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HISTORY'S EYE — WT / Q&A - Printable Version

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HISTORY'S EYE — WT / Q&A - PINCHER - 06-27-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher...had a messy history. More messy than he would like to admit. And when he was given the task to explain the history of the expansive tropical island, Pincher wasn't sure he wanted to. It wasn't just an island to him that he had decided for it to be the Typhoon's location but it was his birth home. No one else knew this and part of him desired to keep it that way, to allow dust to settle on the secrets he had tried so hard to bury. But maybe it was for the best that he opened his past to his crewmates though ever since he had returned from the dead, the immortal male was struggling to chronologically order everything in his memories. They were shuffled and out of place, some memories stronger than others obviously but ones that weren't as important as they may seem. However, day by day, it seemed they were finally organizing themselves and Pincher wondered if it was time for him to finally try and settle that weight that he had kept with him for months.

He had decided to go head out of the submarine and towards the main area of the camp, his lean figure carrying multiple sheets of towels that he would place down upon the sand for others to lay down on if they desired to hear what their captain had to see. There was a slight weariness in his electric blue gaze as he went to a stiff sitting position on the feet of the damned turtle statue that was at the center of the bay camp, his long velvety ears pricked and turning towards members that passed by to go run errands or do stupid shit as usual. The scarred canine cleared his throat, the temptation to have a cigarette growing but knowing the dangers of second-hand smoke, he simply was biting down on the end of a matchstick as he called out "If anyone has questions about Typhoon's history or just questions for me, get the hell over here." With that, he leaned back while waiting as he wondered who would be interested in the shit he had to say.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: HISTORY'S EYE — WT / Q&A - ROSEMARY - 06-27-2018

Rosemary, as far as she could remember, held a strong curiosity within her mind; she wanted to take things apart and figure out how they ticked. Sometimes that meant she ruined the object she analyzed, but she hardly considered that a loss. She liked kicking up dirt and turning up stones in order to see what might come out of hiding. With her nature and power level, usually this meant no harm came to her at all - and that she usually got away with her selfish shenanigans.

Hearing the doberman's call, she supposed this would be a perfect time to ask her busy older half-brother about some pressing questions. "What happened to our father?" she asked him, getting straight to the point. As far as she could tell, most people hear had no idea that their father led the place before Pincher. Now, if her half-brother killed the man just two weeks ago and mind-wiped them all to secure his leadership role, Rosemary probably wouldn't care about that. If anything, she'd likely only admire her brother for such a well executed plan.

Settling down in front of him, her tail-tips flicked around her as she waited for his response. On the outside, she appeared calm and collected: perfect example of patient. On the inside, however, she felt somewhat tempted to dive into his mind and see the full story for herself.

Re: HISTORY'S EYE — WT / Q&A - bubblegum - 06-28-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl was actually quite curious about everything, wishing to ask many questions all the time. but, she had learned early on that there were some things others did not wish to answer. so, she held back her curiosity out of respect. she didn't want others to feel uncomfortable just because of her own wonders. they weren't things that she needed to know, so she would be fine just wondering on. if they wanted to talk about it, they would. she wouldn't pry.

when her papa called out that he was answering questions, she did feel that curiosity rise up again. with so much of his family showing up lately, she wondered how much he had, how he felt towards them, and why he never did talk about them. but, again, her respect held her back. instead, she would ask him pleasant things. she knew quite a few of his favorites and things he liked, but she still had much to learn about her papa. so, she would ask what his favorite things were. his favorite hobbies, his favorite memories, things like that. the injured girl walked slowly over, eyeing her papa with a smile.

however, when rosemary asked about their father, her focus was instantly shattered. she turned her head to the female, ears perked. she knew nothing of papa's parents, as he'd never talked about them around him. it made her almost sad, wondering why he didn't want to talk about them. she certainly would talk about papa, he was good. she didn't want to lose or forget him. it made her want to ask why he never talked about them, but she decided not to. perhaps his reply to rosemary would explain it well enough, depending on what he said.

she was quiet for a moment, trying to remember what she was going to ask again. that's right. she looked back to her papa, giving a small smile again. "what's your favorite things to do?" she asked lightheartedly, hoping it would make him happy to talk about them. plus, she could find out how to make him happy if she knew them.

