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gold — open + mel's birthday - Printable Version

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gold — open + mel's birthday - melantha - 07-01-2018

// since i was at a wedding on mel's birthday, this is a late celebration thread (even if she probably hasn't told anyone lmao). in this thread, she's a year old, but my baby girl actually turned 5 years old as I first started roleplaying her on June 24, 2013

Not quite the celebrating type, it is no surprise that Melantha failed to inform any of her clanmates that her birthday is this month. The solitary creature prefers to keep out of the spotlight, and if anyone knew that her birthday is today, Melantha knows that she would know no peace. Sometimes the people of Snowbound are too friendly and warm for her tastes. They might make her feel too loved. And if she feels too loved, she might start thinking about home and her brothers and sisters and mother and father. And if that happens, well, Mel does not believe she will be able to refrain from breaking into tears. The young female wants to avoid opening up the well of homesickness. It's a weakness, her weakness. Even if her clanmates are the closest thing she has to a family now, Mel does not trust that none of them will exploit her emotions in some manner; so she buries them and hides from the world. Getting close to people is basically a death sentence. That is how she perceives it, at least.

Melantha may not be throwing a big party showcasing that she successfully lived a full year, but she does treat herself. The mountain lioness wakes up at sunrise, not before dawn like she usually does (she even smiles that cheesy smile everyone always makes in the movies). Instead of raw meat torn from the two-day old elk carcass she stashes in the chilled cellar, Mel takes the time to sit down and cook a fresh meal. She seasons it just how she observed Jacob doing one time—his version is far better than any method she could have come up with on her own. Then she bathes; lathering her sleek fur in soaps made from organic ingredients. Mel emerges from her home smelling of lavender and citrus. Next on her list is to pick out a new book to read. The novel she chooses from her ever-growing pile is yet another soapy romantic drama, but with murder this time. And maybe a bit of mystery. Satisfied, the wildcat quietly exits her house, locks the door, and heads outside the village to a cute meadow beside a stream. The air is still cold, but there is enough sun to sustain some wildflowers—something that pleases Melantha immensely. She loves flowers and romance and pretty scents, although she tends to conceal these things quite well. Not today, however, she is indulging herself. And there is nothing like reading a sappy romance novel in a creekside meadow surrounded by flowers while smelling like flowers, too.

"Happy birthday to me," she murmurs to herself quietly as she opens the book to the first page. Melantha does not intend on moving for at least two hours, if she can help it.

Re: gold — open + mel's birthday - jacob w.c. - 07-02-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — Jacob liked Mel. He wasn't quite sure he knew her particularly well, but he wasn't sure that anyone could really say that. The woman was fairly reserved in pretty much every aspect of her life and he wished he took more time to really get to know her but, like most things, it often got swept to the side in the wake of some sort of emergency or event or... well, anything. Ever since he'd become leader, Jacob hadn't been entirely sure how to balance all the things he'd privately like to do with everything he had to do. So, when he saw the woman sitting all by herself he made his way over with a wide smile, ready to start a conversation until he heard her words. Happy birthday to me. It was her birthday? She hadn't even told him! What was he supposed to get her? What was he supposed to do? He couldn't do any of the usual baked goods because Melantha didn't like things like that but he still wanted to do something special for her. Without a word, the man darted off back towards camp and to his cabin. What was he going to do? He began searching through his cupboards before coming across a variety of fruit. She would like that, wouldn't she? He knew she didn't really like sweet things but this wasn't baked so maybe she'd enjoy it more. No, Melantha liked meat. Uncooked meat. How could he make that special? It wasn't like he had time to pick out anything particularly amazing for her. Still, he got a few rabbits and quietly went to work, cutting up the meat and sprinkling in various seasonings. It wasn't anything fancy but she wasn't a fancy sort of person.

Jacob then made his way outside, to the small garden he'd been attempting to grow, and pulled out a few of the flowers, binding them together with a string. This would be a good enough present, wouldn't it? Mel was a simple person and he wasn't sure she'd want anything very extravagant. Once he was finished, he returned to where the girl was reading and called, "Mel! I got somethin' for your birthday! I wasn't quite sure what ya' wanted but i knew tha' ya' don' like cooked stuff or sweets or anythin' so I jus' got some meat n' tried seasonin' it a bit but I wasn' really sure if ya'd like that. It's okay if ya' don't. I also got ya' this bouquet. Sorry it ain't wrapped or extravagant or nothin', I didn' really know 'til a few minutes ago, actually." He had a sheepish smile as he pushed it forward before startin to back away. [b]"Anyway, sorry for botherin' ya'. I'll leave ya' ta' your readin' now. I jus'- ya' know you're my friend, Mel, so I wanted ta' give ya' somethin', at least." — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN