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ALL PLAY NO WORK -- o, fishing - Printable Version

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ALL PLAY NO WORK -- o, fishing - guts - 07-01-2018

Greed wasn't the type of guy to go fishing. He was the type to go out late at night, stay out late partying, then come home in a drunk haze--really, the polar opposite of the old man you would find sitting by the side of a creek. But there he was nevertheless, sat beside the rushing waves of the ocean with a fishing pole in hand. He wasn't patient, and the longer he waited, watching for a shake of the line, he got more and more frustrated. Why did that yellow bastard have to give him such a boring task? He probably did it on purpose, the panther decided with a small huff.

After a little more waiting with no results, he turned to the large nets he had brought along, collected in a pile beside him. He had wanted to use them after catching a few fish the old fashioned way, but since they weren't cooperating, it probably wouldn't hurt to go ahead and use it. Now, if only he could figure out how to untangle them.

He was a very prideful man, and so, he was always easily embarrassed and his ego was often fragile. He would shrug it off and laugh, but inside he would be screaming. That was exactly how it was as he realized he had gotten himself stuck, tangled in the nets. He struggled and grunted, flipping and kicking up sand, but to no avail. They were wrapped tightly around him and didn't seem like they'd let up any time soon. Instead of wriggling and making it worse, he'd sigh, resigning himself to this fate.


Re: ALL PLAY NO WORK -- o, fishing - ROXANNE R. - 07-01-2018

✧*:・゚ Well, wasn't this a pleasant sight?

The idiot had gotten stuck in his own nets and as much as Roxanne would have loved to avoided Greed right now, she decided that she might as well help him. It wasn't like she was gonna kiss his cuts or anything, no, she would just let him loose and be on her way. She walked over with her ears angled forward "Well, isn't this quite the sight." She finally said with a soft huff getting a bit closer looking over the nets trying to figure out where she could possibly cut it from, huh, if she had wanted to she could have had a sweet dish of revenge right about now. She decide to go to the side where he wouldn't be able to see her, her eyes twinkling with mischief though it was much darker intent. She aimed to bite his shoulder in a swift movement if this was successful she would say innocently "Oops my bad! I didn't mean to," Of course, these bites were hard enough to leave a mark or draw blood though she did take off a bit of his fur. 'Take that stupid ass.' She thought bitterly though she tried reminding herself of what her actual goal was here, it wasn't for her petty revenge but getting her clanmate out. Clanmate. Yeah, he sorta demoted himself to that "position". She wouldn't even consider him an acquaintance, she took a deep breath attempting to chew through the net and get Greed out. Her pink claws holding onto the net as her whiskers twitched "How did you even get stuck in this?" She said with a frown not bothering to offer a fake smile, she raised a nonexistent eyebrow at him and her tail lashed to the sides. He probably couldn't even catch fish, she rarely caught any but when she did she usually mimicked the seagulls when they dove to catch fish. Her whiskers twitched "Have you never fished before?" She piped out sitting down and looking down at her pink claws, she could always try and help him but that's only if he asked otherwise he wouldn't get squat from her.

Re: ALL PLAY NO WORK -- o, fishing - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-01-2018

See, that was exactly why Caesar had given Greed this task. He knew that the panther didn't like fishing, let alone know how to do it. Although granted, Caesar didn't know how to fish himself, but he wasn't going to let anybody know that. But the reason Caesar was over here was because of the task he given Greed and he knew the guy was too prideful not to do it. So Caesar came closer to the scene with an amused grin. "Gee, I wonder how that feels." The demon commented with a smirk, watching Greed struggle a bit in the net. However, Roxanne was quick to ruin the fun as she attempted to help him out - though the nip she gave him was pretty funny. "Aw, Rox. Why donn't you let him figure how to get out on his own?" He asked, pouting a bit. He really wanted to see Greed injure himself somehow.

Re: ALL PLAY NO WORK -- o, fishing - guts - 07-01-2018

His relationship with Roxie was pretty tense, especially after certain events. If he was being truthful, he had no idea that she felt the way she did for him. Really, he thought she knew what he was after, and he had tried to make it pretty clear. He hadn't planned on some romantic thing where they fell in love and got hitched. That just wasn't his thing, and he couldn't see himself doing it, at least not any time soon. Plus, seeing her eat somebody was pretty concerning, too. It made him a little bit more on edge whenever she was around, afraid he might be her designated meal.

Still, as she appeared, Greed's face brightened. He was happy to see her, if not only so she could help him out of his predicament. Of course, he'd try a little bit more to get out on his own since he didn't want to put his pride out on the line. "Heh, don't worry about me. I can get out myself, it's just...gonna take a sec," he tries to reassure her, wriggling around more in his bonds. Luckily it doesn't take her long to step in and he grins as she disappears out of his line of sight.

"Aw, thanks! I could have gotten out eventually, but--YOUCH!!" he's cut off as he yelps out, both pained and startled by the sudden bite to his shoulder. It was a good thing his hardening hadn't kicked in, otherwise Roxie would have walked away missing a few teeth. "What the hell was that for?! That hurt!" okay, he could probably guess what she had done it for. Stupid question.

He glares at Caesar as he appears, lips twitching at his comment. One of these days he'd end up punching him square in the fucking face. But that day would not be today--hopefully, if he could hold himself back. He huffs as he stands up, tail lashing behind him as he shakes himself off. "Shut up, lemon-head. I don't need your input," he flashes him a smirk, knowing the nicknames got under his skin.