Re: HISTORY'S EYE — WT / Q&A - purgatory - 06-28-2018

Re: HISTORY'S EYE — WT / Q&A - PINCHER - 06-29-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Fuck. This was stupid and he already hated that he allowed himself to take questions especially since Pincher was known as a rather reserved private man about his personal life. It wasn't good to mix business with personal but this was his fault for opening his fat mouth. He glanced warily away from the crashing crystalline waves that had once kept him down to the peculiar intelligent eyes of his half-sister, Rosemary. He allowed a faint ghost of a smile to flicker on his cinnamon brown muzzle as he was fond of her and certainly was glad she was around with her medical expertise and other talents. Yet the smile cracked with a tint of awkwardness when he realized her question was striking one of the most extreme topics that Pincher was sensitive about. His father. Unlike the brown ocelot, he had been forced to deal with his father for all his life by himself and this had only caused pure agony for Pincher. His dream of becoming something shattered by the expectations of a parent and having to suck it up and continue with the plan to the point he no longer questioned it. "...He's dead. Archie passed away quite some time ago." He answered flatly, a trace of bitter poison rolling off his tongue as the broad shouldered canine forced a stoic cold expression to settle onto his facial features. He wouldn't say he killed him. Not in public nor to his family. How would they see him? As a murderer within the family ready to strike again? Last thing he wanted was the Roux family to be filled with fear and lack of trust for each other.

He blinked his electric blue eyes when he heard the small footsteps of his daughter, turning to glance at her with the hardened mask already cracking when noticing her limp slowly to him. He leaned forward to gently bump his coal black nose against hers in a loving manner, warmth washing over him alongside comfort. He loved Goldie, she was one of the few things he believed had done right on this world and he didn't want to ruin it. He knew he had hardly spoken about their twisted entangled family but perhaps when she would mature more, he would be able to tell her. The large canine pulled his head back up and chuckled at her question before contemplating. "Hmm, I think my favorite thing to do is to create maps. Also making origami. I like to go swimming and also planning." He admitted. He had always enjoyed traveling and mapmaking though he had been busy not being able to do much origami as of late he did excel in the art of it. Perhaps he could make some for his daughter and his family when he had the freedom to.

It appeared that Cronas was one full of question and Pincher wasn't shocked. The child certainly held an aura that eminated with wonder and curiosity about the world as if they had never been able to truly experience it in depth. As Pincher focused on the small ash colored kitten, he tried to keep track though he had to concentrate a lot to do so. Sucking in a deep breath, he explained "The big circle is called a sun, it's a star far away. The dim one in the night is called a moon, it's...I don't really fucking know, it's just a big revolving rock basically. The ocean smells like that because I guess of the salt and all the stuff inside it? Theres more water than land so a lot of things are in it. And uhh, I don't really know why tears have salt in them but I think you could find a book with an answer for that. Also regular cakes don't really have to be any size but they can be very big. And the difference in good and bad is depending on one's perspective. Uh, no you can't eat sympathy, it's a feeling. And falling asleep? It happens to a lot of creatures but it depends why they can't sleep but yeah sometimes I can't sleep cause I have a lot in my mind. I go to sleep by counting seconds. Curse words are words that tend to be pretty sensitive to some and not suitable for someone like you to say but I don't really believe that. Hate is also an emotion I guess though it's I don't really know how to explain it, you just really don't like something, I guess. And no you can't eat hate." His voice had begun to strain slightly by the end but he managed the long rambling before being given another question, this time personal. He blinked towards them as he swallowed before glancing away, gaze fluttering briefly towards the horizon as he thought of the dream he had once wished to live in. "I didn't always want to be a leader but things happen." He admitted, voice holding a tint of heartache and longing.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: HISTORY'S EYE — WT / Q&A - bubblegum - 06-29-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
she noticed papa's bitterness as he briefly brought up their father. archie? he must not have been a good person or something, if her papa sounded like that. he didn't seem very happy to talk about it. that wasn't good, she didn't want him to be upset. though, she was a bit more interested as to what did happen after all. of course, she wouldn't ask. that might make him upset. she would need to keep asking him nice questions to help him feel better, she decided.

as he bumped his nose against her, a genuinely blissful expression washed over herself. her tiredness instantly seemed to melt away for a few moments, focusing only on the warmth from her papa. it felt so safe. she didn't want it to ever go away. she waited quietly for him to answer her question, noting each and every word he said. she already knew he liked maps, but origami was news to her. maybe she could figure out how to do that and make things for him. maybe he would like that. she needed to remember all he said, nodding slightly with a thoughtful gaze.

but, she was instantly a bit overwhelmed, herself, at cronas' questions but thought they were all pretty good ones, although a little funny. except for the feelings ones. wouldn't they know that already? she guessed not, but it's good they asked then. maybe they'd understand from experience, too. she looked to her papa, wondering if he would want help answering them, since she did know the answers to a few, but it seemed he was prepared to reply. and his replies were all pretty decent. the last answer made her feel almost sad, leaving her wondering if he wanted to be the captain at all now.

