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I WON'T BURN FIRST // private, Connor - Printable Version

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I WON'T BURN FIRST // private, Connor - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-27-2018

//Retro the dino injuries
It had been a couple of days since Pincher had demoted him, and Caesar still had yet to actually plan an event with Snowbound. Honestly, the demon wasn't entirely sure what he should do, especially considering he didn't really feel any connection or bond to the peaceful group, despite them staying here a couple weeks back. Caesar just didn't like the idea of having allies, let alone ones who could barely take care of themselves. Sure, he knew Pincher and Jacob were friends, and perhaps that friendship got stronger during the time Snowbound stayed here. It was irritating, and Caesar knew for a fact that if Pincher hadn't decided to help Jacob out, then things would be different. He would still be an Officer and he would have gotten away with that attack.

But it was whatever, Caesar supposed. What's happened, happened, and he had to deal with it now. Caesar was currently in the jungle, mindlessly fiddling around with one of the vines that dangled from one of the tree branches he had climbed onto. He was trying to think of events for Snowbound, but his mind just kept wandering to other things, such as ways to get past this punishment without doing anything. Was there even a way to do that? Probably not.

Re: I WON'T BURN FIRST // private, Connor - charrie graveyard - 06-27-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]In his short life span, Connor had never had to deal with the consequences of his actions- well, at least, in a negative sense, he hadn't. This was mostly likely due to the fact the tabby had never done anything "law-breaking" for the lack of a better term. It was simple, though, really- Connor didn't like to break rules. He preferred to follow them- or rather, he felt like he had to follow them. Either way, he wasn't a troublemaker, that was for sure.

The tabby had just been coming back from his garden when he happened to notice Caesar in the tree, the LED on his head flickering as he gazed upwards. Connor remembered him from his meet and greet. He didn't seem very... happy at the moment, but despite this, he went ahead and addressed the former officer. "Hello... Caesar, was it? How are you today?" He asked carefully, moving a bit closer to the tree, but making no moves in attempt to climb up and join the other feline.


Re: I WON'T BURN FIRST // private, Connor - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-28-2018

That's the difference between Connor and Caesar; Caesar believed that rules were made to be broken. As much as Pincher claimed that The Typhoon was a free group, where others could make decisions and believe in whatever they want to - both religious and opinion-wise -  but Caesar had to disagree. There were rules here, rules that were a tad restricting in his opinion. And he wasn't just referring to how he was given a punishment for attacking an ally, though that was one of the reasons he believed this. He didn't think Snowbound was a worthy ally in the first place, but that was a rant for another day.

"Yeah, that's me." Caesar responded, looking down at Connor from where he was perched. His tail flicked idly as he studied the strange male for a couple of seconds. Connor was a tad weird, a type of creature that Caesar had never encountered before. He was quite honestly curious if Connor was as easy to manipulate as he looked. "I guess I'm fine." He shrugged. Fine as he could be, he supposed. "What brings you out here?"