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labyrinth gate // storage - Printable Version

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labyrinth gate // storage - candorosa - 06-29-2018

I'm just going to test and store codes/avatars/character ideas, stuff like that.
Character Storage.

Re: labyrinth gate - storage - candorosa - 07-09-2018

month. 20xx
day // title — threadlink — short desc. — FINISHED/ONGOING/DROPPED
month. 20xx
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Re: labyrinth gate - storage - candorosa - 10-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #COLOR;"][align=center][size=17][color=#COLOR][[color=#COLOR]★[/color]][/color] "[color=#COLOR][b]NAMEHERE[/b][/color]"[/size][/align]
—[color=#COLOR][i]goes by[/i].[/color]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
—[color=#COLOR][i]aging ratio[/i].[/color]
—[color=#COLOR][i]creation date[/i].[/color]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
—[color=#COLOR][i]date joined[/i].[/color]
—[color=#COLOR][i]former alliances[/i].[/color]
—[color=#COLOR][i]former ranks[/i].[/color]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
[color=#COLOR][b]appearance[/b].[/color] [ REF ]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
[color=#COLOR][b]relationships[/b].[/color] isolated.
—[color=#COLOR][i]close to[/i].[/color]
—[color=#COLOR][i]wary of[/i].[/color]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
[color=#COLOR][b]fighting style[/b].[/color]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]

[align=center][div style="text-align: center; padding: 1px; border-top: 2px #COLOR groove;"][/div][/align]
—[color=#COLOR][i]based[/i].[/color] [/div]

Re: labyrinth gate - storage - candorosa - 12-28-2018

It’s been so long since I’ve rped this man consistently, I’m going to have to revamp him tbh.

—Change his last name to Lowell? Or keep Clockworker? Something else?
—Still has a fear of predatory birds.
—Soft-spoken grump.
—Wears his heart on his sleeve but dislikes being so transparent.
—Has a mean ol’ resting bitch face.
—Has no filter but flounders around if he accidentally offends.
—Dislikes asking for help.

Things to Do:
—Make an avatar [ x ]
—Make his profile pretty [ x ]
—Get a color scheme [ x ]

Faceclaim is Akane Aoi from Toilet Bound Hanako-kun. is it obvious im obsessed w that manga

Re: labyrinth gate - storage - candorosa - 11-16-2019

Cheesecake tootsie roll topping danish liquorice apple pie jujubes oat cake. Biscuit sugar plum halvah cupcake pastry chocolate tiramisu candy canes soufflé. Cake oat cake macaroon tart topping jelly beans. "Cotton candy pie tootsie roll brownie tiramisu pudding donut oat cake. Candy sugar plum chocolate cake apple pie pie." Powder liquorice sesame snaps cheesecake lollipop sesame snaps. Marshmallow halvah marshmallow topping marzipan lollipop powder. Sugar plum dessert donut apple pie.

Candy canes croissant jelly-o muffin. Wafer brownie pastry cotton candy. Halvah chupa chups wafer icing fruitcake jelly-o soufflé. Danish cookie lemon drops cookie bear claw sweet jujubes. Pudding powder apple pie caramels sweet sweet chocolate cookie chocolate. Biscuit croissant croissant apple pie croissant croissant. Pie biscuit lollipop gummi bears icing lemon drops tootsie roll. Muffin gummies dragée biscuit soufflé.

Danish sugar plum jelly beans sesame snaps cookie jujubes soufflé cookie candy canes. Sugar plum marzipan pie carrot cake chocolate cake jelly-o pastry sugar plum. Soufflé tiramisu sweet ice cream jelly sweet roll powder carrot cake. Bonbon tiramisu pudding cake sweet roll jelly beans. Liquorice jelly biscuit lollipop. Biscuit sesame snaps chocolate bar danish topping sesame snaps cotton candy gingerbread sweet. Carrot cake jelly-o fruitcake oat cake wafer candy gummi bears cake cookie.

