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MESS YOU UP! | joining - Printable Version

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MESS YOU UP! | joining - Cosmic - 06-27-2018

This was such a long way from home. The feline-fox hybrid slowly approached the Ascendants border, unsure of whether or not to cross it to get folks over quicker. She was rather impatient and wanted to get on with it.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Crowdcontrol questioned, tilting her head as she spoke. Oof. They wouldn't be absolute barbarians here, would they? Want to skin her and keep her pretty, gorgeous alabaster hide?

She looked around a bit, cracking her neck and waiting while looking at the scenery. The strange marking on her shoulder would certainly be quite the sight.

Re: MESS YOU UP! | joining - Lokisaurus - 06-27-2018

Aaliyah was the first to pop up, her fluffy baby fur falling out in clumps due to a particularly nasty fall she took not even a few steps back.  She had sprung up, however, without so much as a sniffle once she heard somebody calling out from the border. 

The baby bobcat crept closer, knowing full-well that she wasn't supposed to be this far from the Observatory.  Did she care?  Ha, not really.  It was fun to explore.  In any case, she saw a person and she wanted to establish that this was her terf before the person got to comfy.

Aaliyah took a deep breath and let out her most fearsome mew, believing that if she was loud enough, this creature would get the message.  She was top dog here!

Re: MESS YOU UP! | joining - Cosmic - 06-27-2018

The hybrid looked at the little cub, a metaphorical brow raised. And then came the most adorable and hilarious mewl she had ever heard. Holy shit. That was the cutest thing she'd seen in a while.

"You're awfully cute, you know that?" Crowd chuckled, trying to gently pat the strange child's head in an endearing manner. Amazing. She had to have a good laugh at this.

"Where are your parents?" She wondered out loud, looking around some more. Why did people let their children wander like this? Honestly, had she been a murderer this would have gone a completely different direction.

Re: MESS YOU UP! | joining - kinglykingstone - 06-27-2018

Cooper had been following the scent trail of a certain mischievous kitten after picking up the scent very far from where she was supposed to be. "Little Princess, come back." cooed the canine, wincing when he heard a kitten attempt of a roar.

He scrambled forward, spotting the newcomer and the bobcat kitten. "Sorry about her" apologized the dog as he pulled the kitten back with his paw. "What's your name?" he asked the stranger as he did so.

[div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: center; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Song Myung; color: #B14A3D"]dale cooper traveler the ascendants observer tags

Re: MESS YOU UP! | joining - Cosmic - 06-27-2018

She looked at Cooper, giving a shy laugh as he apologized for the child's behavior. "No, no, it's fine. It's okay." The alabaster feline-fox hybrid put a paw up as a sign of peace, insisting she was not here to attack.

"My name is Crowdcontrol Kennedy. But you can call me Hope if it's easier." The agent replied, giving a soft smile to the dog. "This is the Ascendants, correct? I'm here to join."

She offered, tilting her head again, hoping that this place would be kind to her. It appeared it would be, but you could never be too sure these days. Oof. She was just cautious, you know?

Re: MESS YOU UP! | joining - Roy Mustang - 06-27-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy was on the move. The melanistic bobcat had woken up from his nap, to notice that Aaliyah was no where in sight. It's funny to think how Roy ended up in this situation- Roy, who had no plans to be a father, managed to accidentally convince a young kitten that he was her dad. And now, with the days passing by, and with Aaliyah staying close to his side, the older bobcat began to realize the bond growing between them. Roy was constantly looking out for her, keeping track of her scent, and making sure she didn't walk into any messy situations. He, and others too, can basically say that Roy is acting like a father figure to her. And what was he doing right now? Following her scent, far into the Ascendants territory.

Roy tracking her scent when her 'roar' caused his ears to prick up. His head quickly turned in the direction of her, pausing as he caught an unfamiliar voice speaking, and before Roy could think of any dangerous scenarios, he heard Cooper as well. Without another thought, Roy made his way over, entering the scene after Cooper. His eyes landed on Aaliyah for a moment, eyes gleaming with disapproval, making his way over to her. "Apologies about her, she seemed to stray away from me." The bobcat commented, as his gaze landed onto Crowdcontrol, or Hope.

She was here to join. Roy wasn't that welcoming to joiners. Roy usually avoids them, as his trust for them isn't gained so easily. He wasn't a fan of how easily members got into the Ascendants, Roy would rather demand questions on why they want to join and about them if he showed up more often in these. But, Roy held himself back from asking these questions. He wasn't going to scare them away, but that didn't mean he was going to welcome them in with open arms either. They can get a simple introduction, if they want to know more about Roy, then they better gain his trust. "I am Roy Mustang."

Re: MESS YOU UP! | joining - Cosmic - 06-27-2018

"Hello then, Roy." The hybrid greeted with a dip of her head, and her gray-green gaze looked back to the small bobcat. Was this his offspring?

"Is she yours?" Playerone inquired, tail flicking once.

//aaaaa her name is changed to Playerone, yeet.

Re: MESS YOU UP! | joining - BASTILLEPAW - 06-27-2018

Bastille was fucking exhausted, but he supposed mixing several different pills and a bottle of wine would do that to you. Rin had finally let him go, and he'd decided that the best way to avoid the stares was to get the fuck out of dodge and hit the borders. Which was... better, he supposed, but there was a buzz under his skin and he still felt vaguely shaken from his run in with Hazel. He was glad to find something else to do, like running the last bit of energy out of his system, but it would seem he couldn't hide for too long.

The seraph joined them slowly, gaze lingering on Cooper before he looked away, towards this stranger. He considered her before offering a lazy greeting, an idle, "Uh, hey. Welcome. 'M Bast." His attention slid briefly to Aali as the girl looked to her, and he offered a faint half smile in greeting.