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I need a doctor | p - cain, davet, amren - Printable Version

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I need a doctor | p - cain, davet, amren - Dragon- - 06-29-2018

Kai was not sure what he would do once he got home. He was not quite sure how he would keep quiet about being a mutant but he knew that he'd be able to do it! He really just wanted to be home. He was trying to avoid thinking about the mutation to be honest. He didn't really know of any way to talk about it with his father, any way that wouldn't get him kicked out anyways.

The young prince would embrace his father as soon as he walked through the doors of their home, not letting to want go but ultimately needing to. "Father! I can not tell you how relieved that I am to be home. Those awful mutants wanted to claim me as one of them just because I happened to be a mutant myse-"

He fucked up.

Kai would immediately backpedal, mouth opening and closing as if he were a fish out of water, which he technically was, before he just stopped and stared at his father.

The older man looked as if he was made of anger.
"So. You turned out to be just like the people that slaughtered your mother. If you want to leave with your life, I assume that you will be leaving now, you traitorous scum."
Kai stood for a few seconds, tears pooling in his eyes as he simply stood there. He knew that something like this would happen but he couldn't quite believe it.

"I..I'm so sorry, Father."

He ran.

Kai stumbled slightly as he turned around, pushing the wide doors of his home open for the last time as he sprinted.
He heard them slam behind him for the last time.

He would sprint past the front gates and out into a place where he did not often venture, the city. The city was said to be full of danger, dangerous people and it was honestly just filthy.
Kai had no clue as to where he was going and would trip over what seemed to be both homeless people and garbage. he couldn't really tell the two apart when it was strewn across the ground and he was sprinting.

The now ex-prince certainly gained a few stares, probably because he was wearing nice clothes, but he didn't really notice them. He didn't notice the group of men that watched from a window as he passed and moved to follow him.
He came to a sharp halt at the end of an alleyway, nearly slamming into a dirt crusted brick wall.

He didn't see anybody else in the alley so, after catching his breath, he decided that it would probably be safe for him to stay in.
Kai didn't really know how to handle himself on the streets, nor did he know how to get food or shelter, so he simply huddled under a blanket in the bag that he had been carrying and didn't eat.

It was difficult to somebody accustomed to eating as much as they wanted whenever they wanted but he knew that he'd survive. He'd rather not eat for a bit than go back to his..not-home and get beaten.

The child hadn't noticed the men that occasionally came and checked on the alleyway and was started to see somebody staring at him when he woke up from a fitful and dreamless sleep. "H..Hello?" He'd chime softly, voice slightly raspy but sweet nevertheless.
The man would give Kai a smile as the child got up and approached, still clutching his blanket in his hand. "Hey, sweetheart. My buddies and I saw that you were alone on the streets and wanted to help you out, how does that sound?"

Kai, not knowing otherwise, agreed with a happy nod, a bright smile blooming upon his lips.

Thus started four years of hell.

It was rather mild stuff when he started out. Kai was given new clothes, although they were sorta girly in his opinion, and he would help out with chores in the house that all of the guys lived in. He had to wake up a little early but he got food and a room to himself!

Kai was eager in the first year, he could have done without the angry voices or the yelling though he knew that they were just frustrated with him and that was fine, he messed up occasionally or did stuff wrong and they got angry because of it.

Kai made friends with some of the women that also helped out and they taught him about makeup! The guys seemed to like it when he wore it and were nicer to him so he started wearing it often.

The second year was when he had started to outgrow the clothes that he was given earlier and the guys weren't able to get him clothes so he had to wear stuff from one of the girls that lived in the house. It made him uncomfortable to wear a maids outfit, because he was a guy!, but he had nothing else to wear so he had to keep wearing the girls clothes.

He was stunned to be hit a few times in this year AND yelled at but quickly grew used to it, he deserved it for messing up..didn't he? He still got food, although it wasn't that good anymore, and he had his own bed. He had been moved into the rooms of the guy that he'd first met because he was told that they needed his room for work and that was alright! He just needed a bed and food.

