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CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - Printable Version

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CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - guts - 06-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Well, this fucking sucked.

Ever since he had come here, Church had been having trouble settling in. His mind was racing, trying to figure out just what the hell had happened between his death and his arrival here. He was used to dying, but instead of becoming a ghost, he turned into an animal and was sent to some weird place where animals could talk. Even though it was his reality now, it still sounded so bizarre.

Sleeping was hard, and when he finally managed to go to sleep that night, the sun was already starting to light up the sky. So, by the time he woke up, it was later in the afternoon. His thoughts had been keeping him up a lot lately, and he was starting to look like absolute hell. His fur was ruffled as he stepped out of the bunker, eyes squinted against the sunlight. He was oh-so excited to see what the day had in store for him this time.


Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - arcy - 07-01-2018

It hadn't been hard for Caboose to adjust to ... whatever this was, honestly. He was, above all else, adaptable. Give him a few positive things to focus on, or even none at all, and he'd make due without even a sliver of concern. Maybe concerning for the people around him, but not Caboose. Which would appear to be a norm in the Retriever's life. Not that Caboose noticed. He didn't notice a lot of things. Or ... much of anything. Which might be the reason why there was a big, flat blank in his mind between when he .. didn't have hands anymore to what happened. Talking animals? No big deal. It was kinda like Sheila!! I mean, it'd probably end with Caboose talking to animals expecting an answer if he ever got back home, but what was new.
Anyways -- Caboose always tended to wake up early in the mornings. That didn't change even now. Especially didn't change now. If one more thing went missing from his schedule, Caboose would lose his mind. Lose it more than he already had, he means. Well. He doesn't mean. Caboose wasn't thinking a good half of the time, and when he was, it sure wasn't about anything reasonable or relevant. This isn't the point. The point is that Caboose had literally woken at the crack of dawn and had just sort of been ... wandering. He didn't have military things to do, and he couldn't color or anything else and it made him sad. He missed hands a lot of the time. It was the only thing that Caboose seemed to care about when it came to being an animal, and it was only an absent frustration that came when he was particularly struggling. But!! Caboose didn't like to focus on the bad things!! So instead he focused on the good things!! Look at his paws!!! They were good and they had claws and he could run really really fast!!! It was really cool!!
"Hello, Church! You're awake!!!" It's near the bunker that Caboose stumbles upon Church, and the Golden Retriever practically lights up. He doesn't seem to notice the other's disheveled state, just as bouncy and sunny as he always was, apparently. His only regret about waking up as early as he does is that there's nothing to do for a while. He doesn't mind though!! He at least likes watching the sun rise!! Still, seeing his bestest friend awake has Caboose in an even better mood as he stops in front of the other. Caboose was normally kind of ... unnaturally still, almost, but now, released from armor and not getting yelled at for fidgeting, the helmeted canine is bouncing on his paws. He's also, of course, beaming at the other, but it's. Really not obvious. It was probably known, but he was wearing a helmet. For what reason? God knows.

Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - guts - 07-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The last thing Church had expected to see when he arrived was Caboose. Suddenly meeting the canine again had come as a surprise, and he hadn't really been counting on seeing him again. He hadn't counted on seeing anyone from Blood Gulch again, really. But even so, he was still pretty relieved to see him again--and disappointed. His relationship with his dark blue teammate had always been iffy. While he disliked him for his stupidity, he seemed to think of him as his friend. Or maybe he didn't dislike him at all and he was just...irritated with him ninety percent of the time. That sounded a lot more accurate. Even if he could barely stand him sometimes, he couldn't bring himself to say he didn't like him.

He lifts his head at the greeting, squinting at the other canine through his visor. It was dark so sometimes it was hard to see, and he cursed lightly under his breath as he realized who it was, as this wasn't the distraction he had been hoping for. "Uh, I mean--hey, Caboose," he quickly corrects himself, giving in. He had long since learned that he couldn't escape from him easily, not unless he tricked him somehow. "So, what're you doing?" that was probably a stupid question, since he probably didn't even know himself, but he was bored out of his mind and he wanted something else to focus on.


Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - arcy - 07-01-2018

Caboose was .... not known for being the brightest, or observant in literally any way at all. Not even the bare minimum of 'observant'. Which was probably why Caboose hadn't ever realized that Church didn't like him. ... No, actually, he was just willingly ignorant. As 'willfully ignorant' as he could be, at least. Undeniably, he was largely unaware, just being that kind of person, but a part of him did know and that part of him was pointedly ignored. ... Maybe not pointedly. It was just ignored. But that was fine!! Caboose was nothing if not persistent. It often came at the price of other people in some way. Most of the time it just annoyed them, but Caboose didn't really know that. Or care. Caboose just didn't care a lot of the time. Tucker had said something like that once but Caboose forgets and what was he thinking about again? He's not sure. Was he thinking at all? His mind is either always blank or going very, very fast. Very questionable. Very uncertain.
"Hi!!" Caboose repeats again as Church greets him. He shuffles his paws restlessly as he stands there, resisting the urge to restlessly pace. He didn't want to get scolded or something for not staying still. Would he be? Caboose got scolded for it a lot, but they weren't at the base anymore. Caboose didn't want to take his chances, so he just kind of. Stands there. Restlessly. He wants to do something. But what? Caboose isn't sure. Probably doesn't even notice nor care beyond the bothered pulling feeling. "I, um -- very important things. Definitely .... useful!" He says, very obviously not doing anything at all as he turns his head awkwardly. It's after a long few moments of silence that Caboose gives up the ruse. What was he supposed to be doing anyways? They didn't do things a lot of the times anyways. That was sad. But oh well. The worst that could happen was that he gets scolded. "... Just walkin'. 'Cause there's nothing to do. So I decided to talk to you! My best friend!" Oblivious as ever, Caboose still beams. He probably would've stopped to talk to Church even if he had been busy, though. But!! Since he wasn't busy!! And neither of them were!! They could do whatever they wanted to!!! And that was really cool! ... Caboose isn't sure what they'd do, though. What do friends do? Games? Just talk? They spent a lot of their time just lounging around in base or doing military stuff sometimes but not a lot. What did they usually do, anyways? Caboose forgot. He forgot a lot of things. That was okay. Just how it usually was.

Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - guts - 07-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It was good to know that Caboose was dependent on him as ever. Church had always worried about that aspect of him, since he wasn't exactly able to make decisions on his own. Since they weren't in a war anymore, he didn't really have any reason to give him orders, so he wasn't quite sure what to do. He was used to always having something to do, whether it be watching the Reds for any attack or doing things around the base. Now, he couldn't do any of that and it was pretty mind-numbing.

He quirks an invisible brow at his words, instantly seeing through it. Who couldn't? This was Caboose, after all. Half the time he was like an open book, and sometimes, he could be pretty hard to read, believe it or not. It was like a coin being flipped. As he referred to him as his best friend, something fluttered in his chest. His mouth contorts, unsure how to feel about the sudden lightness. Even if he was unhealthily dependent on him, it was still nice to be needed, and especially so to be considered such a good friend.

As quiet falls between them, he quickly tries to think up something to say, since the other canine had a pretty much blank brain. "Well, how are you settling in? How long have you even been here?" it was a question that had been nagging at him, and he couldn't help but ask. Surely he hadn't been there long before he came.


Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - arcy - 07-01-2018

Caboose was pretty static in personality and behavior, honestly. Adaptable. Chances were things wouldn't change unless it'd been truly ages. Weeks, at least. So ... Caboose's unhealthy dependence on the Collie certainly hadn't shifted. He's still looking at the other for orders and how was he supposed to feel about this or how was he supposed to ask? He'd gotten used to that, and boy if that wasn't great. Well. Caboose thought it was great. Even if it definitely wasn't and was definitely unhealthy. But Caboose didn't know anything about health. Which was kinda sad but to be expected. Wasn't like he was a ... doctor ... or anything.
"It's pretty neat!" Caboose decides, ears pricking. He liked this place! The people were nice and he liked them and there was the person with the helmet who wasn't as nice but was at least recognizable. He liked it!! It was like a team! Or home! But ... animals!! Which was even cooler! So maybe the situation wasn't ideal, but Caboose was an optimist if nothing else. "There's people and they're really really nice, and, and --" He hadn't actually talked to any of the people before. He was just saying they were nice because of course they would be. Everyone was nice! Unless they weren't. That was sad. Church wasn't nice. Probably meaner than aannyybody else Caboose knew. And that was okay!! Caboose was his best friend anyways!! "Ummm ... I don't ... know? Maybe a few dayyss," Caboose's nose scrunches up and he plops into a sitting position to think. Been here where? 'Cause Church showed up a day after Caboose did, that was good!! Caboose isn't sure what he'd be doing otherwise. Something. Maybe. Hopefully. Probably just sulking, but Caboose didn't care about that.

Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - guts - 07-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Yeah, Church definitely wasn't expecting an educated response from him. But still, he wanted to know. Besides, Caboose probably got himself into some sort of trouble while he was away, as he usually did. Luckily, he didn't seem hurt in any way, so that was a good thing. Either that or they had a really good medic here. Huffing through his nose at the other's vague reply, he shakes his head softly, causing his helmet to rattle slightly. Chances were he didn't know if half of what he was saying was true and the people here were actually bat-shit crazy. That would be their luck at this point. Honestly, he was waiting for someone to appear and try to kill them or something.

