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[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
When was the last time that Miss Genevieve Harper Mikaelson had been permitted to roam about and do as she pleased? The ever dull Margaery (and to some degree, Maarit) kept her chained and shackled in the far corners of her mind, letting her rot and fester and grow stronger as more things continued to break and betray her. Her. Genevieve. Margaery. They were all the same person when it boiled down to it, not that Genny cared to acknowledge that. She didn’t care to acknowledge much really, just herself, her hunger, and her general disregard towards humanity. Other people? Well, they sucked. Suiteheart especially. That “wife” of Margaery’s was nothing but a mistake waiting to happen and Genevieve patiently awaited the day that she was out of the picture. Completely.

Who could blame Genevieve for being so spiteful? After Margaery was brutally murdered by a former lover, she was the defense system created to guard her poor, broken heart. Crafted to not care, Gen delighted in killing to fill the void that the poet had left in her. Had it not been for Margaery’s resistance, she would have slaughtered as many as these measly Ascendants as possible. But she had to control herself... behaving was the only way she could stay in control. Margaery was not nearly strong enough to shackle her back up and besides, Genevieve had made sure to return the favor to Margy for a bit. She was here to stay for the time being. Until she somehow slipped up and caused Margaery to band together with Maarit to resume control.

Swishing a tail, the chocolate point sauntered into the Observatory, fresh blood staining her maw. Copper eyes did not fade to gray as they normally would have if Margaery was present, instead remaining that threatening shade of red- Genny’s favorite. Assuming control had been so easy! With poor Margaery troubled beyond belief by Suiteheart and her own, tragic death, Genevieve had been able to free herself and give Margy a well deserved break. Hmph. She really was pathetic, Margaery was. No matter, she still loved - or was it loathed? - her all the same.

[color=#b14767]”Hm, where is everyone!” She cried out dramatically, though there was no spark in her otherwise lifeless eyes, [color=#b14767]”Do you all lack manners? Oh boo! Come greet a real lady, not that Margaery girl you’ve all grown to care about! I’m Genevieve- Genevieve Harper Mikaelson. I’ve wanted to meet you all for the longest time.”


Had Hazel really known what this was, she might have thought back to the times she watched Bastille’s eyes melt to green and his speech pattern change. How he seemed to become a completely different person. How the air around him melted into a different, more chaotic aura. This? This was...similar. This seemed more total, more wholly invested. Hazel could hardly process what she was hearing, despite being able to see the form of Margaery swaggering into the observatory. It just so happened that this was definitely not Margaery. Someone else entirely was speaking out of her mouth — someone that commanded a different sort of authority. Brasher, more impulsively careless and attention-centered than Margy’s regal air.

Doesn’t matter, whispered a voice that shocked Hazel like an electric jolt. She’s hot. And oh, yes; that would definitely be the girl from her mindscape. And while Hazel was terrified of this girl’s abilities, she was nowhere near awake enough to drown herself in worry. She just hoped Bastille couldn’t hear what the girl was saying.

Shaking her head, Hazel watched Not-Margaery saunter forwards, thoroughly perplexed. “Genevieve seems like way too serene a name for someone of your personality.” She commented a bit bluntly, despite the concern working its way through her system. Hopefully, this was another time-sensitive thing, and Margaery was back before the sun went down. “So — when do we get Margy back?” Lack of sleep seemed to dissolve Hazel’s brain-to-mouth filter, which
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: AND I’M BORDERLINE BAD | OPEN, INTRODUCTION? - Margaery - 06-28-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
The moment that she was addressed by another soul, everything about her once casual-grace stiffened. She swiveled easily on a heel to stare at Hazel, expression cold and calculating. For a moment, all she could view the other as was food. If Genevieve acted now, she probably wouldn’t feel a thing or know what had even hit her. But killing someone Margaery cared deeply for... well, even the simple thought of it caused her to try to regain control, screams riddled with profanities and threats rising in the back of her mind. She felt her own hold on her concioisness slip, surprised by the power Margaery now possessed in the face of Hazel, in the face of her wanting to kill Hazel. So she wouldn’t. She’d drive the thought from her mind and merely resort to having a good time. There were plenty of other walking blood bags all around her anyways, someone surely would slip up and then become her dinner- she knew it.

