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Hey! - Printable Version

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Hey! - candorosa - 06-29-2018

I decided to dip my toes back into roleplaying after many sporadic hiatuses and BoB seemed fun after some lurking so here I am! <3 I used to go by blanckary on FF. I was also a little shit back then but hopefully I'm better now lmao I haven't interacted with a lot of people online in a while so I may seem awkward at times sorry ;; and I get easily overwhelmed but I'll try my best to stick around haha.

alSO DONT MIND MY PROFILE PIC I don't have many good avatars so I just used a CG from an otome game

Re: Hey! - tricky - 06-29-2018

hey there, fellow ff veteran, welcome to bob! (glad you think it looks fun too) dw about being awkward, i'm sure you'll settle in just fine with our little community. i'm the one and only tricky, and, not to toot my own horn, both site mascot and leader extraordinaire

your avatars not bad at all, mine is probably worse lmao

Re: Hey! - Orion - 06-29-2018

hello! welcome to the site candorosa/blanck!
if you need any help navigating, let me know and i'll guide you through.

Re: Hey! - candorosa - 06-29-2018

Thanks for the welcomes! <3 It's nice to meet you tricky and nah your avatar's fine haha. heyy, yeah i'll be sure to shoot you a message if i'm confused with anything thank you!

Re: Hey! - Cheeters - 06-30-2018

ahh henlo it's a pleasure to meet you, candorosa! i think i might've heard about you before or seen you in ff but it's great having you here with us now! if you ever want to talk then feel free to shoot me a pm for plots or anything. feel free to call me cheets <3

Re: Hey! - vvintersoldier - 06-30-2018

Hey Candorosa, welcome to BoB! Your old name rings a bell to me?? I think I used to rp with you in Tidalclan, if you're the Blanckary I am thinking of? ;o; Anyways, if you have any questions, feel free to send me a message, I'll be happy to help!

Re: Hey! - Imortapose - 07-01-2018

Hey!! Nice to meet you, Candorosa. Unfortunately, I don't recall talking with you on FF, but I hope we can change that now!! I went as Imagination (Immy) on FF but decided it was time for a much needed change when I came to BoB. Feel free to shoot me a message on here or ask for my Discord and we can chat! ;D

Don't worry, you're not the only awkward one either. I'm pretty much the definition of awkward, so if people still talk to me you'll be fine. xD And yo, I really like your avatar! I find it very appealing tbh and it's refreshing to see a still avatar for once.

Do you have any characters yet? I've got characters in Tanglewood, Snowbound, the Typhoon and Blackfall so if you're checking those groups out/have a character in any of them, hmu and we should plot.

Re: Hey! - rakue - 07-01-2018

welcome to the site!!

i believe we met back on ff, or at the very least i knew of you lmAO - i went by rakue over on ff nwn if you have any questions about the site or getting started dont be afraid to hit me up either on the site or over discord!!

also omg no ur avatar is Golden
mine is literally just art of an esports player oOPs

Re: Hey! - candorosa - 07-01-2018

Heyy omg thanks for all of the welcomes, everyone here is so nice, I've never felt this welcomed on a website before! also christ i ramble a lot

I might have seen you around ff too but my memory is absolute crap so I can't remember where oof, thank you for the offer! <3 I'll def keep that in mind for when I get settled in!!
Yeah I remember you from TidalClan and ff as a whole since I have a habit of lurking I don't remember the character completely (Dean I think) but I played Ib ;w; It's nice to see you!!

Nice to meet you as well! I remember you from ff even though we've never talked haha. I keep repeating myself oof but I'll remember that in case I have a question or want to plot or something like that <3 I actually changed my avatar like two times after making this thread so im not as embarrassed of this one but thank you!! i really appreciate it you don't seem awkward at all dw I'm planning on sending a character to Tanglewood I'm just making some final touches but yee i'll def hit you up!

Hi I remember you ofc even though we didn't talk much!! tbh im surprised some people remember me considering my habit to drop from the face of the earth Got it!! thank you guys you're all so nice ;w; shh your avatar's good as well it's all good

Re: Hey! - Orion - 07-01-2018

<3 good to know, candorosa. we're glad to have you.