"It's fine, Caboose. Don't worry about it," he reassures with a sigh. The uncertainty of everything so far was gonna drive him insane. Glancing around, he isn't sure how to continue. He has a lot of questions, but he doubted he would get any viable answers. He would probably talk to that other guy with the helmet when he got the chance, even if he was a Freelancer asshole. With nothing else to talk about, he'd start walking in the direction of the Observatory, deciding he might as well get used to his new post.


Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - arcy - 07-01-2018

Well, Caboose had gotten into trouble, but not enough that he really remembered. Like, at all. Maybe a little mishap with some person before he joined. Most of his bruises and scrapes were 'cause of his crashlanding, though. Not that they stopped Caboose in literally any way. Seriously, he'd probably walk on broken bones without a thought unless he was told to stay down or something. Probably wouldn't even feel the pain. This is besides the point, though.
Caboose, of course, doesn't get the memo as Church begins to walk away. The retriever's tail wags as he stands there for a long few moments, uncertain. Sometimes he was expected to follow people when they just walked off, sometimes he wasn't. It was really, really confusing for Caboose, and maybe a little upsetting. But he'd like to spend more time with Church, so Caboose makes his own call this time. With a start, Caboose stands and trots after the Collie, tail still wagging. He doesn't say anything, which was just to be expected from the boy who was scolded for talking a lot of the time. Don't speak unless spoken too -- Caboose generally followed that rule pretty well. He didn't want to make anybody upset at him again, it makes him sad. But he only followed it sometimes. Cause Caboose liked chattering. And he forgot a lot of the time. Most of the time, really. Still, Caboose just decides to keep pace with Church silently, though there's a little bounce in his step despite his complete and utter lack of understanding. But that wasn't new. He didn't understand a lotta things, most things, but he didn't let it bother him literally ever.

Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - guts - 07-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Church was used to Caboose following him around, whether he was told to or not. At first he would yell at him to go and do something else, but as it went on, he just decided to leave it be. Besides, he probably wouldn't have done anything useful, anyways. He always needed instructions or orders, which was annoying, but it was just how he was. Hopefully he would get over that eventually, considering he wasn't his captain anymore. Or at least he'd start taking orders from the new leader here. Things here didn't really operate like in the military, and as far as he knew, they weren't fighting anyone. So, they were stuck, doing whatever.

He glanced over as the retriever followed him, snorting but otherwise making no comment. As long as he didn't bother him or start talking, he was fine with his company. It was almost a bit comforting. It was a lot better than being stuck here alone, with none familiar around. No, that Freelancer guy didn't count, either. He had no idea who he even was.

As they continued, he grew bored, even if this building had a lot of things and rooms to explore. It was long abandoned, it seemed, and had been renewed as this group moved in. That's what he assumed, anyways. He sighs deeply and looks about the large entrance room they had entered, an unimpressed look on his face behind his helmet. It was hard to be interested in things when he just wanted to go back to where they had come from.


Re: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -- p, caboose - arcy - 07-02-2018

Well, Caboose was gonna follow people around whether or not they were important or not, honestly. He'd probably tend to with Church more, though -- Caboose didn't fully understand that there was a hierarchy here at all. It took a little bit of pushing before he understood before, either. Mostly because he'd follow most of anyone's instructions, just as long as Caboose found them reasonable. His definition of 'reasonable' was pretty skewed, though, so --
They walked for a while. Caboose isn't sure where they're going or why. He doesn't really care. He's just happy to be spending time with Church! Even if it's quiet. Caboose really wants to say something to break the silence but he doesn't wanna get yelled at. It was scary and confusing. Hard to understand under all of the yelly-ness.
It's when Church sighs that Caboose blinks at the other, paws shuffling restlessly. He didn't like moving slowly. Or staying still. He probably could have left but he didn't really want to? Even if it was boring. So very boring. He tries to look attentive to whatever they were doing, even if Caboose had no idea what was going on. At all. In any way. He jolts a little when he registers Church's sigh, blinking a few times as his attention fades back into existence. Were they done? Or?
"Church, Chuurrch," Caboose whines, though he's trying to use his Inside Voice. Which is still very loud. Caboose doesn't know how to do much more than yell at all times. The canine lifts a paw, and though he stumbles just the slightest, forcefully attempts to prod the other's shoulder a few times. He's trying to be gentle, but Caboose doesn't really know how to be gentle. "What're we doingg? I'm boredd," He whines a little louder this time. He wants to circle around himself, like a spinny thingy, but he's not sure why and he feels kinda cramped even though there's a big room and even the entrance nearby. Caboose just -- didn't really like ceilings. Or walls. Or ... homes. Not homes. He liked homes. Homes were good!! But he didn't like the .. other thingys. He's talking about buildings, of course, but he doesn't know that.
//Rushed >:^(