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thes code
Happiness hit her like a train on a track
Coming towards her stuck still no turning back
[b]FULL NAME - Killua Zoldyck
  pronunciation - Kill-ooa
  nicknames - Kill (Family only), Koala (Stark)

AGE - 8 moons
  mental age - 20 moons
  date of birth - N/A

  sex - Male
  pronouns - he/him
  sexuality - Bisexual

ALLIANCES - Snowbound
  past alliances - Riverclan, Blizzardclan, Thunderclan *striked out are from FF & BB clans)
  past ranks - apprentice advisor, deputy, riverguard, head combatant, combatant, captain (hp) *striked through ranks are from the FF & BB clans

  positive - Protective of those somewhat close to him, Extremely smart when it comes to situations (however he usually doesn't take morals into account when making decisions), Those that are kind to him first are usually those that respects and get closer to (if they are quick to judge him then he won't bother), Shows a softer side to those younger than him (he will actually often help those younger than him but he won't be happy about it)
  neutral - Shows little emotion when it comes to serious situations or when coming across something gruesome, He doesn't sympathize with others (simply because he doesn't know how to), He has no filter when it comes to language and will happily curse around those much younger than him (although if someone younger than him tries to imitate him he'll feel a little bit guilty)
  negative - He doesn't know anything about mercy and will not show it, His temper can be easily flared if a certain topic it is so when that happens it will usually involve someone's injury, He won't sugarcoat anything that he says so he will be extremely blunt to whoever he speaks no matter what age, Aggressive toward those that challenge him, He has little morals (as he was never taught to have any), He can be pretty bratty when he doesn't get what he wants.

DESCRIPTION -  Everyone wants to keep Killua on his good side. No one wants him on his bad side because if they do it usually results in their death sometime later. Killua has no problem with killing those that mock him, on the consideration that he doesn't like to be considered weak, and having grown up only being taught how to kill, he has no other morals when it comes to dealing with social situations. Killua is extremely terrible when it comes to social gatherings, actually making quite difficult for him to interact with others without completely pissing them off. This serval doesn't show respect toward those that he doesn't know, and those that he doesn't consider to be capable of doing their job. He believes that most adults that he has come across are idiots compared to him, as despite his young age, he believes that he has a lot more experience than adults could ever have. Right now though, he is trying his best to figure out what he wants with his life after running away from his family and dealing with a clan previous to coming here, hearing a rumor that there were strong creatures here that could be a possible challenge. He has a huge ego as he thinks that he can take anyone on with relative ease. That he can take on anyone no matter what size they are. The assassin doesn't like to follow the rules either, practically a loose canon as he just does whatever the hell he wants to despite the consequences. He can often be seen mocking others, or even teasing if he is in a lighter mood. Killua so far is rarely seen being serious, as he mostly talks with a lot of sarcasm in his voice.

QUIRKS - He likes to be up on high ground, meaning he can mostly be seen in trees or any high place when talking to others. His eyes change shade slightly depending on his mood (they will turn black when he's seriously trying to kill someone).

LIKES - Eating sweets (chocolate is his favorite), training, playing pranks on others, pressing others buttons to see their reactions, mocking others, showing someone that they aren't as strong as he is.

DISLIKES - Playing certain games (he believes that some just waste time), those that are weak and try not to make themselves stronger, Creatures that have a big ego thinking that they are powerful enough to take everything on.

FEARS - His brother Illumi, and being the cause of someone's death close to him.

DREAMS - Figuring out what it means to search for happiness in life. Finally having a best friend that he can talk and mess around with.

PET PEEVES - Those that thing that they are strong enough (which usually means he goes to prove them wrong), Any creature that tries to torture a child, Adults playing as if they know everything, Wasting resources when they don't need to be wasted.

BODY MODIFICATIONS - Several inch long metal claws on his front paws.

