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EVEN IF MY WAY IS WRONG // P, CABOOSE - Printable Version

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EVEN IF MY WAY IS WRONG // P, CABOOSE - Roy Mustang - 06-29-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
If you went up to Roy Mustang, before the events that got him pulled into this world, he would laugh at your face if you told him what his life was going to become. It was crazy how to think that he hasn't been here for that long, only a few short months ago- he was human. He was stationed in the Amestrian military, a Colonel to be exact. Back then, his life was moved towards his goal, to become the next fuhrer. It didn't involve a life as a bobcat, joining a strange group, becoming friends with felines, and most importantly, adopting a child. His life got changed easily with a single step, on an activated human transmutation circle, who would have known. Even if Roy Mustang looks like he's accepted his new life, the Flame Alchemist is still making adjustments; each and every day.

Sometimes, there are days like this. Where Roy thinks back to who he left, to those he disappointed and failed to. He thinks of what his life could have been like if he listened to Fullmetal. These days mostly turn dark and hollow, where the bobcat ventures out by himself. Generally, he felt alone during these times of grief. But recently, that's beginning to change. The male noticed bonds forming, people he can turn to in need. Suiteheart. Margaery. Cooper. And even little Aaliyah, though she doesn't need to understand his troubles. The two of them have a special bond, just having his daughter by his side, while she's herself, helps pull the Flame Alchemist out of a dark hole.

Today, Roy made his way into the territory. Before he made his way out, he made sure his little daughter was napping like he told her to do. He wasn't about to have her wandering without him around, he didn't want her to get into trouble. Feeling assured she was resting. Roy made his way over to the Pebble Coast. Roy felt a bit reluctant about returning here, after his incident that resulted with him gnawing his own leg off, but he had to shake it off. He didn't want to look inferior, nor did he want to implant thoughts into Aaliyah's head that she should be afraid of this place. As he padded into the coast, he relaxed at the sound of the waves rolling onto the stones, looking out to the horizon. As he looked over, he noticed a canine sitting there, waves rolling up against them.

So, it appears I am not alone here after all. The bobcat thought, as he got a closer look at the male, mainly taking notice of the strange helmet he wore. Roy recognized him as one of the new joiners, he hadn't been the only one to sport a helmet like that. Roy didn't get a chance to know them yet, Roy isn't exactly friendly to joiners, but he had a feeling they all knew each other. Roy wasn't sure what Caboose was like, a sigh escaping his lips as he began to make his way over. "Interesting helmet you got there," The Flame Alchemist spoke up, with a calculative, confident tone. "If I'm correct, we haven't met yet. I am Roy Mustang."

[ [member=1137]CABOOSE[/member] ]

Re: EVEN IF MY WAY IS WRONG // P, CABOOSE - arcy - 06-30-2018

Caboose hadn't quite adjusted to his new life yet. It was on a more superficial level -- Caboose was always quick to adapt to stuff, and this was no different. But ... no matter how little Caboose cared about the body change or joining this group, he wasn't used to it, and he couldn't do a lot of the things he used to be able to do. It ... kind of threw Caboose's routine out the window, and with it, his mental stability, probably. Everything felt off kilter and wrong and he's not sure how to fix it. Muscle memory didn't quite work when everything is different but at least he wasn't shooting his teammates by accident now. Personally, Caboose didn't see the big deal about it, but his teammates always yelled at him afterwards so it was kind of stressful.
Right now, though -- well, Caboose had been exploring. He wasn't really sure what to do with his time anymore, now that Church wasn't bossing him around or telling him to go on watch. What had Caboose used to do in his freetime? He's not sure anymore, so he's just been ... wandering. Where was Church? He wasn't sure. At some point, though, he'd ended up here. He'd been playing in the water, earlier -- just splashing around and at one point nearly drowning, but Caboose had already pretty much forgotten about that. His paws hurt because of the rocks, but it's okay, he doesn't mind.
Hearing a voice, however, Caboose startles. Pretty badly, actually -- he trips over his own paws and ends up with a face in the sand-rocks. He yips or squeaks or something as his nose bashes against his helmet window thingy, but quickly scrambles back to his paws with only a slight stumble. He doesn't seem very bothered by this, though, promptly spinning around a few times till he finally catches sight of the bobcat. His tail begins to, of course, wag. Another person! Very nice!
"Yeahh, it's pretty cool. It's blue!" Caboose says in that kind of strange tone of his, stating the obvious as he always does. Beneath the helmet, he's beaming as he addresses the dark feline. He liked blue -- he's forgotten what colors he liked were, but he's sure its one of his favorites. Oh well, he'll remember eventually. And then forget it again. That's okay, it's always like that. He's ... Gilderoy?? No, no, just Roy. He thinks? Mu ..... Must ... hang ..... Oh, spooky. Well, that was at least really close to Roy's actual last name. It was equal measures impressive and sad. Caboose forgot his own name sometimes -- mostly his first name. He hadn't been called it in forever but people kept on introducing themselves by their full names and Caboose never remembered them because they were long but??? ... He's not quite sure what he's talking about anymore. "Nope!! I'm Caboose!" R .... Royyy .... speaks kinda like ... people did. What people? Caboose isn't sure, something like the military people. He's not sure who. Not his teammates, at least -- they yelled a lot, and they didn't talk cool. Except for Church, sometimes.