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ACES UP YOUR SLEEVE - p, pincher - Printable Version

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ACES UP YOUR SLEEVE - p, pincher - brad - 06-29-2018

of all the obnoxious places brad had made a home of during his life span, he never would of guessed a weird pirate island chain would make that list. he wasn't the biggest fan of water, but figured he would have to get over it if these guys were going to accept him as one of their won. the large canine was relaxing in a wicker hammock fastened between two sturdy palms. the sun had just set, and a gentle breeze cooled the leonberger's thick fur. fickle things like the heat were a nuisance to brad, but he had a steady home in the typhoon that he wouldn't jeopardize for a small adjustment to his comfort. sure, it wasn't perfect- but anything was better away from his father. the guy was a total prick, and brad hoped this place would provide him with some protection.

brad hadn't brought much with him besides a brightly colored fannypack and the bandana he wore around his neck. within the pack was his walkman, a few cassettes, and a pack of cigarettes with a lighter. it was all he needed to be content truthfully, and content he was. the canine popped the pods into his ears and used a claw to turn up the volume. once that task was completed, he lit a cigarette and relaxed into the hammock. a grin dappled his features as he hummed along to 'africa by toto'. life here held positive potential. brad knew he would have to make some friends at some point, but struggled to find the motivation. he had always been independent, and didn't care for the company of others. after all, he was raised to see everyone besides his father as 'the enemy'. unbeknownst to his father, he was an enemy of brad's as well. the young dog had never really had a friend, and therefore saw them as a waste of time and space rather than some material necessity.

the leonberger's peace was disrupted by a sudden rustling in the palms. he cocked his head up, chestnut optics scanning the perimeter for a source. "allllllright, show yourself yah dirty lil punk", he spat with a smirk tugging at his maw. brad meant no serious harm towards whoever it may be, he simply just enjoyed his lack of manners.

[member=64]Cheeters[/member] / [member=66]PINCHER[/member] 
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Re: ACES UP YOUR SLEEVE - p, pincher - PINCHER - 07-03-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
The tropical island was actually Pincher's birthplace and perhaps the only place he had ever truly settled down in for more than three months. Being in a nomad gang had been rather tiring and exhausting to Pincher but that was perhaps due to his shit father always forcing him to do extreme tasks just to train him and make him some sort of hitman for him to use. Pincher honestly enjoyed traveling and seeing new lands on his own time and not against his will but ever since he had decided to allow the Typhoon to stay on the island for a permanent home, that dream had withered away and Pincher now focused on being a good Captain to his members. He wanted to be there for them in any way possible and to show his dedication despite how tiring it tended to be. And with all the responsibilities that he had to take care of, the canine needed a fucking break from it all.

So now Pincher was heading out of the submarine after constant scribbling on paper. Goldie appeared to be sleeping in and he was glad that she was resting but the craving for a smoke was pulling him out of his home and into a place where he could privately smoke in peace. Luckily, the crew was rather lax about smokers and drinkers since it was afterall...a pirate crew. There were mostly messy swearing troublemakers but there were also other members though Pincher tried not to bother them too much with his shit so he usually smoked in an isolated place. Once he had stepped into the rich vegetation of the tropical jungle, the male bent his head to sink his teeth into an ivory classical cigarette before casually lighting the end with a spark with his electricity.

He inhaled the rich clouds of smoke before puffing it out in a steady swirl before going out for a stroll. His electric blue eyes fluttered closed and the muscular obsidian canine simply allowed himself to blindly stroll around in the silence of the shaking palm trees and the soft crashing of the crystalline waves. However, a rough voice snapped him out of his daze and the doberman skidded to a halt, glacier blue eyes snapping open to glare at whoever had called him that as he stepped out from the shadows of the vegetation to look his steely glare onto Brad. He raised a fictional eyebrow as he bit softly down on the cigarette with his own sly smirk tracing his muzzle as he growled "Who the fuck are you calling a dirty punk, eh?" This should be fun.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: ACES UP YOUR SLEEVE - p, pincher - brad - 07-08-2018

the rugged canine froze in his footsteps as he met the captain's icy blue gaze. fuck, did he really just yell at his new 'leader'? oh well, brad judged by the male's smirk that he wasn't deeply offended by his comment. with a shake of his head, brad returned the doberman's smug expression with a brash grin, crushing the cigarette bud that hung from the side of his mouth. "ah, it's just you. guess it could be worse..", brad eventually chirped as he returned back to the wicker hammock he had previously resided in.

exhaling a thick cloud of smoke, the younger canine returned his chestnut gaze to pincher. the captain seemed to be a smoker too, which intrigued brad. no one really did this shit for fun, and the leonberger couldn't help but wonder what had driven the elder creature towards such a habit. he poked the pause button on his walkman with a singular claw and withdrew the headphones from his cranium. his tunes were an excellent way to pass time, but brad figured it would't hurt to chat to the man in charge. "so what brings ya 'round here? lots on your mind or somthin'? ", he said smoothly, cocking his head in the doberman's direction.

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