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UNCHARTED - o, joiner - Printable Version

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UNCHARTED - o, joiner - calliope - 03-21-2018

AS I STAND HERE  WAITING, WISHING, WANTING— She hated this weather, and she was beyond tired, but at least the cold made the pain of her twisted ankle go away. At least she was still alive. At least she had some sort of goal in mind. After being so hopelessly lost, and after being down for far too long, Sugar was trying to make things right. Maybe things weren't going to get better anytime soon - everything was still so recent, after all. She just couldn't afford to waste away in a pile of hopelessness. She was better than that. Her siblings, and hell, even her brother, knew she was better than that. Moping around about her loss wouldn't be a way to honor them, after all. Sugar had to do something.

She was going to make things better for herself, and anyone that she could help. That was her main goal, and it was all she really wanted. It was the least she could do, and really, she felt that it would lift the weight of her situation off of her. Snowbound seemed like a good place to start, and it was the only real reason she was willing to go out in this kind of weather. Although, there was one major issue. She had no idea where she was going, and she was starting to get more and more exhausted with each passing minute. Still, she had to keep going. There wasn't anything else she could do.

So, she'd just keep wandering deeper into the unknown territory, doing her best to ignore how cold it was. And despite the pain being numbed, she still walked with a slight limp, which was considerably slowing her down. She ignored it the best she could, due to not really wanting to deal with any more distractions. After awhile, she did actually find herself somewhere in Snowbound territory. She wasn't entirely sure where in Snowbound she was, but she was pretty sure she was there.

"Uh- Hello?" she called out, "Is anybody-" her voice cut off for a moment, figuring that she wasn't exactly being loud enough. After all, there was nobody in sight - she doubted they could hear her if she was speaking just above average. "Is anyone out there?" her voice came out louder that time. Her ears were perked, waiting for some sort of response, as she decided to sit down. She slumped slightly due to her own exhaustion, and she really didn't know how much further she was willing to go if nobody was going to answer her calls. Hopefully none of this would be in vain. —TO TAKE OFF AND GO STAR HOPPING

Re: UNCHARTED - o, joiner - cry - 03-21-2018

// you do you but as a warning the pink is kinda hard to read : V
Try writing 'deeppink' instead of 'pink' so you get this : D
or hotpink for this!

  How many lost folks were just going to walk up to this frozen place? Wouldn't they want to go somewhere warmer and lusher? Maybe they were lost, just like she was. Cry was adjusting quite nicely to the frozen weather herself and took a liking to the cold, but thee fellas all looked like tourists. A site for sore eyes as they shined in the white snow like spotlights. A paint splatter amongst a blank canvas. It was disorientating at times.

  Cry was about to walk away from the stranger before she noticed the other walking with a limp. ... She couldn't leave this one out by herself. Cold or not, no one could survive with an injury like that. Not alone. The raven opened her uninjured wing, gliding down from the low tree branch she was resting in. She turned up to Sugarpop, a chortle escaping her throat.

  A few feet away, the raven cawed. She blinked up at Sugarpop, turning her head in the direction of camp. Crystal was not much of a speaker, preferring to stay quiet, so much like the other joiners, her best course of action was to lead the other to people that were willing to speak. The raven started to hop away, shaking the snow from her tallons before turning back to Sugar. She blinked. Come along, now. You're almost there.
