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GANG GANG GOT THE HAMMER AND THE WRENCH | open + raptors - Printable Version

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Yes, Bastille had given the raptors titles. Yes, he was aware that none of the girls understood a damn thing he said aside from "food", had any notion of what a title was, or any idea they'd received one. He never claimed to be a good leader, here, and in fact had told them he would be a bad one. And so, he didn't care in the slightest, and he went ahead and gave the damned girls Leo titles because they were around when everyone else was slowing down. Let the raptors be valid too, and all that shit.

Unfortunately, that meant it was time to address one of the issues he'd been avoiding: actually getting the necklaces onto the girls. He actually didn't know how they were with touch, frankly, but he supposed now was a great time to look into it. The Seraph had went down to the pool that morning and dug out a couple of meteorite shards for the girls to choose from, gathered a few random chords from the Cleric's corner, and procured four Leo beads. Now, he stood outside the Observatory with a dead deer, four hastily tied necklaces, and seven shards scattered at his feet. Content with his supplies, he called, "Blue, Delta, Charlie, Echo." It was a bit weird, using the names that Vinny had corrected him to, but whatever. Delta responded to Beta, but she responded better to Delta, and Charlie was still Baby half the time. Not too much change.

For good measure, he added a throaty vibration, which was a bit pointless since he couldn't project the noise very far. He still hadn't figured out how to echo their long-range summoning call, but that was a problem for later.

Re: GANG GANG GOT THE HAMMER AND THE WRENCH | open + raptors - axiom - 06-27-2018

With such large carrion, it proved unnecessary to provide a summoning call - due to her keen senses of smell, Delta could smell it from kilometers off. Hence she came rather quickly, likely being closer to the area than the rest of her sisters. Lashing her tail, she chuffed briefly at her favorite food-giver; that was the only acknowledgement he got before she strode towards the carcass. Pinning it in place with her clawed forefeet, she tore at the flesh with her maw to efficiently strip great chunks of meat from it - startlingly efficient, but also messy as hell.

Pausing for a moment, she debated letting out a broadcast call, but she supposed the other three smelled it. And, if they didn't, more for her.

Re: GANG GANG GOT THE HAMMER AND THE WRENCH | open + raptors - COSMIIX - 06-28-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #476d66;"]The smell of carrion was enough to bring her over, the Utahraptor approaching the scene where Delta had already started ripping into the carcass of a deer though Charlie was more interested in what Bast had near his paws. The raptor certainly enjoyed food but she felt capable of catching her own, the youngest of the raptor sisters would glance over at Delta tilting her head at her sister before leaning in close enough to Bast's face sniffing for a moment only to release a huff. She retreated somewhat near her sibling but keeping her distance for now.

Re: GANG GANG GOT THE HAMMER AND THE WRENCH | open + raptors - axiom - 07-02-2018


Re: GANG GANG GOT THE HAMMER AND THE WRENCH | open + raptors - Sorrel - 07-02-2018

Feeding the raptors were definitely a good method. However, that didn't mean that Blue had to like the residents that did live around here. Compared to her siters, she would never trust anyone in the clans to try and approach her. It took a lot to gain her trust, and since her experience with the clans ran deep, she had her own reasons not to openly trust them like that. The Alpha had been out running around when the smell of something dead caught her attention first. The Utahraptor turned her body and began to trot in that direction, picking up the scent of both Delta and Charlie. By the time she had arrived, Delta was already no the carass. Blue's stomach growled looking at the deer, and her stance immediately turned one that was dominant. She lashed her heavily scarred tail as she made her way over, basically ignoring Bastille completely as she did so. A low hiss would escape her jaws as she approached Delta, aiming to push her away from the carcass so that she could take her share. If the other wanted to fight for it Blue was more than willing to obviously. The hiss would be the only warning that Delta would be given as she used one of her feet to step onto the carcass herself, sinking her sickle claws into the soft flesh. Basically standing over it in a dominant stance.


