Beasts of Beyond
for the hundredth time or s(o) - joining - Printable Version

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for the hundredth time or s(o) - joining - cherrypaw. - 06-26-2018

oh, wow.

cherrypaw-- or was it cherrybomb? his mind was spinning right now. he couldn't tell. he couldn't really tell if he even bothered to tell. regardless, cherrypaw (we'll go with that one), had found himself in a situation almost uncomfortably familiar, yet it also felt entirely foreign to the candy-colored cat.

it was just then when he realized that he had been passed out on the ground. he figured he should get up. and get up he did, albeit groggily as he tried to shake the sleep from his eyes.

blink. another blink. where... was this place? this was certainly not kansas anymore.

"...hello?" came a soft, tired meow.

hopefully there'd be a response soon. cherry was a little too tired to move for the time being.

Re: for the hundredth time or s(o) - joining - galexiux - 06-26-2018

    Eight hummed silently under her breath. Poor guy looked almost... lost. A lot of lost people came to their yard a lot. Or... what did the others call it. Border. ... What a strange description. She supposed it fit though.

  Eight skipped up to the lost, expertly prancing around all the traps and spikes buried in the dirt (seriously how did people not see them? They were right there! Shiny!). The octocat stayed a few feet behind. She's learned by now that she's not exactly normal... Everyone new sorta treated her as a deformed mutant. Apparently something like her wasn't supposed to exist. So... she kept her distance.


  She did offer Cherry a distant smile and wave though.


Re: for the hundredth time or s(o) - joining - madster - 06-27-2018

malphas was still sick and periodically vomiting from the whole eating-raw-and-rotten-feline meat that he tended to do for sick kicks. despite that, he decided he was going to go and patrol the borders because now if he needed to vomit he would be left alone.

he heard a soft, pitiful hello, and saw the horrible god-forsaken octopus girl. "sorry." he trotted over. "that you look like that, i mean," he clarified, then turned his attention to cherry.

"hey, you're tres-" he proceeded to vomit on the ground in front of him, making himself a fool in front of the girl he had insulted and the poor lost loner.

Re: for the hundredth time or s(o) - joining - galexiux - 06-27-2018

    Eight shivered as Malphas grew close. She snarled, her tiny fangs showing from between her lips. What the hell was his problem? She huffed, placing a paw over her chest. One of her tentacles covered her shoulder, hiding her face away from the male. Well. There was no reason to be rude!

  Shrugging the unnecesary insult off, she rolled her eyes, turning back to Cherrypaw. See. Appearance. Gross. Disgusting. She teared up slightly, biting her lips as her shoulders squared up. Unnatural. Horrible. She sighed, falling apart. Her eyes fell shut as she rested her chin on her open paws. Maybe she should just cut them off. Then she would be just a cat. Then she'd fit in.

  Eight tensed up as Malphas proceded to vomit all over himself. She took a few steps away from him, leaning away from the rotton soul in disgust. Eight whined, glaring at him. She rushed forward, pushing her head under the male's body where her tentacles clinged onto his skin. She forced her body up into a standing position, stared under Malphas's chest and locked onto the nearest bog. She gained a running start and proceeded to fling his entire form directly into the muddy water. Eight huffed, puffing out one of her cheeks. She sat up, dusting her forelegs off before returning to Cherry. She blinked nervously, flushing at her lack of control. She laughed nervously, turning her eyesight away.

  What? he was asking for it.

// Permission given ooc c:


Re: for the hundredth time or s(o) - joining - Nayru - 06-27-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
Had Nayru sort of established herself as Malphas’ guardian angel? Well... she wouldn’t call it that, but the personal responsibility she felt for him was one that she was not familiar with. She behaved as if it were her job that he remained healthy (which, it was in a way) and had actually been drawn out from the shadows of her home and the promise of witchcraft to ensure that he hadn’t somehow spontaneously combusted yet.  She hasn’t heard what he had said but seeing Eight fling him into the bog caused some unnatural anger to rise in her chest, her cerulean-shaded eyes narrowing momentarily into slits.

[b][color=#6b7e99]”Did you just throw my recovering patient into the swamp?” She demanded quietly, tempering her rage the moment she realized that she was standing before a newcomer. Oh. That was a bit embarrassing. Turning to Cherry, Nayru would frown a bit. [color=#6b7e99]”Um,” She managed quietly, her cheeks red, [color=#6b7e99]”I’m Nayru... the Sawbone.”

Re: for the hundredth time or s(o) - joining - cherrypaw. - 06-27-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]not to repeat himself, but oh wow.

he had just gotten here, and the vibe in the room could not be any more uncomfortable already. far too many things had just happened in far too short of a time. verbal assault. vomit. physical assault. it'd come full-circle-sort-of in the span of what seemed like an instant.

cherry was small. very small. on top of that, his light pink fur made him seem especially unassuming, so many believed him to be a kitten. who was incapable of holding his own.

which made his voice all the more shocking. after being shocked awake from the strange events in front of him, his meow quickly regained it's normal, day-to-day tone. "uh, hey?" came an unbefittingly deep, adult voice from the tiny tom. "are... uh, you alright? is he alright?" the male began to walk over to the octopus-cat-thing, glancing to the side to ensure whoever just threw up was okay.

cherry's attention was then turned to nayru, who he dipped his head towards in greeting. "i'm cherry...paw," right. "nice to meet you."

Re: for the hundredth time or s(o) - joining - Morgan - 06-27-2018

With a sigh Morgan stepped out from behind Nayru, who he had been following on a whim. "Why?" he muttered to no one in particular, taking a quick breath to push Malphas above the surface of the bog on a pillar of ice. Two more pillars joined the first to form a wide ramp back down to dry land if needed. The samoyed approached Eight next, a look of fire in his obscured eyes. "We do not attack one of our own," he warned, his words firm and cold.

The dog turned to the newcomer, his curious expression hidden by his mask. "Malphas will be fine. Nayru can help him." He overheard the stranger's introduction, nodding to himself. Looking into the pink feline's eyes, he said, "Anyway, what are you doing here? Do you want to join Tanglewood? It's dangerous around here, but we're safe back in town." An old pro at greeting and inviting new Tanglers, he let the bottom of his mask melt to reveal a warm samoyed smile.

Re: for the hundredth time or s(o) - joining - COSMIIX - 06-27-2018

The large jaguar made her way over sitting behind both Eight and Nayru offering the joined a small smile, her molten honey gaze would briefly turn in the direction of where Malphas had been thrown and didn't think it had been right of Eight to do it but then again Mal had it coming for insulting Eight. The Goddess would turn her attention to Cherrypaw once more stating with a smile "I'm Amunet. A pleasure to meet you, Cherrypaw."
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