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jolie quand je pleure — imperia's storage - Printable Version

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jolie quand je pleure — imperia's storage - imperia - 07-01-2018

[glow=#8B5F65,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ IMPERIA ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated july 23rd — archived bio

name. imperia joan arceneau
imperia is the latin word for imperial or commanding
nicknames. peri, ria, frenchie
biological gender. female
feminine pronouns
birth date. february 2, 2017
age. 17 months
clan. the ascendants

[glow=#8B5F65,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. heather kemesky
voiceclaim. camille rowe
has a faint french accent
loves to learn new things (knowledge, hobbies, skills, etc.)
very shy and insecure
polite & proper
moves almost noiselessly
constantly tries to please everyone
a hopeless romantic
genuinely cares for everyone's well-being
falls in love easily
does not like being confined
strong wanderlust

most original character
favorite personality
favorite secret ship ( perimoon & periwash )
most gullible character
most likely to cry over a TV series

[glow=#8B5F65,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
eurasian wolf. — birth body 100% health
imperia is a silver wolf with grey eyes the color of steel. rather petite, she stands about 2 feet at the shoulder, with long limbs and lithe muscles like a ballerina. her fur is long and sleek, and always immaculately groomed no matter the occasion. her overcoat is a silvery tint, much lighter in hue along the nape of her neck and top of her skull while her undercoat is a darker, gunmetal grey. imperia can often be seen wearing wildflowers woven into the longer areas of her coat and is almost always smiling. her gait is smooth and graceful, and she often smells faintly lavender and lemons.
injuries. none

infj-t && ravenclaw && amity && neutral good.
imperia is a good girl. kind and soft spoken, she goes out of her way to help those in need and is duty-bound to her sense of justice and doing the right thing even if it is the last thing she wants to do. whether that means something as small as biting her tongue when she would rather yell or as shocking as healing a criminal. her devotion to the Maker serves as the basis for her morals, but does not allow her religious beliefs to get in the way of her relationships with others. a victim of physical and emotional abuse as a child, imperia is on the road to recovery. while she is no longer a stuttering mess or skittish around strangers, she still struggles with self-worth and insecurity; she speaks up against injustices but apologizes for her loud voice, works hard to earn the respect and admiration of others but struggles to understand why they compliment her despite earning it. due to her experience with bullying and maltreatment on the behalf of others, she cannot turn a blind eye when she sees similar behavior in others. while her words do not always accurately convey what she meant to say and despite the fact that her knees may tremble, imperia will stand up in the defense of others.
main personality traits. empathetic, altruistic, dedicated, thoughtful, loving, reserved, observant, polite, pious, intelligent, self-deprecating, timid, meek, insecure, low self-esteem

parents. marguerite dumont x pierre arceneau
siblings. tba
children. harland (adopted)
sexuality. bisexual polyamorous
relationship status. single
crushes. moonmade
friends. moon, washington
enemies. none

physically && mentally. average && difficult
will fight if necessary && avoids killing at all costs
self defense. knows some, but is more likely to flee
kindness is her weapon of choice
mention [member=598]imperia[/member] or [member=318]roman[/member] when attacking
attacks in bold
powers. invisibility, intangibility, clairvoyance

Re: jolie quand je pleure — imperia's storage - imperia - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"][Image: xyvyj2K.png]

peri art from yuba <3

[Image: tumblr_ouyh7mVpv41w0gb9mo2_r1_540.png]

some old art by tricky & cake

[Image: imperia_by_leogrim-db81p9x.png]

[Image: ALbqc0t.png?1]

both the icon and the sketch are by Pax : )

[Image: imperia.png]

thank you, bug c;

Re: jolie quand je pleure — imperia's storage - imperia - 07-23-2018

[div style="border-width:0px; width: 50%; text-align: justify; margin: 0 auto; font-family: timesnewroman; line-height: 1.4;"][glow=black,2,300]PLAYLIST[/glow]

Shady Grove — Takénobu
"Peaches in the summertime / Apples in the fall / If I can't have the girl I love / I don't want none at all / Shady Grove / My little love / Shady Grove, I know / Shady Grove / My little love / I'm bound for Shady Grove / Cheeks as red as the bloomin' rose / Eyes of the prettiest brown / She is the darling of my heart / The prettiest girl in town"