Exhaling a sigh, the huntress would take a seat, more interested in studying her would-be prey if Margaery hadn’t been in the picture. Healthy. Young. Oh... wait... this was that sunshine girl, the one that Margaery so desperately wished to see with her troubled son-type-of-thing. Interesting. Genevieve, I swear to God... Ah, so Margaery wished to address her civilly now? Too bad it was too late to remedy the situation. [color=#b14767]”Hey there, sugarplum,” She greeted, seemingly unvexed by the rather crude comment that Hazel extended in her direction, [color=#b14767]”Margaery is out of commission until you unfortunate lot can figure out how to get her back. Such a shame, isn’t it? Don’t worry, love, I’m much more fun.”

Re: AND I’M BORDERLINE BAD | OPEN, INTRODUCTION? - radeken - 06-28-2018

[color=black]You people really can’t ever have a normal week, huh?” Maybe if she mixed sedative into all the water sources around here they could all just relax. The Halo’s bag jangled as she drew just near enough to assess new eyes, voice, name, mannerism - shit’s fucked. Whatever. Maybe this would be interesting. Margaery died, came back, and now she was gone again. Suiteheart’s going to have a conniption. And she’d be justified for it, in Radeken’s opinion. This was a lot.

[color=black]Well. Welcome to the Ascendants, Genevieve. I guess.” It felt as though nearly everyone around her was at least eight other people and that make Rad uneasy. How did they live like that? Radeken had a hard enough time sharing a bed, she couldn’t imagine having to share her body with something else. She watched ‘Genevieve’ carefully, half wishing that this was some sort of prank. Much more fun. Nobody who said things like that was good to have around in the longterm, probably. Fortunately Radeken could just hide out in her room mixing and mashing like usual until the crazy blew over, so ultimately, this wasn’t the biggest deal. Maybe something to keep an eye on, though, for entertainment purposes.


The idea of people being possessed by multiple spirits or being was bizarre to Gordon, and if she learned that Bastilleprisoner had multiple souls, she'd probably be more wary of him. Margaery was somebody Gordon was really close to, and she tried to hang as close to the she-cat as possible. She was almost a motherly type of person to Gordon (even before she actually had kids), and Gordon felt a natural connection to her. But today something was different. Gordon didn't have the ability to read auras, but that didn't mean she couldn't sense when the air seemed different.

Gordon was behind Hazel as Genevieve talked to her, and the little she-cat was practically hiding at this point. She didn't like the way Margaery - or, rather, Genevieve - was acting. It made her really uncomfortable, and it showed; her fur was puffed out and she refused to look up from staring at her paws. But she was clearly listening in on the conversation.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: AND I’M BORDERLINE BAD | OPEN, INTRODUCTION? - Roy Mustang - 06-28-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy's ice blue eyes narrowed cautiously, as the melanistic bobcat made his way over, gaze locked on the Lunar Lieutenant. Something, without a doubt, seemed wrong with Margaery. Roy considered her to be a friend of his, and she seemed off. Roy didn't pick up on that usual grayness in her eyes, instead they were threatening to fade into a deep color of red. And before he could say a word to her, the feline decided to speak up before him. And rather dramatically as well, if he might add. Genevieve Harper Mikaelson? The name did not ring a bell, and he knew that Margaery wouldn't pull a stunt like this. She claimed that Margaery is 'out of commission', which sounds rather concerning to the male. What the hell did this thing do to take control of her? She must be quite stupid then, her attitude only proved her lack of intelligence, if she knows how to take control but doesn't know how to let Margaery back. Or, Genevieve doesn't want to let Margaery back, and is doing anything in her power to stay in control.