Caramels chocolate bar topping chocolate marshmallow cheesecake dessert. Jelly-o macaroon jelly fruitcake soufflé sugar plum jujubes jujubes ice cream. Donut dessert cake pudding cake halvah cake marshmallow lollipop. Pudding muffin jelly sesame snaps. Donut pie cake chocolate cake bear claw. Topping soufflé chocolate cake icing toffee biscuit pie candy. Muffin jujubes jujubes powder chocolate bar macaroon cake carrot cake cake.


Cheesecake tootsie roll topping danish liquorice apple pie jujubes oat cake. Biscuit sugar plum halvah cupcake pastry chocolate tiramisu candy canes soufflé. Cake oat cake macaroon tart topping jelly beans. "Cotton candy pie tootsie roll brownie tiramisu pudding donut oat cake. Candy sugar plum chocolate cake apple pie pie." Powder liquorice sesame snaps cheesecake lollipop sesame snaps. Marshmallow halvah marshmallow topping marzipan lollipop powder. Sugar plum dessert donut apple pie.

Candy canes croissant jelly-o muffin. Wafer brownie pastry cotton candy. Halvah chupa chups wafer icing fruitcake jelly-o soufflé. Danish cookie lemon drops cookie bear claw sweet jujubes. Pudding powder apple pie caramels sweet sweet chocolate cookie chocolate. Biscuit croissant croissant apple pie croissant croissant. Pie biscuit lollipop gummi bears icing lemon drops tootsie roll. Muffin gummies dragée biscuit soufflé.

Danish sugar plum jelly beans sesame snaps cookie jujubes soufflé cookie candy canes. Sugar plum marzipan pie carrot cake chocolate cake jelly-o pastry sugar plum. Soufflé tiramisu sweet ice cream jelly sweet roll powder carrot cake. Bonbon tiramisu pudding cake sweet roll jelly beans. Liquorice jelly biscuit lollipop. Biscuit sesame snaps chocolate bar danish topping sesame snaps cotton candy gingerbread sweet. Carrot cake jelly-o fruitcake oat cake wafer candy gummi bears cake cookie.

Caramels chocolate bar topping chocolate marshmallow cheesecake dessert. Jelly-o macaroon jelly fruitcake soufflé sugar plum jujubes jujubes ice cream. Donut dessert cake pudding cake halvah cake marshmallow lollipop. Pudding muffin jelly sesame snaps. Donut pie cake chocolate cake bear claw. Topping soufflé chocolate cake icing toffee biscuit pie candy. Muffin jujubes jujubes powder chocolate bar macaroon cake carrot cake cake.


lemy abelard // elysium // [member=1188]candorosa[/member]

i do (not) love you [div style="font-family: helvetica; text-align: center; color: #140D32; font-size: 13px;"]lemy abelard // elysium // [member=1188]candorosa[/member]

Re: labyrinth gate - storage - candorosa - 11-16-2019

[Image: ddk5ru2-d0fa9038-af60-41b7-b227-9f1e4f14...qPBw47WGl4]
when the old ghosts shook
the child // young // [member=1188]candorosa[/member]
the music from your branches,
F3F5E4, #BAC958, #C94850, #538575, #112E25

Re: labyrinth gate - storage - candorosa - 11-16-2019

the moon’s brute music touching them with fire
Cheesecake tootsie roll topping danish liquorice apple pie jujubes oat cake. Biscuit sugar plum halvah cupcake pastry chocolate tiramisu candy canes soufflé. Cake oat cake macaroon tart topping jelly beans. [b]"Cotton candy pie tootsie roll brownie tiramisu pudding donut oat cake. Candy sugar plum chocolate cake apple pie pie." Powder liquorice sesame snaps cheesecake lollipop sesame snaps. Marshmallow halvah marshmallow topping marzipan lollipop powder. Sugar plum dessert donut apple pie.

