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I SHOULD HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR // open, pride flags - Printable Version

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I SHOULD HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR // open, pride flags - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-30-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash knew that this month was referred to as 'Pride Month', though with everything going on, she didn't have time to really go out and celebrate it. But luckily she found the time to do so today, on the very last day of Pride. To be truthful, Atbash was relieved to hear that this Earth celebrated people who were LGBT+, since back home that... wasn't really quite the case. But the Arcticplayer wasn't going to focus on how society was back in Dimension FiveX, it was time to focus on the present for once and enjoy being happy for once. She might not have a girlfriend, but at least everybody was so accepting here.

So what did Atbash do? She found a bunch of paint and some mini flags and painted over them as much as she could, as well as finding some sticks out in the forest to make little mini pride flags. The she-cat carried as much as she could towards the center of camp, her paws practically covered in rainbow as well. "Hey guys!" The Arcticplayer called, her eyes shining with happiness. "I made pride flags!"
bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I SHOULD HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR // open, pride flags - Dimitri - 07-01-2018

Guess it was just the right time for him to be out. The alter had a slight smile on his face at this news, then slight regret. After all, they'd lost track of the date and looks like he had missed his month to shine. "Hey!" He said, running to the female and skidding to a halt in front of her. "Do you have a pansexual one?"

// time to play guess the alter

Re: I SHOULD HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR // open, pride flags - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-01-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Pansexual, that was... pink, yellow, and blue. Atbash quickly scanned her flags for the one Dimitri request. Upon finding one, she smiled more (if that was even possible) and grabbed it in one of her paws before holding it out to him. "Yeah, here you go!" She purred.
bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I SHOULD HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR // open, pride flags - PIERCE - 07-01-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
As silly as it may be, considering Pierce was, well... Pierce, he didn't know much about pride. He knew it was about celebrating love and things about yourself and others, but he didn't really get the whole "LGBTQ+" thing. Back in his old home, no one had really cared about who you loved or what you identified as, and it seemed to be the same case, so he couldn't quite grasp the concept of pride. He supposed there were sometimes mean people that were "against" it, but he figured they were just crazy, and besides, they were the minority. His incapability to grasp the concept, however, meant nothing, for he knew he loved boys, and he knew he loved rainbows, and he guessed that was all that mattered. As long as everyone was happy, right?

Earlier in the month, Pierce had done some pretty, rainbow facepainting over in the Typhoon to celebrate whatever pride month was really supposed to be for, but he was still glad to see someone else celebrating with something different. "Ooh, these are nice, Atbash!" he commented with a sweet smile as he approached, tail waving behind him. He didn't really know what he was "classified" as, having only heard people talk about sexualities and stuff a handful of times, so he just said, "Do you, uh, have one for boys?" Darn, this was hard to explain. "Like, boys who like boys? And only boys?" He felt kind of stupid, standing there asking that, especially considering the feline beside him seemed to know exactly what he was talking about. "Or, you know what, may I just have a rainbow one, please?" That seemed safest- plus, it was the only "flag" he knew about. He could remember reading about the LGBTQ+ "community" when he was younger, but he couldn't remember what it had been about, really. Plus, all that silly discrimination stuff seemed to only affect humans.


Re: I SHOULD HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR // open, pride flags - arcy - 07-01-2018

Izuku, personally, found it a little off-putting just how accepting people here were about sexualities and stuff. That wasn't to say LGBT+ weren't accepted back at home -- they were, of course. But there were also the many, many people who were cruel to them. Things had gotten better, of course, but it was still just kind of ... he's not sure. Still, in any case, Izuku isn't actually sure ... who he likes? What he likes? He hasn't experienced 'romantic feelings' as far as he's aware. Izuku doesn't mind. He hasn't tried to put a label on it, he's only a kid, and he doesn't really care what gender he ends up liking as long as he likes them. It does make little events like this ... mildly problematic. Izuku wanted to be involved!! He wanted to support whatever this was and wanted to participate and be proud of whatever he was but he just. Wasn't sure what he was.
"Um -- this is really cool, Atbash!" Izuku chirps as he drags himself over, grimacing as he seats himself with wide eyes. He's grinning, maybe a little awed, tail twitching eagerly. Could he ask for one? Even if he didn't know what he wanted? He shuffles his paws out of habit before the pain stops him. Oops. Oh well. He glances between his clanmates as they ask for flags, and he's ... not sure. Happy. For them. Being secure and content with what they had. Was that the right description? He's not sure, but it's a lot more positive than Izuku was used to expecting. "I'm not ... I'm not sure who I'll like, but I don't think I ... care. Um. Can I ... Can I get a flag anyways?" Izuku looks down at his paws, nervous. Any flag would do -- but there was a Bi flag, wasn't there? Izuku isn't sure that quite fits, but he thinks that it's close enough that he wouldn't mind.
what was i worth

Re: I SHOULD HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR // open, pride flags - jacob w.c. - 07-02-2018

THE BLUE AND GREEN BELOW IS A MASTERPIECE — Jacob still wasn't sure about this whole 'sexuality' thing. Well, he sort of was. He knew he liked Pincher. But he just specifically liked Pincher. He thought that girls were cute before, he supposed, if he really thought about it, and he definitely knew he thought boys were very, very nice but he wasn't sure what any of that meant. Jacob quietly made his way over, unsure if he should say anything. He wasn't sure if anyone knew about his date with Pincher or about the time he was spending with the pirate captain and he wasn't too sure about all of it himself. He knew Pincher was his boyfriend. Well, he was pretty sure that's what it meant when two people frequently went out with each other with romantic intentions, anyway. He'd never actually been in a relationship before but he was too embarrassed to admit that to anyone, especially Pincher. He knew the other man had a lot more experience than he did with romantic relationships and he didn't want Deniz to be upset when he found out Jacob didn't have that same experience.