The third year was full of..firsts and it was something that is not going to be talked about. Let's just say that he shared a bed now and was fed what nobody else really wanted.

The fourth year..he'd gotten more or less used to everything. He deserved everything that was coming to him, although he didn't enjoy the punishments in front of all the men, but he messed up a lot, even when he thought that he didn't. He always messed up nowadays.

It was in the third year that he had begun to grow thin and he now appeared much too thin for a boy of his age..not that he looked like a boy anymore anyways. He wasn't allowed to be a boy anymore.

He was serving the men when there was a knock upon the door and he would scramble to fix his outfit and get up to answer it. After a shove and a smack to hurry him along, he would reach the door and unlock it. He gave a polite bow of his head to whoever was standing at the door, not looking at them as he gestured for them to follow him. The people that came here usually weren't people that Kai was allowed to interact much with.

Kai was a fourteen year old child that was but 5'2 with a gaunt look to him and eyes that appeared too sunken and dull for somebody his age. His long brown hair was messily pulled into a bun upon his head, although it looked sort of greasy and knotted. He wore the same outfit that he had received those years ago, although it seemed rather too small for him and upon his feet were very worn and battered sneakers that weren't in good shape when he got them.

"Welcome. Please take a seat, Sirs." The people that came were usually male so he would default to this. The people that came liked to gamble, drink and usually take the other serving girls places, occasionally Kai would be called but the men only let it happen occasionally.

He did not feel the stares boring into his back or see the confused and worried expressions. He wasn't allowed to look.

Kai would nearly trip as he stumbled to reach the men, having heard a loud whistle. He gave them a bright smile that didn't quite seem to reach his eyes and squeaked slightly as he was pulled onto the mans lap again. "You served our quests, babygirl?" A deep, familiar voice would rumble and Kai would nod frantically, shifting as he tried to get comfortable.

He would let out a shrill, nearly ear piercing squeal when the chair next to him gave a loud 'poomph' and was set aflame. Kai would do what he was told to do in an emergency and ran to him and the mans bedroom, squeezing under the bed.

He would be safe here.
He would be safe here.
He hoped that he didn't burn to death here.

Re: I need a doctor | p - cain, davet, amren - Elumina - 06-29-2018

[div style="width: 45%; text-align:justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:13pt;"]Amren and Cain had brought him with them on business, finding fellow mutants or normal supporters within enemy lines. His parents were in charge now, so he was free to roam at times as long as he stayed close by. He was nice to people who were nice to him, and others didn't like what they discovered.

These men wouldn't either.

It was him who set the chair alight, bright violet flames glowing as bright as his similarly colored eyes. He couldn't see as well right now but its not like he needed to, shapes were fine. He knew what shapes were his parents, all others could be eliminated. He could feel the fire in his belly, and he watched as the man recoiled in horror at what had once been a docile little boy.

Davet launched himself at him, grabbing onto his face and wrapping his wings around his head, tearing at anything he could get his nails or teeth on. Retractable fangs, they only came out when he was like this. He could hear screams that sounded so far away yet so close, a man's hands gripping his torso, which quickly turned to hands recoiling with pain, fire having wrapped itself around his hands. It burned them to the bone before stopping, leaving him to scream in horror at the lack of flesh stumbling back from the boy. "DEMON!"

"Of course, what else did you expect you filthy savage. You sin and now you must pay the fucking price." He turned to the man's voice with his chin stained red, his face contorted in rage.

Kai, Levi, whatever he wanted to be known as now, Davet hadn't known much of him when he was in Griffingate himself, or when he heard of the prince who had become a merman in a matter of seconds. What he did know was that he was not much older than he, and that he was one of them. That, that meant he was family. It didn't matter if he actually was or not.

He'd turned back to the original man, who he assumed to be the coward leader, who was also frantically trying to get out of the chair and get Davet off his face. But it's not easy to do both, especially when your face is being torn to shreds.

He didn't care how unclean he was being, how he'd stink of the fight until they got home for a bath, he cared that this man suffered for everything he'd done to Kai and who knows how many others.

Re: I need a doctor | p - cain, davet, amren - Orion - 06-29-2018
