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DULCI PUERI DORMITE // O, NAMING AALIYAH - Roy Mustang - 06-27-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
God dammit, this kid has grown on me, The mechanistic bobcat thought to himself with a sigh, as he looked down at his paws, Aaliyah playing at his paws. It's only been a few days since they found Aliyah in the territory, and without a doubt, Roy hadn't expected her to get so attached to him. At first, it surprised him, maybe even shocked him. He felt confused why she felt so gravitated to him, especially when they looked different pelt wise. Sure, they happened to be the same species, but he thought she would have been able to tell the difference between her father and Roy. He seemed to be incorrect, he was very incorrect. As the days went on, Roy almost felt responsibility over the child- she stayed in his den, slept in his bed, and very often was playing at his paws or nearby him. He felt like it would be his fault if she got hurt or wandered into trouble.

After he began to look out for her, and began to get used to having her around, it was then the sudden realization hit him. He was acting like she was his daughter. Roy didn't even think at first that he was acting like a father figure, until Hope asked him a question at her joining. Is she yours? Someone thought Roy was her biological father. Unknown to them, Roy and Aaliyah actually have no relation at all. It just happened to be a coincidence that Roy was the same species as her and happened to be male as well. It was a misconception, really. But, maybe she belonged to him in another way. Roy was already acting like her father, he doesn't have to be related to her to be the father figure in her life. Might as well adopt her and make it official.

"Hey, look up at me," The Flame Alchemist spoke up to the kitten, gently nudging her with his front paw that wasn't preoccupied by her. Once he got her attention, Roy's gaze locked with hers, looking down at her small body. "You're now named Aaliyah Mustang, got it?" He said, believing the name was quite fitting.

[ [member=338]aaliyah[/member] ]

Re: DULCI PUERI DORMITE // O, NAMING AALIYAH - Lokisaurus - 06-27-2018

Aaliyah looked up, tilting her head this way and that.  Aaliyah.  Name.  Aaliyah Mustang was her name.  The bobkitten rolled the word over in her mind, memorizing what was hers.  Her name.  Just hers.

Aaliyah, now officially titled, grinned up at her new father.  Her little blue eyes sparkled a little brighter as she held onto his leg, a sort of safety blanket type thing for her at this point.

"Daddy."  She nodded into his fur as she said the word, as if agreeing with his name choice.  If she got a new name, then so would he.


Hazel had always wanted younger siblings; she had hoped to find them in the children of the Ascendants, but had instead learned that she felt too volatile, too off-kilter to approach one of the kids and introduce herself. She felt as if she might break down in front of them, because she seemed to be so wonderful at doing that these days.

So there was a part of her excited, happy even, for Roy and his ability to bond with Aaliyah. The little bobcat would absolutely need supervision to keep her out of trouble. And honestly? The little girl would be good for Roy, too.

“That’s a beautiful name, Roy.” Hazel purred, joining the two with a tired smile. “Any reason behind the name?” She asked, watching fondly as Aaliyah seemed to claim Roy as her own, too. There might not be any reason behind it, but she figured she would ask anyway.
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: DULCI PUERI DORMITE // O, NAMING AALIYAH - Margaery - 07-02-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Genevieve didn’t have a maternal bone in her body which, given the nature of her counterpart, was indeed rather ironic. Children were fussy, needy, messes that the chocolate point simply could not force herself to enjoy. Perhaps it had something to do with the way she was created, the only semblance of feeling that coursed through her veins being hatred and hunger, diluted or muted blossoms of anything else stemming from the one and only Margaery. It was strange, living like that, living like a monster, But Genevieve’s entity was still rather young and she didn’t want children anyways. The emotional burden, the emotional attachment, was too much for her as well. She had already accidentally gotten too close to Aerona, opening her cold, dead heart to anyone else would simply be considered a death sentence for her beastly reputation.

Besides, Genevieve was well aware of the fact that any doubt towards her hatred of children was pushed gently upon her by Margaery. She was a mother in every sense of the word and probably thought it terrible that not every part of her fit that description. Mother, not a monster, but for Genevieve, it was the other way around. Which was exactly why she turned her nose up upon arriving, empty copper eyes locked first on Aaliyah and then her self-proclaimed father. Ugh. The sweetness in this oh so precious scene made her sick to her stomach. So what if the baby bobcat got a name? Children were nuisances anyways, why did anyone care? Scoffing, Genevieve forced herself into a state of silence, her normally sly remarks not fitting the mood of this little gathering. Margaery, who had resigned to defeat as of late, had stirred and warned her not to say a word.

Admittedly, Genevieve was surprised she listened to her.


Hazel was like a tether of golden light, drawing him in when he found himself absently wandering. Bastille wasn't sure if it was the bond or the simple force of her aura alone, but often times he'd be yawning and going to find something to do, only to stumble upon Hazel as if by coincidence. At this point, he'd stopped questioning it, and perhaps for good reason. He didn't really want to think too hard about her hold on him or the hopelessness of it. Instead, he elected to ignore it, tucking the realization deep in the pit of his rotten souls where she wouldn't get to it through their bond. It seemed to be relatively effective so far.

As he found himself drawn to her once more, he let his attention slide over her briefly as he came to a stop besides Gen, before he was quickly distracted by Aali and Roy. Bastille smirked slightly in amusement as he caught the little girl's new name, noting silently that Roy was going soft, before he commented, "Aali sounds like a good name to me. Hi, Aali."