REFERENCES- ref1, ref 2, ref3

APPEARANCE -  30 lbs and bigger than a normal domestic cat, Killua belongs to the wildcat species of the serval. Meaning that his body structure consists of his long legs and his large ears that are perched on the top of his head. The most noticeable feature of him though is that his fur, instead of the usual tan and black, his fur is stark white. Unlike most albino servals though, Killua doesn't show the usual spots of an albino serval, his fur being completely white. He has a lean build, meaning that he is built more for speed, yet there is strength behind his attacks. Compared to other servals, the length of Killua's fur would be more suited for colder climates. The length of his fur being slightly longer than that of a regular serval's fur. The length of his fur doesn't exactly put him at a disadvantage, although during summer months there is a chance that he could get hot. His eyes express a vibrant electric blue/sapphire hue color to them. Looking at his claws though, the front claws in his front paws are made entirely metal, over inches long meaning that they have a lot of piercing capability. These claws are made out of a light, durable metal that is sharper than even that of swords. So that the claws are capable of slicing through tough hide if need be. The claws on his back legs though, are completely normal claws. Due to his front claws being so long, it means that they can't be fully sheathed, so the tips of the claws always stick out no matter what. This means that if he is to ever spar with someone, there is a likelihood that character will end up getting scratched. Recently, he gained the power of air elementals. Unlike his other powers though, he doesn't have complete control over the new power, meaning that he can change the temperature in the surrounding area depending on his mood. He uses his air elementals to keep his scent hidden from those around him. While doing this though, the air that is close to his body is extremely cold, causing the temperature of his skin to follow suit. This does not bother Killua as he is used to dealing with extreme temperatures, and the cold temperature isn't enough to kill his skin cells. This is one of the reasons why Killua doesn't want anyone to touch him because he instantly knows that they'll point out that he's cold.
    species - Serval
    scars - Because of his slightly longer fur, no scars on his body become visible unless his fur is parted in some way. This can happen if his entire body gets wet, or if he stretches in a certain matter. Underneath all of his fur is a large amount of scar tissue. Almost none of his flesh isn't scar tissue due to the torturous training that he had received at a young age. The most noticeable scar would have to be the one on his back which he had acquired through his brother Milluki, who didn't know how to use a whip correctly and used it against Killua, causing him to become paralyzed from the pain. If anyone is to run any appendage near his spine they will be able to feel the raised skin in that area. The next scar is on his left side, which look like four jagged lines which were acquired by his brother Illumi who had attacked him in the past that Killua does not remember due to Illumi erasing his memory. There is another scar on his right side that takes the shape of a rectangular shape, and its from when Illumi had started to skin him alive and it had healed into a scar. Killua's mouth is littered with scars as well due to the chemicals and poisons that were forced down his throat when he was the age of a kitten. There are several other claw marks that are marked across his body that are a little bit harder to see as they are a lot older than the newer scars he's achieved.

  belongings - 2 110lb yo-yo's made out of a metal alloy that he uses in battle sometimes. Lots and lots of candy, most of which is conjured
  powers -
  belief - He doesn't believe in any religions, he believes in only survival.
  political stance - He prefers pro-clans because they are less egotistical in his mind compared to anti-clans. However he does not follow any of the usual behaviors of a pro-clanner and usually does whatever he wants.
  strengths - Speed, mobility, quick learning, extensive knowledge on most things, strategist.
  weaknesses - Can only take on so many opponents, believes himself to be stronger than everyone else, doesn't back down from a challenge, uses up stamina quickly if too many powers are used at once.

FACECLAIM - Killua Zoldyck from HxH

HISTORY - answer

FAMILY - The Zoldyck Family (currently the heir to the business) *Everything with Slashes is from FF
  parents - Silva x Kikyo (NPC's), Crypticsoul (adopted mother)
  siblings - Illumi, Kalluto, Alluka, and Milluki. Amorette (adopted)Atomicpaw (adopted), Edana (adopted),Pinballpaw (adopted), Eternalcub (adopted)
  pets - albino black mamba named Koru

  friends - London
Leo, Crypticsoul, Serpent, Finishpaw, Wavepaw, Griffith, Pinballpaw, Daisypaw, Michi
  acquaintances - Jacob, Izuku, Melantha, and StarkGunstar (former mentor)
  enemies - lots

THEME SONG(S) - answer
Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father! Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers

thes code


text here
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:


Tags | Updated 06/15/17:




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[align=right][size=8pt]KILLUA ZOLDYCK - SNOWSEEKER - MALE - 8 MOONS
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