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FAME < INFAMY ; ambassador meeting / typhoon ambassador sign-ups - Printable Version

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FAME < INFAMY ; ambassador meeting / typhoon ambassador sign-ups - Suiteheart - 06-26-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Well, she was late, but what else was new? She had silently cursed herself for days on end as she had more or less been putting this off in favor of taking time to soothe her troubled thoughts. She knew her own mental health was important, but she also had a task to uphold. She couldn't let everyone - and herself - down. She was an Ecliptic Admiral for God's sake. She needed to get shit done.

The white feline padded into the Grand Circle, sporting her signature lopsided grin. Despite having looked like absolute hell for a few days, she now appeared the picture of perfect health. Maybe she was just great at acting. Regardless, the fae climbed a few steps of the ladder in order to stand above the throng of passing Ascendants. "Hey, if you're an ambassador for any group, step forward," she called, her voice filling the room.

She took a pause and a brief flash of pain crossed her features. Lunafreya had been the only ambassador for the Typhoon. She was gone now, and that thought hurt. Suite didn't feel right having to find a replacement for her friend, but she knew Luna would not have wanted her absence to prevent something good. "We have two openings for ambassadorship in the Typhoon. If anyone wants to be a part of this, it's first come, first serve. Just state your interest and you're in. And stick around for our meeting."

Suiteheart let another pause wash over the crowd. Taking a small breath, she added, "Once everyone is ready, we'll meet in the Picture Room to discuss things." She waited only a few heartbeats for the gathered crowd to repeat her words in a mumble before heading off into the direction of the Picture Room.

It had not taken long for her to reach the one place within the Observatory that had windows. She stood, facing the glass, staring out into the world. This was all so incredibly peaceful, and it was one reason she had chosen this place for the meeting. It was also fucking cool, so there was that. "Alright, so, the reason I've gathered everyone here today is to talk about events. I want to hear suggestions from everyone about event ideas we as ambassadors can hold for the groups we visit. Doesn't have to be anything big, so no worries.

"If anyone is also interested or has ideas specifically for the Ascendants, I'd also love to hear those."
She smiled at the group sat before her, signifying she was finished speaking. Now, all she had to do was wait.

[member=449]Margaery[/member]  [member=312]ROY MUSTANG.[/member]  [member=853]GORDON CIPHER.[/member]

[also, for those who are interested in having a character become an ambassador for the Typhoon, please click here to sign up in the ambassadors hub!]

Re: FAME < INFAMY ; ambassador meeting / typhoon ambassador sign-ups - Margaery - 06-26-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
For all the time Margaery spent cooped up in the Observatory, she didn’t think she had ever paid a visit to the Picture Room. Usually, her attention was drawn to her room or the grand circle, never straying from her particular interests simply because change had begun to overwhelm the chocolate point. Since returning from death, everything was so painfully different and she was struggling to keep her head above water. It didn’t help that she was burdened with her own, personal instability- the facets of herself that she had suppressed often times struggling to the surface to make rare (and painful) appearances. Luckily, Maarit seemed to be once more dormant and the monster... well, she was always tempted by the monster. This was an ordinary day for her. But maybe this change in pace was good. Apparently, this room had windows and everyone knew just how much Margaery enjoyed feeling the sun on her face (even with its capacity to burn her sensitive skin).

Entering the room following Suite’s call, she fought the urge to place herself directly next to her wife, opting to sit in front of her instead. She remained silent for a moment, processing her words and scouring her mind for an interesting event that she could provide to liven up the relationship between the Ascendants and Tanglewood- and then it hit her.

[color=#b14767]”I enjoy a masquerade as much as the next person. The Observatory would be the perfect place to have one! We could invite Tanglewood, have drinks, food, games, music, everything a party needs! A good party might lift everyone’s spirits as well. Things have been rather... gloomy, as of late,” She offered breezily, a casual shrug of her shoulders following her words. She probably had an old mask laying around her antique room that she could wear and a masquerade would be good fun for everyone involved. Hopefully, it’d also succeed in showing the most reluctant Ascendants that the members of Tanglewood were nothing to be wary of. [color=#b14767]”I’ll organize everything myself as well!” She added on quickly. Margaery did love planning parties.

Or... was she looking for a distraction?

At this point, who knew?

Re: FAME < INFAMY ; ambassador meeting / typhoon ambassador sign-ups - GORDON CIPHER. - 06-27-2018

Oh, that's right, she had signed up to be an Ambassador, didn't she? She still had yet to visit the group she signed up for, she should probably do that, shouldn't she? At Suiteheart's call, Gordon made her way over as quickly as possible, and made it just in time to hear the other female's announcements. She... honestly wasn't sure how she felt about being the Ambassador to The Typhoon, they honestly seemed like a terrible group. "Um... if-if nobody volunteers, I can be The Typhoon's Ambassador," Gordon squeaked out whenever she took a seat. "But, um, if somebody else wants to go, th-then let them before considering me." Hopefully that was less confusing than she made it.

