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TEMPERAMENTAL LOVE | wings mutation, open - Printable Version

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TEMPERAMENTAL LOVE | wings mutation, open - Freyja - 06-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Freyja had been sleeping. The young goddess had had a rather busy day. She had spent the majority of it exploring the wilds of the swamps and dancing with alligators. She was fearless as she was dumb, but luckily, she had only sustained minor bumps. After her mighty exploration, her back, specifically between her shoulder blades, was hurting. It also itched badly, and it was upsetting since she could not reach it. She made a mental note (probably not the smartest thing as she easily forgot most everything) to see her sister, Nayru, later. Surely she would have some good medical advice to give!

With that idea firmly in her head, the Chaser drifted off into sleep. It was fitful, and she kept waking up. Each time her emerald eyes fluttered open, the space between her shoulder blades ached worse. The itching had increased as well, and she swore she felt a growth. Convinced it was just her imagination, the tabby cat forced her eyes closed and fell into a light slumber.

She rose with the sun. The girl let a yawn pass her parted lips, and she stood from where she slept. She felt odd, different. It felt as though it took more strength to rise from her sleeping area. A quizzical look surfaced upon her pretty features, but she simply shrugged her shoulders. She was probably just too sleepy to think rationally! Giggling at herself, the Chaser stepped out of her home.

Oh, Freyja was completely oblivious to her new, double wings. The pair closest to her body were large and neatly tucked into her sides. They matched the creamy colors of her pelt, and the tips of the first pair of wings darkened to match her striping. The second pair of wings were much small in comparison. Unlike her the first ones, she could not use these for flight; they were merely for show. They were entirely cream-colored and a bit more feathery than the first pair. It almost made her appear angel-like whereas the first wings made her seem fiercer, stronger.

Re: TEMPERAMENTAL LOVE | wings mutation, open - Bean - 06-28-2018

Re: TEMPERAMENTAL LOVE | wings mutation, open - Luciferr - 07-02-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

as was so outline, the war God had been up bright and early - he'd gotten better sleep these days, the nightmares didn't haunt his stores so doggedly in the face of finding a home - but for once hadn't been straight out on patrol, no he'd taken to wandering the more run down areas of tanglewood's town that contained scrap and other dangerous hazards perhaps too dangerous for others to go near without fear of hurting themselves.

But the second son of lucifer was undeterred as he made his trip back from it, a heft load of colourful metals and scrap metals strapped to a board he was tugging along behind him - he needs the materials for something special.

Of course this meant his later morning return crossed paths with both Firebrand and chaser - which brought him to a halt - one because he'd yet to thank Iota for her thoughtful gift the other day and planned to rectify this and two because-

Well Freyja seemed to be supporting new limbs,

Brows climbing in surprise, he hefted the scrap behind him and stepped closer with a nod to the two and a tilt of curiosity to Freyja "you seem to be sporting new accessories" was his mild assessment before his gaze skipped to Iota and he murmured low enough for her to hear with genuine warmth [b2"thank you for the gift"[/b] strange how so quickly it seemed he'd adopted half the clan but that seemed a family trait if anything.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: TEMPERAMENTAL LOVE | wings mutation, open - beck. - 07-13-2018

    Even after all the years he had been witness to, Beck didn't understand a lot of things. Hell, he didn't understand most things, including his own existence, but he couldn't begin to comprehend the abrupt shifts to his peers' bodies. How did Fenris suddenly grow a new set of spikes? Why did Amunet's appearance keep changing? When did Iota go from pink to blue? At least all his companions scents remained relatively the same; if he couldn't identify any transformed clanmate through their scent, they might have been strangers to him all over again.

    Purblind eyes failed to discern any difference on Freyja's dainty figure, blinking away the previously settled film over amber irises before squinting in disbelief. "What's all the fuss 'bout?" the little ghost mumbled as he crept up behind Fenrisulfr, almost hiding behind one of his magma-infused legs and peeking around the corner of his ankle. Feathers? What feathers? All he could see was a normal tabby pelt -- oh, wait. "Did ya roll in paint or somethin'?" followed his next question as he tilting his head this way and that to confirm the blanched patches of fur on the young goddess' flanks, a bewildered glaze returning to his vision. Beck could imagine Freyja going through with such a mindless act, considering her streak of never thinking before anything. Offering an exasperated sigh that lingered in the stuffy air with his distinct rattle, the grimy feline slouched against Fenrisulfr's heated leg despite the audible hiss of a hot surface meeting a cold apparition and rasped, "I dunno what y'all are talkin' 'bout, there ain't nothin' wrong with Frey."