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lullaby // joining - Printable Version

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lullaby // joining - rakue - 03-21-2018

Thin legs carried a young girl slowly across an open tundra, pinpoint paws pressing small divots into the snow. A heavy wind pushed at her back, a gentle encouragement to press forward into the unknown expanse of land before her. The swirls of air around her could not drown the deafening white noise already occupying her thoughts, the beginnings of a scowl etched into the scrawny girl's features. The girl knew not of where she was, not of who she was; her mind ached as it struggled to piece together any piece of logic in her situation. Forest green eyes floated down from the stretch of open ivory down to her weary limbs, aching skin wrapped tightly around protruding bone. She did not know herself, her location, but the girl knew she would not last if she had to spend the night in this frozen Hell. Her jaw parted to draw in a ragged breath, the cold air sapping what remained of her strength from her bones as she came to a staggering stop. Sinewy legs gave way beneath her as the fledgeling maned wolf dropped into a sit, muscles tense at the sudden cold but without the perseverance to rise once more, she remained seated. Minutes ago, hours ago - how long had she been at this? Gods above, she wouldn't be able to stomach the truth of her own inquiry - the canine had encountered the footprints of another animal, but as she followed them they had been swept away by the winds and buried once more in the snow.

There had to be someone. Someone. She was so close, and yet so far, the distance remaining between her and any sort of shelter on this seemingly endless tundra making her nauseous. A salmon pink tongue swiped over her numbed maw, gaze turning down from her surroundings once more to trail down her gradient limbs trembling in the cold. Was this really her life? This short-lived expedition in a climate her body was not at all ready for, to sleep permanently in the same unwelcoming blanket of white she had awoken to. No, she would - she had- to stay hopeful.

/I WANTED TO GET THIS DONE before goin 2 bed pardon how purple prose-y and Not Good it is hh

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Re: lullaby // joining - cry - 03-21-2018

  Cry could relate to the idea of freezing to death with no hope in the frigid north. She, herself, made the same fall nearly a few days ago. She was stuck to hopping as he aching body and wing recovered. Cry cooed as she skipped over to the wandering girl. A caw escaped the raven's throat, tilting her head as she called the cat(?) over to her. Crystalcannon could tell the other was just a child. Or... at least young in that manner. She had morals. She was not going to let a child freeze out here.

  The raven cawed again, hopping away from the girl before turning back. She was, of course, still playing dumb with the clan. She was scared that if she showed intelligence, they would throw her out. She was going to be their... p-pet until she felt better. Then she was out of here.

  Despite that, she still knew where the territory was. A raven never forgot. The bird turned back to Ink, checking to see if she was following behind. She was not one for talking, even through her facade, so she would not explain to the other that she was safe. The most she could do in her state is lead her somewhere the child was.


Re: lullaby // joining - jacob w.c. - 03-22-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Not too long ago, Jacob had been making the trek here with Jersey. They'd heard of the various groups forming back in the city and, especially after their recent troubles, the brothers decided it was time for a change in scenery. What they hadn't anticipated was how difficult the journey here would actually be. That journey was made even more difficult by the face Jersey had forced Jacob to carry all of their stuff for most of the way and Jacob's legs weren't exactly in working order. Still, after a few days of rest, he felt as good as he ever would (which, was to say, not very good at all) and he went about exploring the new territory and trying to stretch his legs. He was terrified that if he didn't get out every single day and walk around, one day he'd wake up and he wouldn't be able to move at all. He knew that day was coming. He'd was doing everything he could to treat his leg but after all he'd been trough, it was looking less likely every day that anything would change for the better. He didn't regret what he'd done and he knew that if Jersey was ever in danger again and he knew the full risks, he would've still tried to help his brother, but there was no denying the pain and discomfort it caused him. He didn't say much about it, though. While Jersey would never admit to it, Jacob sometimes worried he'd feel guilty about everything but Jacob had tried to assure him that everything that happened was because of decisions Jacob made. Not only that, but he didn't want to seem like he was seeking attention or pulling treatment away from those who could actually get better. Currently, he was content with treating himself. If he ever needed more help, he just had to ask.

His thoughts were pulled from his injuries when he caught an unfamiliar scent in the air and made his way towards it. He noticed a stranger and then, as he came closer, noticed Cry. "Hello! You're on Snowbound territory. Who're you n' why're ya' 'ere?" the boy called. When he was close enough, he settled down to relax his bad legs before he began to look over the strange girl with clear concern in his gaze. "We 'ave shelter n' food, so long as ya' aren't tryin' ta' threatin' us or somethin'. You'd be welcome ta' stay as long as ya' need, even if you're headin' somewhere else," he added. He wasn't sure if they were supposed to offer such services to outsiders but he couldn't stand to just leave someone out in the cold. If she didn't get somewhere soon and get something to eat, he worried she'd get hurt or worse.