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SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - Printable Version

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SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 03-21-2018

hecc hecc i should probably make one of these

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 03-21-2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel leo at arcu tincidunt aliquam. Quisque viverra nisl massa, non volutpat urna porta eget. Morbi in odio urna. "Etiam vitae interdum erat." In ut ligula bibendum, imperdiet neque id, commodo ligula. Vestibulum sed eros id lorem iaculis condimentum. Ut eget dolor augue. Proin accumsan, tellus ac iaculis suscipit, nulla mi scelerisque ex, id tristique massa elit quis ex. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent mauris augue, faucibus at feugiat in, ultrices eu urna. Aliquam tempus at nisl sit amet porta. Aenean quis arcu ornare, posuere augue vitae, fringilla nulla. Morbi volutpat dolor mauris, in bibendum est accumsan eu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec feugiat, erat eu commodo tempor, lectus nisl sagittis felis, eget iaculis nisi purus non odio. Suspendisse eros leo, vulputate nec felis id, aliquam venenatis sem. Sed finibus malesuada nunc non dapibus. Vivamus sed efficitur nisl, at malesuada dui. Nunc orci justo, molestie eu cursus a, aliquam eu justo. Nunc porta fringilla luctus. Nunc faucibus lobortis leo, quis gravida lorem aliquet et. Donec risus tellus, vehicula vel venenatis quis, interdum aliquam felis. Mauris bibendum vel erat a sodales.

Nulla ipsum ligula, facilisis sit amet posuere at, pulvinar ac nibh. Nulla condimentum eu dui sed iaculis. Integer non tellus justo. Vivamus ultrices nisi a lacus accumsan, non ornare neque interdum. Duis libero neque, ullamcorper et auctor a, consectetur ut augue. Aliquam pretium eros luctus facilisis sollicitudin. Nullam non orci vel neque lacinia varius ac eget sapien. Etiam aliquam congue massa vel laoreet. Donec vestibulum dignissim dignissim. In ultricies massa est, et posuere ante commodo dapibus. Integer augue ligula, suscipit sit amet feugiat in, mollis sit amet nisi. Sed pulvinar odio id massa molestie egestas. In luctus ligula vulputate eros sollicitudin posuere.

Duis sed molestie ante, ut varius eros. Suspendisse id nisl ut ligula consequat egestas. In interdum nisl odio, a vehicula mauris suscipit in. Nam viverra nunc ut massa pretium, vel lobortis augue porttitor. Curabitur sit amet commodo lacus. Nam auctor ullamcorper ipsum, finibus cursus velit volutpat nec. Fusce quis maximus sem.

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––  [i][color=#96f091]☾ [color=#96f091]☽  [b]––

[align=center][div style="background: #fefffe; padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 3px; width: 50%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 90%; border-right: 1px #e2ffe3 dotted; border-left: 1px #e2ffe3 dotted; border-top: 5px #e2ffe3 dotted; border-bottom: 0px #96f091 solid; border-radius: 2em 2em 0em 0em; overflow: stretch;"][div style="background: url(''); width: 50px; height: 50px; border: 0px solid black; float: left; margin-right: 3px; margin-bottom: -2px; text-align: justify; color: #e2ffe3; text-shadow: #8e6856 0.5px 0.5px 0.2px; line-height: 125%;"][b][i]S L E E P W A L K E R[/i][/b][/div]start text here #96f091

[div style="background: transparent; margin-top: -10px; color: #96f091;"][b]––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––[/b]   [b][i][url=http://][abbr=biography][color=#96f091]☾[/abbr][/url] [abbr=played by rakue]✧[/abbr] [url=http://][abbr=plotting thread][color=#96f091]☽[/abbr][/url]   [b]––[/b][/div]

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 03-25-2018

hHH i think?? this is all the art ive been made for me

find the rest of hana's art
find max's art
upload sam's art

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 03-26-2018

[Image: g8tn2vV.png]
call the doc, i must be sick — BETTER GET ME MY MEDICINE
now it's five o'clock, on the phone again

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 03-27-2018

[Image: U2sZjzI.png]

.♡ ⅛ sutsquad – she/her – moderator – characters

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 03-27-2018

A fire crackles in the dead of night, contained by a staunch ring of stones. The moon sleeps beneath thick blankets of clouds as she moves through the dark, fallen branches and shed leaves creaking beneath her footsteps. The light draws her in like a moth, a respite from the consuming darkness surrounding her. The fire hisses as she nears, snaps as she comes to a stop, pops as she squats next to the fire. The warmth against her skin is a comfort she seldom felt anymore. It permeates her skin, reaching into her core, coaxing her softly into a comfort she never knew she yearned for. Her hand slowly reaches forward, instinctive, a vain attempt to return the heat pulsing through her body with her heartbeat. Flames lick out at her hand as she retracts it, fingers wilting as her gaze floats from the mesmerizing dance of colours down to the ring of stones surrounding the fire. "Who did this?" She asks softly, voice nearly carried away by the wind. She circles the fire, enraptured by the destructive borealis. Admiring its beauty, its warmth, its comfort.

"Who trapped you?"

"I did," the fire replies, spitting ash toward the black sky. "I don't want to hurt you."

Lips pressed into a thin line before curling down into a frown, reaching her hesitant hand forward to grab at one of the circling rocks. The stone seared the pads of her fingers, quickly withdrawing her injured hand, hissing at the pain as the fire hissed back, continuing to devour its fuel. She nurses her hand at her chest, inhaling sharply through clenched teeth. The warmth in her body was replaced with a radiating pain blooming from her hand.

"Because I love you."

She leans back into a sit, observing the beginnings of blisters swelling on her fingers. The pain was numbing, yet the warmth was not returning. She shivered in the night air, using her uninjured hand to leverage herself closer to the fire. Its heat was superficial, warming her skin without reaching deeper as it had before.

She sighs, leaning back into the dirt. The soft throbbing from her fingers reaches through thin tendrils to her heart, gingerly encapsulating it like ivy on a cottage.

Fire's nature was to burn, to destroy, to reduce all that touched it to cinders.
Her superficial wounds would heal. For if the fire would try, than so shall she.

"I love you too."

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 03-31-2018

[Image: kHlk2fm.png]

.♡ ⅛ sutsquad – she/her – moderator – characters

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 03-31-2018

THEY      BECOME      A      PART      OF      YOU
(---------------------  )


Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 03-31-2018

im weak

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 03-31-2018

call the doc, i must be sick — BETTER GET ME MY MEDICINE
now it's five o'clock, on the phone again