Beasts of Beyond
I BELIEVE I CAN FLY / p, goldie & rox - Printable Version

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I BELIEVE I CAN FLY / p, goldie & rox - charrie graveyard - 06-27-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]The days were passing by a lot quicker than Connor originally anticipated. It felt as if he had just gotten here, but in reality, it had been almost a week. Today was Wednesday, that meant 5 days had passed. Hard to believe, really, but the tabby knew his math was correct. 5 days... and already he... felt sort of attached to this place. Perhaps it was a bug in his system, a glitch, but... he sort of liked it here. It was peaceful- for the most part. Sometimes it could be a little but much but, it was alright. However, deep down, Connor knew he would have to leave. He couldn't let himself get too emotionally involved, otherwise he would fail his mission. The male couldn't let that happen.

Walking along the beach in an attempt to clear his mind, Connor didn't flinch as the waves washed over his white paws, watching as they came in and were pulled back into the sea, bringing various creatures and seashells with them. It was hard not to accidentally step on a tiny crab or a broken shell, as he had already done it a few times this week, but he was slowly becoming more aware of the "dangers" lurking beneath his paws. As long as one watched where they were going, it was fairly easy to avoid getting cut open or punched. After a several minutes of walking along like this, Connor started to feel himself getting hot, having no choice but to retreat into the shade of a palm tree. Once there, he would lay down in the sand, a sigh escaping his muzzle. He knew what the consequence of laying here would be- sand would stick to his pelt and his paws and he would most likely be forced to bathe himself in a water fall just to get it all out, but it was worth it. For now, at least.

Turning his gaze to the sky now that he was settled, the tabby watched as some nearby seagulls squabbled over a beached hermit crab, chittering angrily at one another. It wasn't long before both of them took off, scared away by a much larger seagull who came in to claim the poor little creature as its meal. Ears flattening, Connor turned back to the small seagull pair instead, watching as they flew up high above the beach. How nice it must be to have the ability to fly... to see the world from way up high like that. It sometimes made him wonder- what would it be like if he had wings of his own?

[member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member] [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] [member=20]spacexual[/member]


Re: I BELIEVE I CAN FLY / p, goldie & rox - bubblegum - 06-28-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl had personally been here all her life. she was born here and she couldn't imagine a home anywhere else. territories other than the island were foreign to her, and although she had a small desire to explore them, she anchored herself to her crewmates and her family. they were the most important things in her life. she couldn't leave them. her curiosities and desires to see a bigger world were repressed in place for her loyalty to her crew. she still couldn't help but wonder what it was like beyond the shores.

she caught herself looking out upon the shore often, although partially out of comfort. the blue waters brought her great comfort, even if she didn't look as often due to the bright lights hurting her head these past few days. but, she had just taken some of her medicine and was feeling a bit better for now. her tired eyes fell upon the waves as she walked along the beach carefully, already used to looking out for the creatures that roamed it. her steps were slow and quiet as she looked around, spotting connor and deciding to approach.

the male intrigued her. he had an odd light on the side of his face that seemed to flicker now and then. she wondered what it was for. the injured girl gave a small smile to the male, her expression clearly exhausted, but still kind. "hiya, connor. watcha' up to?" she greeted casually, figuring it'd be good to start up a conversation with him. she liked to befriend her crewmates as much as she could, and connor certainly seemed to be polite enough to befriend so far. she looked over to the direction he did, spotting the seagulls. "do you like birds? i think they're pretty neat. i wonder what it's like to fly."

Re: I BELIEVE I CAN FLY / p, goldie & rox - ROXANNE R. - 06-30-2018

✧*:・゚ / sorry for the late reply y'all aaa

Roxanne was usually out and about with Kalayavan at these times, he was getting bigger though she didn't seem to mind it at all. She usually took him out so he could swim it was easy figuring out where he was due to his pale, pearly skin yet her attention would briefly move onto the pair of seagulls that took off into the air. She had the sudden urge to startle them,and rip through the air around them but decided against it, she took a deep breath flicking her ears back against her cranium hearing splashing behind her. She would turn to see that Kal had managed to snag himself a tiny fish that had been stranded on shore yet his attention seemed to be locked onto Connor and Goldie, who Roxanne hadn't noticed were there for a moment yet she was close enough to hear what they were saying. She walked over with a toothy smile on her maw "Hey kiddos," She greeted with a chirp and a skip in her step, she would stop lashing her fluffy tail to the sides adding with a small nod "I couldn't help but hear your inquiries of how it's like to fly." She would sit down curling her tail around her paws and began to spread out her wings though they were nudged away to the side by her growing crocodile companion. She playfully nudged Kal away only to start saying with a small smile etched on her maw "Flying is quite fun. The air feels so nice and it's fun to rip through the skies to scar off birds. . .  You feel free," She blinked her heterochromatic gaze taking off her eyepatch and setting it onto the ground showing off the pink eye she had yet she decided it wasn't such a big deal "And no one, I mean it, no one can take away that freedom." She finished leaning against Kal.