Love Is Like A Butterfly — Dolly Parton
"Love is like a butterfly / As soft and gentle as a sigh / The multicolored moods of love are like its satin wings / Love makes your heart feel strange inside / It flutters like soft wings in flight / Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing / I feel it when you're with me / It happens when you kiss me / That rare and gentle feeling that I feel inside / Your touch is soft and gentle / Your kiss is warm and tender / Whenever I am with you I think of butterflies"

Goodhearted Woman — Waylon Jennings
"A long time forgotten are dreams that just fell by the way / The good life he promised ain't what she's living today / But she never complains of the bad times or bad things he's done, Lord / She just talks about the good times they've had and all the good times to come / She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' man / She loves him in spite of his ways that she don't understand / Through teardrops and laughter, they'll pass through this world hand-in-hand / A good-hearted woman loving her good timing man"

Smother — Daughter
"I'm wasted, losing time / I'm a foolish, fragile spine / I want all that is not mine / I want him but we're not right / In the darkness I will meet my creators / And they will all agree, that I'm a suffocator"

Brother — Kodaline
"We've taken different paths / And travelled different roads / I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old / And when you're in the trenches / And you're under fire I will cover you / If I was dying on my knees / You would be the one to rescue me / And if you were drowned at sea / I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe"

Re: jolie quand je pleure — imperia's storage - imperia - 08-06-2018

(08-05-2018, 03:20 PM)grassina link Wrote: [align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]imperia ―
stars burning in your eyes. walking with grace. white lace. crystal balls and tarot cards. flower crowns. looking to the sky with questions and finding the answers in yourself. kindness. fog in the mountains. polished silver. selflessness. the smell of an old library and your favorite book. tart baked goods. letting flower petals decide if they love you or if they don't. soft as silk. the pale light of the moon. french poetry. lullabies. the swords of ancient warriors. laughing eyes. crystals. smiles so bright they light up rooms. architecture from days of old. healing the hurt. solace. still waters that reflect the stars.

(07-25-2018, 08:34 PM)MOONMADE link Wrote: [align=center][table]
[tr][td][div style="background:##F5F5DC; border: 0px; border-radius: 2em 2em 0em 0em; height:40px; width: 220px; margin-right:-95px; margin-top:90px; transform: rotate (270deg); -o-transform: rotate(270deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg); -moz-transform: rotate(270deg);"][align=center]
[td][div style="background:#F5F5DC; width: 520px; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; padding:10px; font-family:courier"][color=black]this took me a while to write. dunno why. i guess its because i know peri better than the others, so its harder to sit in the dark, scribbling shit about her on a piece of crumbled paper. i feel like i should have gotten better paper.

i remember - and yeah i know it was only a fucking week ago, leave me alone - but i remember when i turned up at the border and she came up, smiling. still dunno if she was laughing with me or at me. i like to think it was the former but it probably wasn't. i don't know french for shit but i guess it was worth making a fool of myself.

she's some kinda genius, i just know. she's so smart-- so much smarter than me-- and I'm just waiting for the day she takes over the world. maybe I'll be there to calm her down if world domination gets too much and she gets like she did the time we got locked in the underground; all panicky and stuff. not that I'm any good at that. i'll learn.

(by the way, who the fuck made her like that? ill go full Hannibal and ill fuckin eat you, i swear. no hesitation.)

it feels weird to get all attached to someone so quick. guess it feels weird to get attached to someone, period. i had this weird fucking feeling when i saw her disappear into the water the other day, and i don't ever wanna feel it again. not to sound like some failed poet, but it felt like i-- actually, you know what, im not gonna write that. there's no way in hell im writing the words 'it felt like i was drowning, too' unless i plan to off myself within the next five minutes. fuck that. i need some semblance of dignity after i finish this shit.

doesn't matter, though. it's late and i can't sleep, and i turn into a little bitch on nights like this, so this whole thing is probably nauseating. i'll probably read it in the morning and burn it to a crisp. i'm gonna go try sleep. why did i just write that? i know  thats what I'm doing. who the fuck am i even talking to? jesus.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: jolie quand je pleure — imperia's storage - imperia - 09-20-2018

idk if i like this:

Re: jolie quand je pleure — imperia's storage - imperia - 09-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"][Image: JdUelRk.jpg]