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so into your mystery ; open, joining - Printable Version

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so into your mystery ; open, joining - kairos - 03-21-2018

For most of his life, the male had been locked in one prison or another.

He firmly held certain beliefs, and his lack of a verbal filter was often the culprit for his stints in chains. However, Kairos would not apologize for his actions, nor would he change history if given the option. The only path for him, after spending countless years on this green earth, was straight forward.

Moving forward, the massive barbary lion soon felt the familiar crunch of frozen water beneath large paws. This brought a smile to his maw, the sensation long since forgotten up until this point. He did not know precisely why the white blanket of snow brought comfort to him, but neither did he question the relief.

Just beyond his hulking form, a small cluster of pine trees rustled with movement. Keen obsidian orbs narrowed in response., "I dinna ken who is there," he began, words thick with his gaelic heritage. "Show yer self." the male was still unaware that he had trespassed upon a group's territory, the border not yet strong enough to signal ownership, and so his voice came off far more commanding than appropriate for his current condition.

Re: so into your mystery ; open, joining - cry - 03-21-2018

  The raven was not one for bushes. Birds did not agree well with bushes. Well... at least bigger birds like her. Cry had heard from smaller birds that bushes were amazing. But, due to this logic, there was no way that Cry was in the bush. She might get stuck and twist her wing if she was.

  Cry twisted her neck and ruffled her feathers as she hopped up to Kairos. How strange it must be for a bird to hop up to him with a cast around her right wing. She was unable to fly at the time, so hopping is all she could do. She cawed up at him, a warning to leave her clanmates alone. While she did not like a large number of them, she felt like she owed the group at least something. Even with a broken wing, she could probably get a good few hits and create a distraction before she died so the hiding other could escape and warn the others.

  Was she paranoid? Yes. Definitely. Absolutely. But that is how a bird must survive in a world full of intelligent mammals. She ruffled her feathers, making herself seem bigger than she was as she stared up at the other. She did not speak. She simply stared.


Re: so into your mystery ; open, joining - jacob w.c. - 03-21-2018

Jacob had been out on a simple walk, trying to stretch his legs when he'd caught an unfamiliar scent well past the border. He wasn't sure who or what it belonged to but he began to make his way towards it. He doubted there was any real danger, usually a stranger in unknown territories simple meant they had no clue where they were, but he knew it'd be best to check up on it. Not only that, but all the groups he knew of were rather new and he was sure anyone that'd been around the area before would be entirely unaware of the borders they'd set up. He was getting closer and froze when he heard a voice, his heart beginning to pound in his chest. Who was that? They didn't sound very happy, whoever they were. Still, the boy pushed his paws forward and soon arrived before the lion, his heart hammering in his chest. He tried to take deep breaths to calm himself down. He was the one in the right here. This man, as intimidating as he was, probably was just lost or looking for a way home or something. Hopefully. Jacob wouldn't be able to fight a lion so he prayed he was right.

"Uh, um, well, sir, I don' mean ta' be rude but, uh, technically you're tresspassin' on Snowbound's territory. What's your name n' why do ya' find yourself 'ere?" he asked, his voice and legs trembling despite his attempts to calm down. He soon had to sit, his bad leg aching even more under the stress of the situation. Still, even while seated his muscles remained tense and he looked as though he'd spring up and run off as soon as possible.

Re: so into your mystery ; open, joining - kairos - 03-22-2018

"Ah eun?" his voice was incredulous as he used the scottish gaelic word for bird - unable in the surprise of the moment to speak the english counterpart. The barbary lion lowered his body to get a closer look at the raven. Her pitch black plumage was ruffled as she stared up at him almost defiantly.

His mother always used to say that in pairs of three, ravens meant trouble, but she was only one and he was never much of a believer in superstitions any ways.

"Aye mistress, a' mean ya' no harm. You startled me is'all." his thick voice ending with a hearty chuckle as he straightened his body in time to view the creature responsible for the noise that had originally alerted him. Eyes narrowed as the male spoke, but he quickly altered his body - muscles still tensed in preparation.

"Well, in tha' case," Kairos offered the injured male a brief dip of his head. "My apologies. I dinna ken this land was a' spoken fer. Ma' name is Kairos-" his tongue rolled against the back of his teeth as he spoke, a friendly grin stretching across black lips. "An' I s'ppose I'm here fer a wee visit." his mind wasn't yet settled on making a home for himself here, but there was no harm in checking it out.

Re: so into your mystery ; open, joining - jacob w.c. - 03-23-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
When Jacob noticed the massive lion tensing, he seemed to shrink away and his ears pinned against his head. He knew none of those actions would help him run away but he was a slightly overweight dog with a limp and severe nerve damage so he didn't think he'd be getting anywhere fast enough to outrun a lion. If this was how he was going to die, it might as well be as quick as possible (although he'd prefer to not die as someone else's dinner). Thankfully, the other man soon spoke and it was revealed that he was not, in fact, interested in having Jacob as a snack at all, which was a great development in the situation. Now an easy smile came to Jacob's maw and he seemed a bit more comfortable near the large creature. "Oh, 's alright. 'S jus' good ta' know ya' didn' come ta' 'cause trouble or nothin'. 'S nice ta' meet ya', m' name's Jacob. 'Course you're welcome ta' stay for as long as ya' like. I can show ya' 'round the territory or get ya' something ta' eat or drink, if you're hungry at all," he offered.

Re: so into your mystery ; open, joining - JERSEYBOY - 03-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 45%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]Now that was an accent if he ever heard one. Jerseyboy was fairly certain that he had an accent himself, but he was so used to it that he didn't hear anything in particular. Anything that sounded somewhat foreign was intriguing to him, and that was what led to him waltzing up next to Jacob. He managed a small, amused smirk and slightly furrowed his figurative brows, glancing towards the husky and snickering, "What; this guy come straight outta' the Saint Paddy's Day parade?" Of course, he couldn't distinguish Scottish from Irish, but he really couldn't give less of a damn. Jersey turned back towards the stranger, joking, "Hope you ain't plannin' on pinchin' us, 'cause I ain't wearin' any green." His eyes were an exception, of course. But he was only trying to poke fun at the guy, maybe get something out of him. It was simply what he did best, though he didn't mean any real harm.