"So tell me, Genevieve, you're possessing Margaery, am I correct?" The Flame Alchemist questioned with a calculating tone, not caring if he sounded harsh to the thing that's wearing Margaery's face. This isn't Margaery that's standing before him and the others, it's not his friend. She did not die for her children, and come back from the dead. No, it is an invader of Margaery, and Roy Mustang will treat it as a stranger until he knows his friend is safe and sound. "I do not appreciate you taking the control of my friend," He said, as his ears flattened to his skull, gaze locking on her. "If you took control of her, then you should be able to release her- unless you're truly dull-witted as you sound."

Re: AND I’M BORDERLINE BAD | OPEN, INTRODUCTION? - Warringkingdoms - 06-28-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Margaery’s abnormally loud call elicited a suspicious frown from Rin- even after returning from the dead, Marg hadn’t been anywhere near this cheerful. Either Marg had just received overwhelmingly good news, or something was horribly wrong. Setting down the herbs she had been sorting through, Rin left the Cleric’s den and went to investigate.

  It was as the woman clarified that she was not really Margaery, but rather “Genevieve,” and as Rin caught sight of “Genevieve’s” crimson eyes, that Rin’s suspicion turned to outright hostility. She couldn’t fight the burning feeling that she had witnessed something like this before, and that it had nearly ended horribly for everyone involved- and even if she hadn’t, she wasn’t about to leave Margaery at the mercy of a body snatcher. Approaching with bristling fur, Rin focused her narrowed eyes on Genevieve, but did not speak; Roy had beaten her to the punch. If Genevieve offered an obtuse or otherwise unhelpful answer, however, she would be ready to make further demands, and restrain Marg’s body if necessary to prevent Genevieve from damaging it (or using it to damage others).

  That last part sounded barbaric- more like something that Radeken would do- so Rin really hoped it wouldn’t be necessary, but the option was there as a last resort.

Re: AND I’M BORDERLINE BAD | OPEN, INTRODUCTION? - Suiteheart - 06-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"Great."

Suiteheart's voice was dark and angry as she stepped forward, having heard Genevieve's call. However, she didn't need to hear the words to know something was different. The blood that splattered the chocolate point's jaws and her cooper-colored eyes were sign enough. Margaery's shifted into stormy grays, and she always cleaned up after her hunting trips. More than the physical signs, Suiteheart felt it. Through the bond, she sensed Genny rising, rising, rising until she had complete control over her wife.

'Where is she, Suite? Give her to me.' Those had been the first words Genevieve spoke into her mind, and without needing confirmation as to who 'she' was, Suite knew. Genny wanted her counterpart; she wanted Aerona. When Genevieve had risen to power, Suiteheart felt the shifting inside of herself. A piece of her shattered soul was scratching at the bars of its cage. It was strong, evil, dark, and it wanted to experience life again. Suiteheart refused. She shot the murderous girl down, locking her deep within her core. Aerona didn't put up much of a fight, but Suite could still feel her - it felt like Aerona was pacing and waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

She stood to Warringkingdoms' side, eyes narrowed and full of anger. "Didn't expect to see you so soon," she leveled, arching a fictional eyebrow. The tip of her tail was twitching back and forth in annoyance, and her fury was growing by the second as she felt Margaery trying to regain control. "You'd best watch yourself now, Genny. You're not so well-liked here."

Re: AND I’M BORDERLINE BAD | OPEN, INTRODUCTION? - Margaery - 06-28-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Radeken earned a poisonous smile, something akin to wickedness igniting in Genevieve’s eyes. According to Margaery, this was the one that enabled Bastilleprisoner- the walking source of a good time. Her blood would make a fair trade off for whatever Rad might have to offer, she decided, ignoring the screams of protest that rose in the back of her mind from Margaery. Oh that was right... that silly bargain. Genny seriously doubted that Selene cared about where the vampires came from so long as they were made. If anything, Margaery should be thanking her for getting the job done. [color=#b14767]”I’m a vampire, sugar, normal doesn’t apply to me,” She finally responded, a casual shrug trailing her words. At least Radeken has the good sense o welcome her; everyone else just seemed so keen on getting Margaery back.