Whatever the case, he knew he should be getting one of these 'pride flag' things but he wasn't sure which one applied to him. "'Um, 'm jus' gonna take this one-" he murmured, grabbing a rainbow flag and twisting it in his paws. "But 'm not gay or nothin'-" he began in a nearly defensive tone, in the same way he would've replied to one of Jersey's jeering friends. They all liked to make fun of his sweaters and his glasses (before he'd stopped wearing them. He eventually wore them again but not until long after he'd come to Snowbound) and his voice. "I jus' like goin' out with Pincher is all-" he added in a much quieter tone, hardly audible to anyone else. He continued flipping the flag around in his paws for a moment before sticking it in his bag, where it stuck out just a little bit among all the herbs and sweaters he carried. — BUT YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN


Re: I SHOULD HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR // open, pride flags - CLEMENTINE P. - 07-03-2018

————- Clementine wasn't sure what 'Pride' was, aside from the most literal sense. Pride in yourself? Pride in others? Certainly her father- even no matter how mad she still might be at him- had done his best to teach her that. But then again, she was a child of two fathers. One of which was unknown to her and deceased, never spoken about by her living relative, Pierce, who had once been enamored, supposedly, to the other man. She couldn't help but to curiously poke her head in to what was going on here- what strange words it all was. Pansexual, gay, associated now to people that she knew faintly, or none at all. Her head tilted slightly as she stepped up beside her father, who was asking for a flag of his own. When he ultimately ended up asking for a rainbow one, she grinned. "I didn't know you liked rainbows so much, daddy." Her gaze turned quickly to Atbash, leaning against her father's side a touch more shyly, "Can I have a flag too? Even though I'm not... whatchya'm'callit."


Re: I SHOULD HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR // open, pride flags - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-03-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
If Atbash could read Pierce's thoughts, she'd probably talk about how her Dimension treated those in this community, and why she was so happy about actually being accepted here. Even though it was never a second thought for most people on Earth, Atbash just felt so happy and relieved that pride was a thing here. "Thanks, Pierce!" The Arcticplayer purred, slightly amused by how Pierce try describing the gay flag. "Of course." She purred again, letting out a mrrow of laughter as she reached for the flag he requested and offered it to him. Her attention turned to Izuku as he came over and she nodded. "Yeah, of course! Which one did you want?" Or he could just grab one, she didn't care.

Jacob was the next to come over and Atbash couldn't help but keep the amused smile on her face as Jacob tried defending himself. "You know there's nothing wrong with being gay, right?" She said in a gentle tone, though the fact that Jacob felt the need to defend himself was terrible. He had to have a reason to feel the need to do that so quickly, and that was quite worrisome. But Atbash decided not to press about it. It was probably a touchy subject to bring up, and she knew she didn't like to speak about her past much.

Now if Atbash could hear Clementine's thoughts, she would have told the little female what pride was exactly. It was about being proud of who you are and who you loved, and being accepting of others. And that was only a little bit of the reason for it, but that was the reason Atbash stuck to the most. But of course she didn't hear the young Snowbounder's thoughts and couldn't explain, but that didn't mean she was going to deny Clementine's request. "Which one do you want?" Atbash asked, tilting her head at Clementine.
bio | female | arcticplayer [hp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I SHOULD HAVE MADE MYSELF CLEAR // open, pride flags - arcy - 07-04-2018

Izuku relaxes a little, hearing Atbash's affirmation, and he offers her a smile smile as he peers at the flag selection. What did he want? What suited him best? He could go for the generic route -- gay pride, practically the face of the LGBT community and all that. He looked very torn about it, absolutely silent. It didn't feel quite right. Nothing really did. But still, as he squints heavily, Izuku shuffles forward to hesitantly pull one to himself. The bisexual flag seems most suiting to how he feels, but, well. Izuku didn't trust that. Generic route it was. He pulls a rainbow flag to himself, because of course, and shuffles away. He considers said flag for a long few moments, blinking at it.
"I think I like this one?" He says, head tilting in slight puzzlement. He looks very uncertain, ears partly flattened, but he offers Atbash a grin nonetheless. The flag doesn't feel right, of course. Izuku thought boys were, well, pretty a lot, but sometimes girls were too. But Izuku hadn't ever spent time analyzing it, especially since it could just be an aesthetic sorta thing. Besides, there was no real reason to solidify a label right now, anyways. As he must emphasize, he was just a kid. A kitten, almost. Who didn't really have an reason to deal with romance or whatever because he was busy and probably wasn't mentally prepared anyways. So. Whatever.
what was i worth