Candy canes croissant jelly-o muffin. Wafer brownie pastry cotton candy. Halvah chupa chups wafer icing fruitcake jelly-o soufflé. Danish cookie lemon drops cookie bear claw sweet jujubes. Pudding powder apple pie caramels sweet sweet chocolate cookie chocolate. Biscuit croissant croissant apple pie croissant croissant. Pie biscuit lollipop gummi bears icing lemon drops tootsie roll. Muffin gummies dragée biscuit soufflé.

Danish sugar plum jelly beans sesame snaps cookie jujubes soufflé cookie candy canes. Sugar plum marzipan pie carrot cake chocolate cake jelly-o pastry sugar plum. Soufflé tiramisu sweet ice cream jelly sweet roll powder carrot cake. Bonbon tiramisu pudding cake sweet roll jelly beans. Liquorice jelly biscuit lollipop. Biscuit sesame snaps chocolate bar danish topping sesame snaps cotton candy gingerbread sweet. Carrot cake jelly-o fruitcake oat cake wafer candy gummi bears cake cookie.

Caramels chocolate bar topping chocolate marshmallow cheesecake dessert. Jelly-o macaroon jelly fruitcake soufflé sugar plum jujubes jujubes ice cream. Donut dessert cake pudding cake halvah cake marshmallow lollipop. Pudding muffin jelly sesame snaps. Donut pie cake chocolate cake bear claw. Topping soufflé chocolate cake icing toffee biscuit pie candy. Muffin jujubes jujubes powder chocolate bar macaroon cake carrot cake cake.
▲ ▲ ▲

Re: labyrinth gate - storage - candorosa - 11-20-2019

Cheesecake tootsie roll topping danish liquorice apple pie jujubes oat cake. Biscuit sugar plum halvah cupcake pastry chocolate tiramisu candy canes soufflé. Cake oat cake macaroon tart topping jelly beans. [b]"Cotton candy pie tootsie roll brownie tiramisu pudding donut oat cake. Candy sugar plum chocolate cake apple pie pie." Powder liquorice sesame snaps cheesecake lollipop sesame snaps. Marshmallow halvah marshmallow topping marzipan lollipop powder. Sugar plum dessert donut apple pie.

Candy canes croissant jelly-o muffin. Wafer brownie pastry cotton candy. Halvah chupa chups wafer icing fruitcake jelly-o soufflé. Danish cookie lemon drops cookie bear claw sweet jujubes. Pudding powder apple pie caramels sweet sweet chocolate cookie chocolate. Biscuit croissant croissant apple pie croissant croissant. Pie biscuit lollipop gummi bears icing lemon drops tootsie roll. Muffin gummies dragée biscuit soufflé.

Danish sugar plum jelly beans sesame snaps cookie jujubes soufflé cookie candy canes. Sugar plum marzipan pie carrot cake chocolate cake jelly-o pastry sugar plum. Soufflé tiramisu sweet ice cream jelly sweet roll powder carrot cake. Bonbon tiramisu pudding cake sweet roll jelly beans. Liquorice jelly biscuit lollipop. Biscuit sesame snaps chocolate bar danish topping sesame snaps cotton candy gingerbread sweet. Carrot cake jelly-o fruitcake oat cake wafer candy gummi bears cake cookie.

Caramels chocolate bar topping chocolate marshmallow cheesecake dessert. Jelly-o macaroon jelly fruitcake soufflé sugar plum jujubes jujubes ice cream. Donut dessert cake pudding cake halvah cake marshmallow lollipop. Pudding muffin jelly sesame snaps. Donut pie cake chocolate cake bear claw. Topping soufflé chocolate cake icing toffee biscuit pie candy. Muffin jujubes jujubes powder chocolate bar macaroon cake carrot cake cake.

Re: labyrinth gate - storage - candorosa - 11-29-2019

Once my semester ends I might bring back Kimu? Or make a new character, I guess. Gotta revamp Kimu if I am bringing him back though.
—new kimu faceclaim: ashe ubert from fe3h
—Joining either the Pitt or Typhoon

Re: labyrinth gate - storage - candorosa - 12-03-2019

i have no idea how to make these lyrics fit and look nice ): gotta work on it

yknow what its red time, hes been blue/purple for so long
