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CLIMBING HIGHER - open, winkwonk - Printable Version

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CLIMBING HIGHER - open, winkwonk - Lokisaurus - 06-27-2018

Baby bobcats become tired very easily.  They're cats, big floofy cats with messed up ears and tails, so their bodies are naturally thirty-five percent asleep at all times.  For busy-body bobbies like Aaliyah, however, it doesn't take much for a bobcat to take a nap.  Because of this, it was currently possible to see this lil' princess stumbling her way towards a comfortable bed to pass out in.

A bed that was certainly not hers, for the record.

Within moments, the little bobbie had set up shop in a well-worn sleeping spot that might've smelled like her kind, but certainly wasn't open to all wandering lynx knockoffs.  She had settled in Roy's spot, and would not be moved until she deemed fit.

Re: CLIMBING HIGHER - open, winkwonk - Roy Mustang - 06-27-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
It's been a few days since Roy began to sleep in his own room again. For the past few weeks, Roy had been spending his nights in the Cleric's den. He went through a rough injury, and made it even worse when his animal instincts overcame him. His decisions caused a spiral of other problems, but thankfully, Roy was healed well enough that he didn't need his wound to be re-dressed and bandaged. His wound was healed, there were no signs of infection, and he was able to walk on three legs like his fourth leg wasn't there. There might be burn scars from his cauterization and an uneven stump, but he can live with it. Roy was heading towards his room, with the intention to take a nap, as the bobcat didn't sleep well the previous night. His body was demanding for rest, and he couldn't resist it anymore.

And when Roy padded into his room, he froze for a moment at who was resting on his mattress. There was Aaliyah(or to Roy, the kitten, considering she didn't have a name, all she does is mewl), fast asleep, curled up at the center of his bed. When he first came across Aaliyah in the territory, Roy didn't expect something like this to happen. Roy didn't mean to get the kitten attached to him, it seemed like she had an instant connection with him the moment she looked at him. Roy thought it would have been short lived, but she seemed to follow him around after- whether it be physically him or his scent.

The Flame Alchemist knew that it would be cruel if he pushed her away. She is young, small, and probably doesn't know that Roy has no relation to her whatsoever. She seemed so happy around him, if he gave her the cold shoulder, or completely avoided her, he had no idea how she would react. And while Roy didn't think this way at first, she has certainly began to grow on Roy in these past few days. Roy never thought he would raise a child, especially a child on his own, but it seems like he's coming to that. He wishes Maes could see him now. Hughes would be so happy, excited, and overjoyed that Roy was, unintentionally, becoming a father.

A sigh escaping his maw, the tired bobcat would silently make his way over to his bed, carefully getting on the mattress. Making sure he doesn't wake Aaliyah, the Flame Alchemist gently laid down beside her, closing his blue eyes.

Re: CLIMBING HIGHER - open, winkwonk - BASTILLEPAW - 06-27-2018

Children were interesting things. Bastille had never had very much exposure to them, prior to the Ascendants, and in fact had only really ever experienced kids as a kit himself. That being said, he didn't hate them like one might expect from someone with his... temperament. He had a surprising soft spot for kids, even those not pseudo related to him, and so he'd taken to Aaliyah readily enough. She was small and defenseless and pretty fucking adorable, and she was their responsibility now. If that meant letting her pounce of his tail or strut about like she owned the place, Bast didn't really care.

He recognized her aura ahead, though when he paused to glance inside an open doorway, he realized it was Roy's room. He considered the two for a moment, vaguely surprised to see Roy accepting this development so readily, and then he was off again. No need to wake them.