Beasts of Beyond
there’s a reckoning coming | open - Printable Version

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there’s a reckoning coming | open - BASTILLEPAW - 06-28-2018

The next time Bastille woke up, it was to an empty room and a suspicious lack of a headache. He’d been in and out for a while there, resurfacing briefly to find various clanmates waiting to tell him that he was an idiot (Hazel, Coop) or else to prod at him for details (Rad). The pounding in his head never seemed to stop, and there was always darkness waiting for him once more when his body gave up again. It was... disorientating to sit up in the damn Cleric’s corner and find that the movement didn’t kill him. He was shaky, the early tremors of withdrawal setting in, and as he sucked in a breath a little head popped up. Oh — not alone after all.

”Uh— hi,” he said, voice scratchy from so much screaming, and he winced slightly. The kitten offered him a wide-eyed look and breathed, ”Oh, you’re awake. Rin told me to get her. I’m going to get her.” With that, the boy skittered away, and Bastille closed his eyes as he groaned. Fuck. Rin. Yes, he had phantom impressions of her aura, filtering in and out between bouts of consciousness. He could only imagine that she had some words for him, but he stayed put and waited. Waited and tried not to remember the flickering images at the back of his thoughts.

Re: there’s a reckoning coming | open - Warringkingdoms - 06-28-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]This entire business with drugs and Radeken had to stop. It should have stopped earlier, in fact, and Rin was kicking herself now for not putting her foot down the moment that this all started. The fact that Bastille was alive despite the state Coop had found him in was good, but there was going to be a lot of drama in the coming days, Rin could tell.

  At the boy’s summons, Rin offered him a nod in thanks, then headed over to the cleric’s corner. Entering the room and approaching Bast, she glanced down at him with narrowed eyes. There was a lot she ought to say right now, but first she ought to check his symptoms and make sure his heart wouldn’t stop randomly again. Withdrawal could be nasty, and yelling might raise his stress levels and exacerbate the symptoms; it was best to stay calm. ”I need to check your heart rate, try to stay still,” she began, pressing a paw gently but firmly against Bast’s neck. ”Then, if you’d like to tell me about any other symptoms, or about what happened, feel free.”


Re: there’s a reckoning coming | open - BASTILLEPAW - 06-28-2018

Bastille glanced up at the sound of Rin’s approach, and wasn’t surprise that the look she gave him was not a happy one. Hell, Bast had seen that look before quite a few times in his life — that was the Bastillekit Aurelius, mind your manners look that his mother would pin him with on the daily. Sure, Frenchie always got so worked up and huffy about it, dainty princess that she was, but Rin was pretty damn on the head with it. It was a sombering reminder of a gentle paw on his cheek, and he swallowed as she approached.

Wordlessly, he did as he was told, trying to hold still as she measured his heartbeats. He paused for a moment, idly distracted by the warmth of her paw — his tactile nature had him leaning into it slightly, unconsciously — before he said lowly, ”I mixed a few too many things.” A beat. His throat was sore and his voice a little raspy. He cleared it, and added, ”Uh, I can feel the withdrawal. It’s not so bad right now, but they tend to come quicker these days.” It was only a day after his body had been filled to the brim with toxins, and he was already feeling it. “Quicker” was a bit of an understatement.