Beasts of Beyond
We'll go from there // open+paired scavenger hunt - Printable Version

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We'll go from there // open+paired scavenger hunt - jacob w.c. - 06-28-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had gone out and hid all sorts of things around the territory. This had been a rather tedious task for someone with his physical conditions but he'd done it nonetheless. He'd noticed the influx of new and returning members and decided it'd be best to find something to do to help everyone get to know each other a little better. Now that he had finished scattering the hints and items all around, he made his way near the center of the village. "Hey ya'll! I'm havin' a scavenger hunt if ya'll wanna' join in. When ya' come over 'ere, jus' say your name n' whether ya' consider yourself ta' be a new or old member. 'M gonna' be pairin' ya'll with someone ya' probably don' know too well so tha' we can all get ta' know each other a li'l better. Then you're gonna go out together n' look for different things that 've scattered all 'round the territory. Once we start n' everyone's paired off, 'm gonna give ya'll this sheet ah' paper tha' has different hints n' for all the items ya' need ta' find. Once ya' think ya've got it, ya' need ta' bring it back 'ere with your partner," he explained, watching as a few Snowbounders made their way over. He then waited for a few moments before speaking again, "'M gonna' go 'head n' start with myself. M' name's Jacob n' I consider myself ta' be an old member ah' Snowbound." —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: We'll go from there // open+paired scavenger hunt - Dimitri - 06-30-2018

Oh..... looks like he was the first one here. He wasn’t so sure about this now. The tom felt himself shaking at the prospect, then gasped.
Dimitri straightened up, his movements more jerky and looking back and forth.
"A scaaaaaavenger hunt? I’m in!" Dimitri piped up, but immediately halted himself again. ”S-sorry.” He had to control himself. They didn’t know yet.

Re: We'll go from there // open+paired scavenger hunt - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-30-2018

A scavenger hunt would be a great way to get used to the new territory and Atbash was glad that Jacob had thought of doing this. ”Oh, stop that,” Atbash stated towards Dimitri, a soft smile on her face. ”There’s no need to apologize for being yourself.” Although she didn’t exactly realize that Dimitri probably had no idea how to do that and that he couldn’t just ‘be himself’. The she-cat learned from being here in Snowbound for so long that people would accept you for who you were, regardless of your past, and that was reassuring. Even if she didn’t know of Dimitri’s disorder, she would be sure that people would accept him and his multiple personalities.

”I’ll participate.” Atbash said, now moving her gaze towards Jacob. ”I’ve only been here a couple of months, but I consider myself an older member.”


Re: We'll go from there // open+paired scavenger hunt - melantha - 06-30-2018

Jacob managed to make his announcement at the right time. Why? Because it was one of those rare moments in which Melantha is in attendance. The mountain lioness very rarely hangs around camp long enough to participate in most clan events. Not because she does not care, but because she prefers her own company. Being around people is emotionally draining, and maybe she is a little scared of socialization. The solitary creatures prowls over quietly, simply offering everyone present a faint nod in greeting before wordlessly taking a seat separated from the rest of the crowd. "I guess I'm an older member," Mel says in a low voice, awkwardly shifting her pallid green gaze over the others. Strange to say that she's old, as she has been here less than half a year. But Melantha supposes that most people have only been in Snowbound for maybe a month.

Re: We'll go from there // open+paired scavenger hunt - arcy - 07-01-2018

Izuku wasn't very ... sure. About stuff like this. Mostly because he wasn't terribly social and too much interaction tended to send him spiraling. Oh. And. Walking hurt. This wasn't the greatest plan but Izuku would be damned if he didn't participate. Though if the numbers stayed lopsided like this he could stay out of it? Since the only 'new member' currently here was, well, Dimitri.
"Um. I'm Izuku, I consider myself ... an older member, I think," The tenderfoot looks unsure as he seats himself among the crowd. Older? He'd only been here a few months at the very very most. But people didn't always stick around long and everything shifted and he thinks 'new members' were only considered new for a few weeks. Maybe a month. Well, he'd been here long enough he wouldn't consider himself new, at least. Oh well. No use thinking too deeply into it anymore. Or overthinking at all.
what was i worth