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hello! - Printable Version

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hello! - harvest - 06-29-2018

hi everyone!
On FF some of you guys probably knew me as Archeron or Archeroni. Or komorebi. Or starpill. The list goes on tbh

Been rebranding a bit and I go by harvest now.

Anyway, I used to play Fever, Ruin and Sarangerel if anyone remembers those guys.

On BoB I don’t plan to do much roleplaying, however I will be looking to start an art shoppe (always in need of commissions after all!).

So, hello everyone, it’ll probably have been a while since I last talked to some of you!

Re: hello! - Orion - 06-29-2018

welcome to BoB harvest! <3 name's orion/star and it's a pleasure to see you over here.

your art is absolutely amazing and if need be, i'd love to get a commission once you're open. though, not many non-human ocs right now, so it'll have to wait!

<333 it surely has been awhile

Re: hello! - vvintersoldier - 06-29-2018

Hey there Harvest, welcome to BoB! I'm Sky, I used to rp Buckingham over on FF, it's nice to see you again! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!

Re: hello! - Imortapose - 06-30-2018

The name Archeron seems really familiar to me, tbh? I feel like I might've seen you around FF but I don't think we've ever interacted. I went by Imagination (aka Immy) on FF if that helps you at all. I also decided to do some rebranding on this new site. Wink

Even if you don't RP, I hope you enjoy BoB! There's a lot of friendly people around here and plenty of open chat threads for you to jump into as well. I'll definitely check out your art shop since Orion has such good things to say about your art. <3

Re: hello! - rakue - 07-01-2018

welcome to bob!!! i went by rakue over on ff, it's great to see you here, even if you only plan to stay in the ooc community! i would ABSOLUTELY commission you again like literally in a fucking heartbeat (i commissioned art of max from you before, if u remember and i still LOVE IT)

Re: hello! - axiom - 07-01-2018

!!! o: i remember you + fevered + ruin!!

i used to play domeric in bloodclan, among other weird characters.
your art is fantastic, i look forward to seeing your art shop open up. :3

Re: hello! - harvest - 07-01-2018

oh my goodness hello everyone!!

star yessss I remember you!!
and sky hello again my lovely!!
yup, Immy absolutely rings a bell, I'm positive I saw you around!
RAKUE bRO i remember you well!
long time no see axiom, I very much remember domeric!

nice to see all you guys again, and thankyou for the kind words! ♥

Re: hello! - tricky - 07-01-2018

ooooooo i remember you but you probably dont know me at all :'') thats fine tho

aaaa im excited for the legendary harvest art (alas i have no money or method of paying so i'll just watch from the shadows)
hopefully we end up chatting or roleplaying or something so i can meet you?

Re: hello! - harvest - 07-01-2018

tricky your username is familiar af! again, I'm sure I've seen you around! i was never very chatty on FF so I skulked in the shadows and stalked the help den which is probably where i've seen you all ahaha

WOAH legendary?! that's a compliment and a half, i'll try and not disappoint lol!

Re: hello! - Imortapose - 07-01-2018

Oh man! Now that you've got your art as your profile pic, I definitely remember seeing your art shop around! I remember Sarangerel (Sunclan, I think???) and the art of him. I wanted to order from you but I couldn't for some reason!!

Oh man, okay, now I'm remembering everything. ;D