"well, do you like being leader now?" she decided to ask, figuring it wouldn't be too personal of a question. she wouldn't understand why he'd force himself into the position - maybe there was nobody else, but she was happy to have him as captain. and she wasn't just saying that because he's her papa - she thought he was a good leader. but, that wasn't what she originally planned on asking, and she still really did want to ask it, so she opened her mouth to speak once more. "also, uhh, what's some of your favorite memories?" the girl asked, a bit excitedly. she wanted to hear what he had to say, truly wondering what they'd be.

Re: HISTORY'S EYE — WT / Q&A - ROXANNE R. - 06-29-2018

✧*:・゚ Walking over and taking a seat next to Rosemary, the feline would twitch her whiskers her face twisting a bit with confusion as Cronas asked a bunch of questions though Roxanne eventually smiled lightly at her younger brother and said at last "So, how long have you been gay and seeing Jakie mmm?" A devilish grin appeared on her face before it was replaced with curiosity prepared to listen, she held Kal in her arms not wanting him to bite anyone but he seemed quite relaxed despite the slight tension he seem to hold towards the Doberman. Her tail flicked to the sides for a brief moment, the small winged feline would briefly spread her wings and would set Kalayavan on the ground letting him waddle about. She would clear her throat asking "Do you know how large a salt water crocodile gets?" Hearing what Goldie asked, she felt a smile appearing on her maw letting her own questions sink in before a question popped into her mind though she decided to keep it to herself even if her paws shuffled around a bit nervously. She didn't want to take away anyone's attention just for herself, that would be selfish even if the question was nagging her "If you could change anything of all the events or things that have happened would you change it? Do you regret meeting some people? Who are the people who keep you going?"" Fuck, that was too serious.

Re: HISTORY'S EYE — WT / Q&A - Verdigris - 06-29-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The idea of someone dying and coming back to life still struck Paper as bizarre, even if it was preferable to the person staying dead in this case. He still had yet to ask Pincher exactly how it happened- it seemed now, however, was his opportunity to do so.

  Approaching the group, Paper looked up and eyed Pincher curiously. The Doberman appeared to have grown gills and webbed feet, but showed no signs of rotting flesh, and smelled of nicotine, coconut, and salt like normal- so that crossed mummification and zombification off the list. Once people began asking questions, Paper turned his attention from Pincher’s appearance to the queries. Some were clearly emotionally loaded, such as Rose’s question about their father (fatherhood was a topic Paper rarely had reason to think about); others were more lighthearted, like Gold asking about what Pincher liked to do. Cronas and Roxanne, meanwhile, both flooded the area with questions, quickly enough that Paper couldn’t follow them as closely. Cronas’ curiosity was amusing, Rox’s slightly less so, but it was worth observing either way.

  Once they finished, Paper cleared his throat, then said, ”Two questions. First, how long has the Typhoon been here before us? Second, how did you come back to life?”

Re: HISTORY'S EYE — WT / Q&A - ROSEMARY - 06-30-2018

The ocelot looked at him, confused, as her auxiliary pair reading his bitter tone with a trace of puzzled anger. Rosemary knew that her dad sucked at being a dad, but she didn't understand why Pincher seemed bitter about it - after all, he got the most attention out of all their assorted siblings. Hell, her brother lived with their father without even dealing with tardy visits. About to probe further about this, the specked wildcat suddenly froze at the child's scientific question about tears. Pincher's answer sounded fully unsatisfactory, so she felt compelled to address the confusion and correct it.

Turning to Cronas - as she'd been around the kid long enough to guess that he spoke in third person, which seemed odd even to her - she took a quick inhale as she considered the best way to explain this. "Well, tears only taste like the ocean because the ocean and all water in our bodies contain sodium, which is a very specific type of chemical. The ocean, compared to our eyes, contains countless more different types of chemicals and microscopic particles compared to our tears. Indeed, the ocean is teaming with germs and life forms, whereas our eyes are almost completely devoid of life - with the exception of our own cells and any parasites that happen to sneak in, of course," she explained in a great gush of a breath, perhaps a bit too excited about teaching this strange weird tidbit of knowledge.

She held so much knowledge in her head, but she hardly ever got to use it - much less show it off. Fortunately for Pincher, she momentarily forgot all about her plan for probing him for more information about their father's death. Ears flicking, as she still had other questions to ask him, she chirped, "Do you sleep with more women then men or do you sleep with more men than women?" Quite a strange question - but Rosemary, in all honesty, never really had male relatives to interact with besides her dad. And she did grow up in a weird, strange cult-like environment, so her understanding of 'normal' seemed warped beyond all recognition.