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ROCKSTAR - o, joiner - Printable Version

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ROCKSTAR - o, joiner - brad - 06-28-2018

bullshit. this was all bullshit. the hefty canine wore an angered expression on his face as he stumbled forwards over the rickety traintracks, chestnut optics flickering with bitterness. brad had no idea where he was, but anywhere was better than where he was coming from. life as a nomad with his father was pure hell. nothing he could do would be enough for the old man. his failures often invoked physical and verbal abuse from his elder, to the point where brad couldn't put up with it anymore. it didn't bother him as much as it should of. some people just couldn't handle themselves, and unbeknownst to himself- brad was a prime example. the leonberger muttered curses like a sailor under his breath as he walked, though his speech was slurred to a point where it was hard to translate clearly. he was drunk, and to a point that he would surely regret in the morning/ it was uncommon to find brad a few bottles in, as it was the easiest way to figuratively run away from his troubles for as long as he could remember. the chocolate colored canine let out a disgruntled sigh as he looked around hazily. the area was rather unfamiliar, and brad couldn't recall a time he had traveled through a territory like this. it was prettier than what he was used to, and the ocean air was a refreshing scent that contrasted greatly from the lopsided cigarette spewing bitter smoke from his maw and the alcoholic fumes that stuck to his coat.

the disoriented canine suddenly crashed into a metallic wall, and he fell back with a vulgar exclamation. "get the fuck outta my way, dipshit!", the leonberger said with a scowl as he got to his paws. brad was already two sheets to the wind, and mistook the traincar as someone looking for trouble. the dog continued forward and walked into the large concrete structure that belonged to the typhoon."see these scars, shithead? i'll reaaaally fight yah if yah try that messy shit again, got it punk?", he added as he fixed the black bandana around his neck, growling at the concrete. the scars were from his father's wrath, but no one out here would know that. they made him look tough, so brad manipulated the scenario to invoke fear. whether it would work or not was up to his opponents. brad's voice was loud and deep as he rambled on, but hard to understand as words blended together.  the blurry mess of his vision made it so the canine was far from aware he was yelling at an inanimate object, and the vulgar ruckus he was causing was sure to attract some sort of attention from out yonder. fur bristling, brad spat his cigarette onto the ground and awaiting some form of response.
actions "speech"
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Re: ROCKSTAR - o, joiner - bubblegum - 06-28-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
while she was already out and about by her own means, the yelling certainly would attract her attention. was somebody about to get in a fight, or something? there was no response that she could hear, and she didn't recognize the yelling voice, so maybe somebody was trying to cause trouble. that wouldn't be good at all. the girl was just discovering that she was actually quite strong, though she didn't have much of any training in regards to fighting and was already injured and tired, so she figured she could just try and at least calm the situation until others arrive.

but, to her surprise, there was only one person there. just yelling at the train. the injured girl stood back for a second with a confused expression, before slowly approaching. "hey there!" she called out, her voice actually quite friendly. she didn't want to cause any trouble on her own, and this guy seemed a, so she figured it'd be best if she just was as friendly as normal. "y'know, you're at the typhoon's territory, what're you up to, stranger? got a name?"

Re: ROCKSTAR - o, joiner - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-28-2018

God, the yelling was a headache, if Caesar was honest. The demon was flying in the air (to get used to this new body) when he had been alerted by Brad's yelling. The Officer dove down from where he was flying, although the sudden movement was extremely new to him, so he practically crash-landed next to Goldenluxury, landing on his face. Caesar eventually got to his feet, shaking sand off his face and beak as he stared up at Brad. God, how he fucking hated being in this body. He was so much fucking shorter than everything and it was irritating. Caesar's feathers were puffed out, clearly showing his uncomfortableness. "You do realize that's not a person, right?" The demon asked, not caring for being friendly like Goldie.

Re: ROCKSTAR - o, joiner - ROXANNE R. - 06-28-2018

✧*:・゚ This guy was completely wasted and the chocolate point could clearly see that as she walked over with her ears perked forward, she would stand next to Goldie with a smile on her maw and her whiskers twitching lightly. She would sit down curling her fluffy tail around her forepaws with her baby crocodile perched onto her head "Hey buddy, ya ain't gonna get much of a fight outta that guy." Her gaze turned to Caesar as she snorted before bursting into laughter though she didn't say anything else as she tried not to say anything to stupid "Nice landing, Birdbrain." Would Roxanne ever stop tormenting Caesar during these tough times? No, she would never let him off the hook especially with all the things he had done.

Re: ROCKSTAR - o, joiner - PINCHER - 06-28-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher could understand the difficulty of being in a nomad lifestyle, always on the move without being able to settle down. Especially when it had been placed upon Pincher at an age where he had desired to figure things out by himself but had been entrapped in the idea that he must do everything his father and uncle said. Pincher do this. Pincher do that. The memories he had of them were filled with demands and orders drowning what identity he could have been had he been given the chance to figure that out by himself. But alas, destiny was not kind to many of its inhabitants and so Pincher had settled into the rugged life of a turbulent pirate. Then he had killed his father, ripped the throat of the one that had brought him to life with his mother. Had Pincher felt remorse or guilt when he had ended the life of his father? He...he didn't know. Ever since coming back to life, he was struggling to connect the mixed memories to emotions and for now, all he felt was a sickness when he thought about it.