Re: GANG GANG GOT THE HAMMER AND THE WRENCH | open + raptors - axiom - 07-02-2018

Annoyance fluttered through her mind momentarily - she was the first to find the carcass, but the pack hierarchy trumped finder's keepers law. Pushed to the side slightly, the teal utahraptor ducked her clawed arms closer to her body and lowered her tail. Taking two steps back, she swallowed the remaining carrion in her maw but otherwise didn't seem interested in the pre-killed prey anymore after Blue claimed it. Besides, she already dug into some of the organ meat and would have first dibs after her alpha finished with the carrion.

Chuffing, she'd then turn and trot towards Charlie, deciding it best to get out of Blue's personal space until her sister no longer saw Delta's actions as a threat to her dominance. This, coincidentally, brought her closer to Bast - and she appraised the mammal with her usual curious gaze. He could summon rabbit-carrion, and she couldn't tell by scent how the deer died and got here. Perhaps he summoned that, too? It seemed consistent with his actions with the fire-wielding feline mammal from before.


He supposed he wasn't too shocked that Delta was the first to make an appearance, quickly followed by Charlie. Those two were by far the easiest to work with and the least likely to eat him, in his mind; Delta he'd been able to "bond" with the most, having arrived a bit before the others, but Charlie was clearly the baby and he, in fact, babied her. If he was going to bet on any of the girls eating him, it was Blue, frankly. She wasn't nearly as interested in being being cool, liked to have things her way, and was the most aggressive. Perhaps that was the nature of being alpha, but Bast had already accepted that he shouldn't even try with her. Not yet, anyway.

"Hi, Delta," he greeted with a couple of pleased chitters, offering a similar greeting to Charlie with a lazy grin as she appeared soon after, "Hey, Baby. You girls are a lot more cooperative when there's food, aren't you?" He studied them as the tore at the deer, contemplating if he should introduce his project to them before or after, but Blue's arrival had his attention sliding to her. He gave her a disdainful look as she snapped at her sisters and scattered them, but knew better than to interfere with their whole pack-y shit. "That was rude, Blue," he commented instead, despite he inability to understand him.

He turned his gaze back to Delta as she wandered away from the carcass, and arched a brow as she regarded him. "I have some things for you," he commented, pushing the meteorite shards a little closer to her with a paw. Bast divided them up once more, putting a bit of space between them so that she could regard them individually, and continued, "Look, pick one." He tapped on one with his paw, and then another, before making odd chittering noises at her. Helpful? Unlikely. Whatever. "See? Pick one, and I'll give you food."

Re: GANG GANG GOT THE HAMMER AND THE WRENCH | open + raptors - Character Graveyard. - 07-03-2018

Re: GANG GANG GOT THE HAMMER AND THE WRENCH | open + raptors - axiom - 07-08-2018

As usual, her favorite food giver spoke her name and babbled some nonsense to her in words she didn't understand. The teal theropod figured out that the food giver's speech probably was how the mammal pack communicated; she'd heard many of the other members of the mammal pack talking with similar sounds and inflections to their voice. They were clearly a different pack, even if as individuals they were often much weaker than even one of her sisters. Yet, even as she realized this, most of the mammals seemed content to leave the raptors alone or give them a wide berth - which suited her just fine.

But Bast liked to talk to her, even though she understood very little besides food and her own name. Usually, this talking resulted in treats of reasonably fresh carrion. So, she could tell that he was trying to get her to do something here; she narrowed her dark eyes, glancing between him and the stones he pointed at. His weird chittering noises only seemed to confuse her, as she tilted her head at him and gave him an annoyed snort in response. Still, she understood that he had food to give; with his weird summoning powers, she knew she needed to solve the puzzle rather than kill or steal it from him.

Her gaze turned to the seven stones, her long and muscular tail lashing behind her. Chuffing, she lowered her head to the ground slowly; her nostrils flared as she smelled the stones. As far as she could tell, the stones seemed the same as every other stone. And what was she supposed to do with them? Shifting on her feet, she remembered that Bast touched a few of the stones as he talked. Perhaps he wanted her to mimic him? Remembering the last stone he touched, she pushed that one with her snoot to roll back towards Bast. "Food?" she babbled back at him, curious whether she solved the puzzle correctly.