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HONEY LAVENDER / o, hangover - Printable Version

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HONEY LAVENDER / o, hangover - ROXANNE R. - 07-01-2018

✧*:・゚ Her head was pounding and her breath smelt of alcohol, she blinked open her eyes feeling something next to her or well more like underneath her. She sat up letting out a soft groan realizing that she was surrounded by feathers, she picked them up into her paws trying to remember what had happened to her or where she was. Her nose twitching a bit the smell of Greed clinging to her and the bed, it made her wonder where he had want off to. She glanced at the feathers once more leaping off of the bed with shaky legs, her eyes half closed as she would stare outside to the window soon spotting a few familiar faces and smiling with a flutter in her heart when she noticed Greed was there. She was prepared to bolt down and greet him yet the next sight made something in her chest ache, he was flirting with some girls. Why did she care? He wasn't hers. She felt her eyes starting to sting a bit as tears found themselves into her mismatched gaze unable to swallow. Who was she kidding? He never loved her. She was just another plaything for her, she knew now of what she did. She was so stupid. "I. . ." She tried mustering out some words as her mixed pawpads touched the glass still watching him, she felt her ears pinning against her head feeling her blood boiling a bit. She felt a flurry of emotions overwhelming her, she shook her head quietly starting to cry a bit "You're s-so stupid, I h-hate you. . . I hate y-you for making m-me feel this way. . . I-idiot." She hastily wiped away her tears starting to head downstairs where she picked up Kalayavan and offered a grateful smile in the direction of the bartender. Men were fake. All of them. All of them who were like Greed.


She quickly made her way to her house to embarrassed with herself to even show her face, wow, who knew that loving someone and a night at the tavern would leave her feeling like this. Kalayavan did his best to keep up with Roxanne as she hurried along, once she had reached her home she opened the door slowly with a shake of her head. She didn't even notice or care if Kal had already gotten inside since she basically slammed the door in his face. She would proceed to put the locks on her door and would bury herself in her blankets hearing the television being on, she glanced at the screen with a frown on her maw watching some robots holding hands. Wow, great. Even stupid robotic things were more successful in having feelings than her. 'I was stupid to think he'd love me.' She thought covering herself in her blankets and turned off the T.V. not uttering a single word as she laid there in silence, she would curl her tail around her body and pushed her nose into the fur wincing at the smell of herself, alcohol, and Greed. She closed her eyes feeling a tear slip down her cheek, she would just have to ignore it just like she was right now. Ignoring poor Kalayavan, who had nothing to do with it, he was chirping at first but now he was letting out distressed hisses and clawing at her door. She mumbled out quietly "Shut up, Kal. Go swimming or somethin'. . ." She was too sick with herself to even eat ice cream and she was too tired of everything to even to just relax yet sleep didn't come to find her due to her being completely awake.

Truth be told, this was her first actual heartbreak and she didn't know how to handle it. She just wanted to stay isolated by herself with no one to bother her but she was certain someone would eventually notice something was off especially due to Kalayavan being outside by himself. Roxanne rarely left Kal by himself afraid that the seagulls would peck at him or other crocs would come over and see him as a small treat. She felt something stuck in her wing and would pull it out noticing that it was a feather, her nose wrinkled with confusion before she tossed it over the side of the bed. She just wanted to not over think these things and ponder over who that feather belonged to "Probably some random bitch." She said in a hushed voice.

Re: HONEY LAVENDER / o, hangover - coldblue - 07-02-2018

Heartbreak. A phenomenon known only to Coldblue through mentions in art and literature. Although the connotation of the word is almost decidedly romantic, heartbreak is something which can occur in anyone, anytime, anywhere. Sure, it is most commonly used in reference to an unhappy romance, but one can be heartbroken because a dear friend canceled last minute on the day of an important event. It can be caused by wanting to believe so badly that a friend or family member is a good person, only to be disappointed time and time again. Heartbreak is both a universal and an extremely personal experience. As for Coldblue, he would be unable to say whether or not he has ever been heartbroken. Does missing his mom so much that sometimes he cries himself to sleep count? What about being torn between his love for his sister and his envy that he is not nearly as loved as she? Perhaps. These feelings do cause an immense strain on his body, although he is careful to never let anyone see just normal he really is. Blue enjoys playing the role of the arrogant pretty boy—sometimes he even believes it himself. Better than being bloated by emotions he cannot even begin to understand.

The weather today is beautiful. Coldblue enjoys the gentle warmth of the sun as it radiates along his pelt, allowing his mind to drift to far off places as he heads in the direction of the submarine where Goldie and Pincher live. Not him, though. He tells himself it's because he does not like how cramped it feels in there, but in reality he does not feel like he belongs; he feels like an outcast. Regardless, the boy intends to check in on the health of his sister. Funny how Blue is always finding her half-dead and Pincher only arrives to give Goldie presents as if he was there all along. The thought makes him agitated. He lashes his tail back and forth as he strides across camp, so lost within his own mind that he nearly walks past the little crocodile scratching at someone's door.

He stops, pausing for a moment, and then slowly pivots on his heels to gaze upon the very distressed reptile. Is that not Roxanne's precious little pet? Coldblue is a lot of things—stubborn, vindictive, lazy—but he is not the sort of guy to let someone get away with neglecting the one's who rely on them. "Hey, little guy," greets the kid in a soft voice, cautiously reaching out a paw to pet the reptile's scales in a soothing manner. "Did you get locked outside? That's not good." Usually only Goldie receives this sort of love and attention from Blue, so it might be a little odd for anyone who knows him well enough. He straightens himself, sucks in a deep breath, and then proceeds to knock loudly on Roxanne's door. "I don't know what you're doing in there but you left Kal outside and he's very upset. Stop being irresponsible and come take care of him!" he shouts while doing so. He is genuinely upset on the behalf of the little crocodile. He's okay with a bit of bullying, apparently, but he draws the line at animal cruelty.