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VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - Printable Version

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VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - madster - 06-28-2018

merihem was only four months when his little brother ran away. there was no reason- his parents were good people, he thought he was a good person... there was no abuse. still, that child ran away. at six months, when malphas- the brother- had been gone for two months- merihem left as well, except on a different mission. to find his brother.

merihem traveled for months and months but found nothing. finally, he came upon a bloody bear trap near tanglewood's territory- it smelled like malphas. tanglewood had surely killed his little brother. the truth hurt him and merihem knew he couldn't go back and tell his parents that malphas truly was dead.

after wandering for what seemed like days, he could tell he was entering a clan's territory due to the scent change, and he sighed. maybe they'd give him sanctuary.

he couldn't go back to his parents and so this was his only option. he was also starving to the point of nausea and quietly, the chubby male whined "is... anybody there? my name is merihem and i need help,"

Re: VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - kinglykingstone - 06-28-2018

Cooper had been taking a walk, alone and away from the rest of the group. After spending many moons alone, sometimes the hustle and bustle of the group grew to be too much. As he walked, he heard the soft whine of what seemed to be a young child and he turned to head for the noise. Panic and worry fluttered in his chest as he approached slowly, smelling the air for blood. Thankfully, there is none. He carefully approached the feline. "Hello there, I'm Cooper. what's the matter?" he asked kindly, offering the feline a paw.


[div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: center; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Song Myung; color: #B14A3D"]dale cooper traveler the ascendants observer tags

Re: VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 06-28-2018

Gordon could relate to the feeling of wanting to be with family. Or rather, her brother. Unlike Merihem, Gordon's father wasn't exactly the greatest person in the world, and she barely even met her mother. In fact, she couldn't even recall ever seeing her mother after she and her brother were weaned.

Gordon was behind Cooper, her ears pricked as she listened to what was going on around her, though she didn't really look up from where she was staring at her paws. The little she-cat stood behind Cooper, waiting for Merihem to respond.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - Suiteheart - 06-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart had experiences with running away from home. However, she was not like this newcomer - she was not left behind, trying desperately to fill the void. No, she had been the one to flee. She ran and ran and ran until she was out of breath and then she kept running. For weeks, she ventured onward in hopes of finding somewhere to call her own. The city had welcomed her with open arms. When she left there, her old Clan had done the same. Now, the Ascendants was her home.

Hearing Merihem's call, the white feline moved in that direction. With ease, she slipped passed Gordon (offering her a reassuring smile along the way) and fell in beside Cooper. She brushed gently into his side as she so often did, hoping to offer him relief as well as herself. They were each others' support systems.

"Hey there," she began, offering the boy a friendly smile. "I'm Suiteheart. It's nice to meet you." Her eyes then shifted to Cooper, hoping the new kid would answer her friend's question. After a moment, her eyes returned to Merihem, searching for any injuries.

Re: VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - madster - 06-28-2018

merihem was greeted with the sight of copper, and he shuddered out of fear. strangers. all of them, he realized. he was ten months- not exactly a child, but not an adult- but he was still terrified of people he didn't know. in all his travels, he had been completely alone.

"hi cooper," the chunky male responded sheepishly, not making eye contact. "uhm, i... i need sanctuary. i'm..." could he tell them that he too was a runaway? just like the brother he had so despised for abandoning his own family? he imagined his parents, having to deal with the loss with their only living two sons. then a bitterness washed over him- they were cats, they could have twenty more children if they desired. it was their fault malphas ran away, and it was their fault for not stopping merihem from doing the same.

"i'm a loner," this was technically true- his family belonged to no clan. he then realized he had to stop thinking like that- if he were to keep up a lie, he had no family. "i'm an orphan, too." you liar. they can see it in your face, he thought. "my parents were killed only a moon ago and i've been wandering ever since. i'm very hungry and thirsty and i might pass out," he complained, not lying about the passing out part. he was incredibly weak.

Re: VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - kinglykingstone - 06-29-2018

As Gordon approached, Cooper turned his head to look at the small feline and gave her a kind smile. He gently tapped her with his tail before turning his attention back to the loner feline before him. He didn't look at Suiteheart as she approached but he'd flick his tail over her back before giving Merihem his full attention.

"I'm sure we could easily give you sanctuary, little one." said Cooper to the young feline. Sure, he was nearly out of the fireball age but, he was still much younger than Cooper. "Can you walk or would you like me to carry you?" offered the large dog as he tried to give a kind and reassuring smile.

[div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: center; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Song Myung; color: #B14A3D"]dale cooper traveler the ascendants observer tags

Re: VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - ★ HAZEL - 06-29-2018

It seemed the rate of joiners had picked back up, which was...productive, she supposed. Hazel was well aware that part of her responsibility as a Starstruck Guardian was to welcome newcomers, and it was weighing on her, knowing that she could be doing a much better job. If she could just catch some uninteruppted sleep...

The cocoa colored feline picked her way to the border, arriving towards the tail end of the stranger’s story. “Of course,” She added after Cooper had finished. “You’re always welcome to stay with us. I’m Hazel, by the way.” Hazel dipped her head, watching Meri with vague curiosity and a friendly smile, knowing the boy must be tired from his journey.

Perhaps if she was at full capacity, she might have picked up on the lie that rippled around Meri. She might have noticed how oddly specific his story was. But she wasn’t at full capacity — she was barely at half-tank, having wasted most of her energy at keeping the voice in her head quiet and her emotions on her side of the bond.
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - madster - 06-29-2018

merihem blinked. they were... nice to him? he gritted his teeth, self-loathing thoughts becoming more and more overwhelming. he didn't deserve their kindness. he was nothing but a liar, a runaway. a coward.

"thank you," he breathed out in relief. turning to cooper, he nodded. "i can walk. i'll be... alright..." the world went blurry, and he stumbled. "i'm fine," he assured the rest of the people.

then he passed out, collapsing at the paws of hazel.

Re: VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - kinglykingstone - 06-29-2018

Cooper gave a long sigh as he watched the feline stumble forward. He lunged forward, aiming to catch Merihem. "Hazel, could you do me a favor and run ahead and warn Warringkingdoms?" he asked, worry becoming the primary expression on his face. He lowered his head, carefully picking up the malnourished feline by his scruff. "We should get him to Warringkingsoms" mumbled Cooper around the fur.

[div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: center; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Song Myung; color: #B14A3D"]dale cooper traveler the ascendants observer tags

Re: VENUS AMBASSADOR― joining - BASTILLEPAW - 07-03-2018

Bastille arrived in time to see their little newcomer passing the fuck out, and honestly? Mood. A nice fucking blackout sounded pretty damn good just about then, if only because he was exhausted and likely to be spiraling into another set of chills soon. There was a brief flicker of concern, but this kid seemed mostly alright, after a brief check over his aura fluctuations and physical demeanor. He came to a stop a few paces from Cooper, and pointed out idly, "Kid looks alright, so I'm guessing he's dehydrated as all hell." He made no move to interfere with things, gaze flickering towards Hazel as she was directed to retrieve Rin.