gets closer and closer, preparing to run at a moment's notice, if need be. Thankfully there is no need for shameless fleeing into the sea of grasses today, for it is not some terrifying beast with intentions to rip her apart piece by piece, but a friendly, if not a bit dopey, golden retriever.

"Hi!! Hello!! Yes!! I live here!!"

A radiant smile immediately blossoms upon her monochromatic visage. Something about the stranger's simple joy warms her heart; soothes her. Peri has not interacted much with people since she escaped that horrible place, and what few interactions she has had were not friendly in the slightest. No matter how many wonderful the Ascendants sound from their outside reputation, it is quite difficult for Peri to abandon the paranoia she has developed. She wants to believe so badly that no one is inherently a bad person, but she has been proven wrong time and time again--something that reflects in her generalized fear of strangers. Although Caboose may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, he is exactly what Imperia needs to abandon her fears. "Bonjour," says the dainty wolf with a polite incline of her head. "I would like to stay here, if that is alright." Stay, as in join, but the girl is not entirely sure of how to go about asking. She used to live in a pack with her family but it is probably best that she is no longer there. It is safer here in a world with which she is unfamiliar than to have stayed with her family.

As she speaks, another creature arrives. This one, a short-legged feline with downcast eyes. Perhaps the she-cat is shy? Imperia smiles faintly. She might have greeted Gordon were she not interrupted by the arrival of a very eye-catching female. Beautiful, charming, a dangerous glimmer in her eye...Peri's left ear swivels backwards; a nervous tick. Confident people have always intimidated her. Not to say that she is afraid, exactly. It's just that seeing someone so radiant and self-assured only makes Imperia painfully aware of how she is the exact opposite. "E-enchanté," she stammers, a genuine, albeit a tad awkward, smile tugging at her lips. "It is wonderful to meet you--all of you." As stressful as it is to have this many strangers looking at her, a part of Imperia is bursting with excitement to have accomplished her goal. She made it. She is safe. Granted, the she-wolf might need to reconsider the latter statement later on. Especially now that yet another person arrives on the scene. Peri begins to grow more and more anxious, the overwhelming emotion forcing her to stand and shuffle backwards a few steps simply to release the pressure. She is still smiling, but her discomfort is as clear as day.

"Who are you?"

Peri blinks. Oh. Oh no. She realizes with horror that she has forgotten to introduce herself! While that may not be that big of a deal to some, Imperia lives and breathes rules and manners. She considers it incredibly rude for a visitor to not introduce themselves. "I apologize," laments the girl with a sheepish expression. "My name is Imperia Arceneau." Although she is a little awkward, there is no questioning how genuine she is. Every word, every expression, every movement just oozes that sort of naive wonder and goodness.

Re: pretty when i cry — joining - Margaery - 07-02-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Well this one certainly was something. Delicate, dainty, a flower waiting for its petals to be plucked, yes she could sense an underlying sort of innocent nervousness to this Imperia girl. Genevieve delighted in stumbling across these sorts of people. The gentle were always the easiest (and most fun) to break and she, ever the monster, wondered how much she could push and prode at the she-wolf before something gave. It was a beastly thought, oh she was well aware, but Margaery had not created Genevieve to be a charming individual. She was not sunshine and roses and honeyed smiles and polite greetings. And she most certainly was not the face that Margaery, outwardly, projected to the world. Genevieve had never been good. Benevolent. Kind. Darkness loomed over her, ominous and threatening and all consuming, and she relished in it. Wanted it.

To some degree, so did Margaery. An ancient evil coursed through her veins and it was common knowledge that her vampirism had never been kind to her. One day, Genevieve knew with crisp certainty that they would once more be reunited and that she, perhaps, would be the fact that was displayed to the world.