Now, as for events... Gordon's tail tapped in thought. "I-I can maybe hold a truth-or-dare game between us and Snowbound, m-maybe?" She suggested. If she could, then her first visit could just be inviting them to the game.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: FAME < INFAMY ; ambassador meeting / typhoon ambassador sign-ups - Suiteheart - 06-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Margaery arrived first, and Suiteheart let a gentle smile befall her lips. She sat quietly, listening to her wife's suggestions. A masquerade sounded wonderful actually. A combination of partying and easing tensions was always something good. It would be a perfect opportunity for the Ascendants and Tanglewood to get to know one another better too. She liked the sounds of it. "Let's do it!" the Admiral said, excitement buzzing in her voice. "If you need help with anything, let us know. I'm sure you could probably find someone in Tanglewood to help - it might be fun to work with someone from a different group. What were some dates you had in mind?"

Her attention shifted from the chocolate point to Gordon. Presenting a reassuring smile to the younger femme, she listened to the other's words. "I know you're already an Ambassador for Snowbound, but if you'd like to step up for the time being, I think that would be fine. Just be sure not to overwork yourself, okay?" God, that was the last thing she wanted and/or needed. Suite brightened at the mention of a game. "Hell yeah! That sounds great, Gordy. Need help getting it set up? And when did you want to have the event?"

Re: FAME < INFAMY ; ambassador meeting / typhoon ambassador sign-ups - Roy Mustang - 06-30-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy was the next one to pad in, arriving shortly after Gordon. Roy was a little late, but thankfully he arrived just in time to hear the suggestions. While Roy is clearly not a fan of Tanglewood, the combination of partying and easing tensions aren't a bad idea. Roy knows that he himself has to get more used to calling Tanglewood their ally, and stopping himself from assuming every Tanglewood member is like their horrid, out of control leader. These events with Tanglewood can probably do him some good, even if he's not a fan of it at first.

Roy didn't say a word, ears pricked up as he listened to the suggestions of his groupmates. He listened carefully to each suggestion made, processing them through his head as he began to think of his own. A masquerade with Tanglewood, suggested by Margaery. A truth or dare session with Snowbound, suggested by Gordon. The male thought to himself, with a flick of his ear. So, a social gathering and a bonding game. Now, what can I think of that can benefit both Ascendants and Snowbound? He thought to himself as he ran ideas through his skull, before the perfect event came to him. A light bulb lit in Roy's skull, this event wasn't a social gathering, nor a bonding game. Rather instead, it's an event that can strengthen one's skills in probably one of the most important things. The Ascendants, in Roy Mustang's mind, have proven themselves not to have much in this- fighting. To Roy, it seems like this clan is full of pacifists, who won't even dare to hurt a fly.

"I can host and invite Snowbound to a sparring competition," Roy spoke up with a confident, calculating tone, gaze locking onto Suiteheart. She was the one running this meeting, meaning she was the one he's awaiting approval from. He doesn't feel like she'll say no to it, but his gaze didn't steer away from her. It stayed firmly locked, eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Re: FAME < INFAMY ; ambassador meeting / typhoon ambassador sign-ups - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-01-2018

Gordon nodded at Suiteheart's words, appreciating that the other girl was so worried about her health and well-being. "Of course I will." She promised. And she was the only to always keep promises, she never tried to break them unless she absolutely had to. And if she did, it broke her. "But I can, um... Do it tomorrow or on the 2nd or 3rd, if that's okay?" She asked before looking over at Roy as he came over with his suggestion. A sparring competition, huh? That'd be benefitical to the both of them, although Gordon wasn't sure if she'd participate herself. Sparring just wasn't her thing, but that didn't mean she didn't appreciate Roy's suggestion.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: FAME < INFAMY ; ambassador meeting / typhoon ambassador sign-ups - Suiteheart - 07-02-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Suiteheart smiled gently as her friend Roy arrived. She watched as the mental gears slowly but surely began spinning in his head. He was thinking hard about something to do, and she appreciated that. When he finally made the suggestion, a large smile curved her lips. A sparring competition? That was a Roy-certified event for you, and it was a damn good one. Competitions tended to bring others together, and that was something she could get behind. "Yo, I love that idea," the white feline meowed with an excited nod. "Do you need help setting up? And when would you like to have this event?"

Her attention was stole by Gordon as the timid fae spoke again. She let a gentle, happy look befall her face as Gordon assured her she would be fine heading two ambassador roles. Next, Suite tipped her head from left to right as she pondered the dates. "It might be best if we have it on the 3rd, that way we have a day to prepare. The 5th might work too since it'll give people time to get ready as well. It's up to you though! Did you want to carry the message to Jacob, or would you like me to? If you need, we can even go together." Her voice was soft and motherly as she spoke to Gordon. Ah, leave it to Suiteheart to find yet another individual to mother.

Re: FAME < INFAMY ; ambassador meeting / typhoon ambassador sign-ups - GORDON CIPHER. - 07-02-2018

"I-I'd prefer the 3rd." Gordon responded after thinking for a bit. She wasn't sure if she'd be busy on the fifth or not, but she knew for sure that she was free on the third. "And if you don't mind coming with me, th-that'd be great." It'd be relaxing to have somebody go into unknown territory with her, and Suiteheart already was practically like a mother to her.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: FAME < INFAMY ; ambassador meeting / typhoon ambassador sign-ups - Suiteheart - 07-02-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]So, the third it was! That would be good. Suiteheart nodded at Gordon's words. "Works for me!" At the request for her to tag along, the Ecliptic Admiral nodded again. She loved venturing towards other territories, and she enjoyed Gordon's presence - so it was a win/win situation. "Yeah, of course! Just let me know when you're heading out, and I'll go with you!"