Her attention would fall away from the Halo in that moment, copper gaze landing upon first Gordon, and then Roy. The former seemed perturbed by her presence, and Genevieve couldn’t help but feel slightly satisfied that she had caused a mild deal of distress. Good. After everything that Margaery had done to her - placing every horrible memory and terrible deed on her like she was some sort of punching bag - her friends deserved to be made uncomfortable. The latter - Roy - only prompted a chuckle from her, the sound blunt and cold, completely unlike the tinkling warmth of Margaery’s own laugh. [color=#b14767]”She has friends? Doubtful,” Genny scoffed, shaking a head, [color=#b14768]”And I’m not ready to leave, I haven’t been around in ages.”

Rin’s silent arrival piqued her curiosity for only a minute. This one was a dear friend of Margaery’s and her obvious hostility only proved such. She’d keep a close eye on her, it was, after all, the quiet ones that would provide her with the most danger.


The word prompted her to look away, now-narrowed eyes focused on the one and only love of her life. She smiled, though there was nothing but thinly-veiled hate expressed on her face. Suiteheart... the one who replaced Aerona. [color=#b14767]”Give me Aerona and we won’t have an issue. I know she wants to speak to me. We’re two pieces of the same puzzle, you can’t keep her caged away for very long if I’m around,” She supplies effortlessly, flicking a tail. Sooner or later, Suite would break and she would have Aerona. She just needed to keep provoking her until that happened.


Hazel had taken a seat, golden eyes narrowing as she watched Genevieve use Margaery’s voice and body, feeling like she was watching a puppet show. An odd, twisted puppet show. Hazel quite literally had no idea how to handle a situation like this, and it was pressing on her already frayed nerves. Her brain was already short-circuiting from something different; now the clipped wires were throwing sparks due to the struggle of comprehending this and worrying about Margaery.

Don’t be rude, Hazel. The girl’s disembodied voice floated through her head again, making Hazel shudder involuntarily. Be nice to the hot lady. Deus, this girl was practically leering. She could hear it drip off her voice like candle wax. Gritting her teeth, Hazel ignored her, closing her eyes for a brief moment. Man, must be nice to be in control. Say, Haze, would you let me take the wheel for a little while? We’ll have a grand old time, guaranteed. Bet I could hook you up with your boy-toy, too —

Quod satis est. Hazel hissed under her breath, thoroughly ruffled and displeased and desperately trying to keep the feeling of mounting frustration at a low simmer. There was no way that ghost would ever sit in the pilot’s seat; not if Hazel wanted to keep her dignity.

The feline startled a bit at the feeling of Gordon close behind her, turning her head to blink at the skittish girl. She found that she didn’t mind — Gordon had a habit of sticking close to others in uncertain situations, and Hazel wasn’t about to fault her for it. As Radeken, Roy, and Rin showed up, Hazel let them take control of the scene, willing to watch and observe instead of putting herself in the line of fire she surely wouldn’t survive. Besides, it was only a matter of time before —

Before Suiteheart showed up. Hazel could feel the waves of heated anger she was throwing off, though it seemed to run deeper than this one interaction. Clearly, there was history here, and Hazel wanted to know what it was. Secrets were not so easily pried out in public places, though; not with Suite. Genevieve, however, seemed like the type that would have no trouble spilling information if it was necessary to get her to a certain point. And while Hazel wasn’t keen on having their entire life story retold right here, she found that any sort of dirt on Genevieve might help bring Margaery back.

“Aerona?” Hazel asked, glancing at Suite with a sort of guarded expression, her voice not quite interested and not quite flat. She was aware that not long ago, Hazel had told Suite that she didn’t know her. The real her, anyway. She didn’t know anything about Hazel’s past or her experience. Now Hazel was finding out the same, and it...was an odd role reversal. If this went south, she’d be apologizing profusely to Suite with gifts and baked goods. But for now? Something else was inhabiting Margaery’s body, and Hazel wanted it out.

(Quod satis est — that is enough)
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]