He was currently a little far away where the others were, heading towards the camp after a brief patrol through the territory to ensure that there weren't any bothersome trespassers trying to view the island's landscape. He knew it was certainly an alluring view, the long puffs of dark smoke from the active volcano and the lighthour being beacons for many. Luckily, the only way to reach the island was from a long strip of land that was at times submerged by the crystalline waves of the ocean. However, he knew that would hardly stop many so as he was heading to go seek a break from traveling around, the dark obsidian colored canine halted when he heard voices. Specifically, one shouting with a rage that clearly was prepared to explode like a stick of dynamite. He tensed up, glancing around to lock his vibrant ice blue gaze onto a large male appearing to try and fight...the walls that were at the entrance of Typhoon's land. "...the fuck?" The blue eyed Captain breathed as the mutated male's fictional eyebrows furrowed, trying to figure out if the other male was either drunk, high, or just fucking nuts. Noticing his crewmates head over, he joined in after Roxanne with his front leg aiming to playfully nudge her while heading to slip beside the side of his daughter, pressing gently against her to offer support. He glanced down at her with a soft smile lacing his coffee brown muzzle before snapping to turn towards Brad, wanting to question what the hell he was doing trying to fight concrete but held back as he simply waited for a response.
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Re: ROCKSTAR - o, joiner - brad - 06-28-2018

the leonberger turned with a stumble at the sudden chime from behind. he shook his bulky head and refocused his gaze on the smaller figure before him. who the hell was this, and what in tarnation was the typhoon? brad's chestnut optics furrowed as his mind reviewed the questions goldenluxary proposed to him. she seemed to be quite nosy, and the drunk canine didn't know how to react. before he could open his mouth to speak towards the feline, a demonic-looking creature crashed into the sand a few feet from where he stood. jesus christ! what was with the surprises today? "oi fuck, that's gotta hurt", the male said with an uncharacteristic giggle that was followed by a rude hiccup. his nose wrinkled at his breath, after all there was nothing quite like the stench of cheap liquor and tobacco. the winged creature began to speak, alerting him that his opponent was not as metaphysical as he presumed. the canine cocked an eyebrow at caesar, and said, "well course it is, look at 'em!". his vision corrected as he looked back at the concrete structure, jaw gaping as he realized it wasn't remotely alive.

growing more embarrassed as more people approached with similar concerns, brad felt his face grow hot as the spotlight focused on him. "nah, nah! not that fuckin' wall- it was some shithead that ran off, total pansy! y'all can thank me later though!", he explained with a shit-eating grin and tasteful wink, gleaming with hazy confidence. the drunk canine's smile melted into a smirk as he took a step forward, fumbling over his own large paws. walking certainly was hard whilst wasted. "anyways, the name's brad williams- and i don't know what the fresh hell a typhoon. would, ah, anyone care to explain that?", the dark brown creature added, returning to the first creatures previous questions. the male could only hope they were one of those wacky groups, because he couldn't keep roaming around like this, especially with his father looking for him. the only thing the boy feared was his old man, and he would need a support system to protect him if he was found. with a hopeful yet dazed expression, the canine took a blurry glance at the animals before him as he awaited some sort of answer.
actions "speech"

Re: ROCKSTAR - o, joiner - bubblegum - 06-29-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie glanced over to caesar as he heard him approaching, jumping back slightly at his awful landing, almost falling over herself. whoops. she held a sort of smirk though kept herself from laughing. served him right. her ears twitched as roxanne continued to explain that the guy was yelling at something inanimate, but only turned her gaze from caesar when she felt her papa press up against her, to which she would return the smile. it really did feel nice to have him around again.

the girl turned back to brad as he began to explain himself, holding back laughter at his confusion. she hadn't picked up on it before, but now that he was really talking and she could smell his breath, she figured out that he was drunk. she was pretty used to being around drunk adults, seeing as nearly every adult crewmate did it all the time. she didn't really care that much, it just got annoying to deal with sometimes. so long as they weren't drinking too much and had a buddy, she supposed it was fine. being drunk and alone didn't tend to be the best mix. however, she decided to play along.

"well it's a good thing you chased him off then," she responded to his heroic explanation. she perked her ears at his next set of words, having assumed most people around here had heard about the groups. she supposed some were just out of the loop, though. "nice to meet ya, brad williams. i'm goldenluxury roux, but everybody just calls me goldie." the girl introduced next, deciding it was only fair as he delivered his own name. "the typhoon's a group of pirates, yarrgh!"

Re: ROCKSTAR - o, joiner - crownedprince - 06-29-2018

TIME TRAVELER { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
in all my times of hanging out with my friends back in korea in alley ways and other bad areas, i had never met someone so drunk before. the yelling and cussing was what attracted me to the scene mostly, and i found myself eyeing brad with slight distaste as i padded up next to my fellow crewmates. watching as the brute spit a cigarette onto the ground, i held my breath quietly, looking back at him with almost a sadness. oh, he didn't know what could happen to him, did he? i now found myself slightly stressed, glaring at the area where the cigarette lay. voices suddenly snapped me out of my daze as i looked over at the drunk boy. i quietly spoke up after goldie, looking at brad. "i'm crownedprince, but you can call me prin." i said, my korean accent lacing my english words. "the typhoon's a group to stay, if you want to, dangsin-eun babo." i kept my friendly tone, hoping no one noticed the sourness in my voice.

Re: ROCKSTAR - o, joiner - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-29-2018

"Can't hurt if pain isn't something I feel." Caesar responded with a shrug, the action probably looking a bit awkward considering he had wings instead of paws and didn't know anything about his new body. He heard Brad's explanation about there being somebody on their territory and that he chased them off, though he didn't quite believe it. Caesar rolled his eyes, deciding it'd be best if he just let Goldie and Crownedprince describe what this place was.