But that was a discussion for another time and the assassin knew better than to get too lost in her own head. Even a momentary lapse in awareness would bring Margaery (or worse: Maarit or Ingrid) spiraling back into the real world. So she instead forced that empty smile to widen, her empty eyes still gleaming with that dangerous little sparkle. [color=#b14767]”Imperia, what a lovely name. Would you like a tour, sugar plum?” She inquired, not knowing what exactly she was doing. This canine could not provide her anything save an easy kill and Margaery would never permit her to sink her claws into the flesh of a new clanmate. The words had already left her mouth though and she simply couldn’t take them back. For the day, she supposed she was bound to being helpful.

Re: pretty when i cry — joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-02-2018

Gordon visibly tensed as Genevieve came over, and the little Observer would quietly make her way over to sit beside Roy in an attempt to 'hide' from Genevieve. Gordon finally decided to look up at Imperia for a brief moment with a small smile as she spoke, "Ah, w-welcome to The Ascendants." She squeaked out, trying to block out Genevieve as much as she could. "My-my name's Gordon Cipher." She immediately went back to looking at the ground, though she was mostly trying to watch Genevieve from the corner of her eye.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: pretty when i cry — joining - imperia - 07-03-2018

Yes, she is gentle and nervous and good and kind and maybe a bit naive, but she is not dense. Imperia can sense something malevolent about the beautiful Genevieve. She reminds Peri of Katherine—a girl she grew up with back in her pack, someone who made her believe they were friends through the use of fake smiles and gifts, only to be revealed as the mastermind behind all the bullying and all the gossip. It was devastating to learn that someone she loved her entire life only pretended to reciprocate. What's worse is all the private thoughts and feelings Imperia told Katherine in confidence were utilized to maximize her suffering. Is it so bad that she wants to love everyone? Why must people reveal their corruption time and time again? Peri learned the hard way that as much as she wants to see the good in everyone, she must be aware of ulterior motives and bad intentions. And this Genevieve is raising all sorts of alarms. But Imperia does not want to be rude, so she ignores them for the time being. "Ah, merci beaucoup—thank you," she says, ducking her head shyly. Imperia never really was good at receiving compliments. She loves them, but does not trust them. "A tour would be much appreciated." There is no reason for Genevieve to harm her on clan territory, so Imperia thinks it will be okay to accept the other's offer. Before she leaves to follow the pretty female, Peri pauses at the sound of a timid voice. Ah, the little feline! "Thank you," she says warmly, offering Gordon a friendly smile. "It is wonderful to meet you." And Imperia means it, too.

Re: pretty when i cry — joining - ★ HAZEL - 07-03-2018

Hazel once again found herself by the border, cocoa paws carrying her in the direction of familiar faces and a task she had done so many times it was nearly second nature. Fatigue weighed on her like ice, begging her eyelids to close in another bid for a sweet, sweet nap. Stubbornly, Hazel resisted, knowing that only nightmares and shadows awaited her arrival in the mindscape. As if the natural pull of sleep wasn’t enough, the voice in her head would coo and coax her into a daze, lulling her with a quiet, gentle thrum. Hazel loathed the girl’s voice vehemently.

Upon her arrival, golden optics swept over the wolf, saucer wide with young curiosity that seemed to never leave. She had never imagined a wolf as graceful, but here stood Imperia, built like a fragile dancer and moving like the earth might refuse each step she pressed to its surface. In fact, this girl caused a sudden wash of connection, reminding Hazel of how she must have seemed when she first joined: quietly excited with the knowledge of escaping the abuse and torment that lingered at home, she had been desperate to test the waters of her freedom without ever getting a paw wet. She had backtracked everything that fell from her lips, apologizing and keeping her frame small and locked, rigid with the fear of backlash. Hazel indulged herself by thinking that she had changed since then, though it was untrue.

Blinking, Hazel realized Suite was about to lead a tour. Best get out of the way then, waste of space. The voice leered, sending Hazel’s mental guard on high alert. Still, despite the cold drizzle of guilt and self depreciation dripping down her spine in knowing that she was actively wasting everyone’s time, Hazel smiled, the thing light, airy, and friendly.Ave, Imperia. I’m Hazel.” Sweet and simple, the Latin greeting rolled off her tongue. “It’s wonderful to have you. I hope you enjoy it here!”
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]