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gosh im back - Printable Version

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gosh im back - nefarius - 06-30-2018

unfortunately, you have to deal with me. again. apologies in advance :^(

ANYWAYS, jokes aside, im feelin' a little bit better now that i'm on my new medication and i'm slowly starting to get my juice back (i hope). i think im gonna start roleplaying soon if i'm up to it, but for now i'm going to channel all my muse through my art and probably open up an art shop because my art has (drastically) improved since i was handing it out for free.

happy to see you all again! also, yeah, this is nefarius, i changed my username to carkus bc i ship markus/connor from d:bh and im Hardcore™

Re: gosh im back - Imortapose - 07-01-2018

Aww crap, I thought we had gotten rid of you. ):

But for real though, it's good to hear that you're feeling better. I didn't reply to your leaving thread but I was legit worried for you. I know we haven't really talked, but please feel free to hit me up on Discord or on here if you wanna chat. I'm a lil' bit boring tho so oOPS.

I look forward to seeing your art shop!! I peeped at your art storage and lemme tell you, I'm loving the art you've been dumping so far. I'm really loving how you're designing your characters so far (and putting your own mix on current designs, like with Ashfur) and just!!! Hhh I think your canines and felines look different and just??? I'm Proud™.

BUT YEAH, anyways, welcome back to Bob. Tag me or something when you open your art shop because I'll 100% order something.

Re: gosh im back - rakue - 07-01-2018

welcome back nef!!
dont kid yourself either, you're always welcome

but yEET like vixem said i saw your art storage and the improvement thru even just that Brief Hiatus was amazing and im excited to see how you continue to improve!! if you open a shop i'd be more than willing to send gems/money your way omg

Re: gosh im back - Orion - 07-01-2018

welcome back carkus!
it's nice to see you back and i'd love to point you in the right direction, plus update you as needed.
<333 i can't wait to see more of your art.

Re: gosh im back - Kicksie - 07-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]ah, i'm really glad that you're starting to feel better!!
just always remember to take care of yourself c:

also i can't wait to see more of your art! with this many people opening up shops i can only imagine that soon i'll be ordering from everyone haha xD