Beasts of Beyond
SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME - o, joiner - Printable Version

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SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME - o, joiner - fabrie - 06-26-2018

Oh boy, this was a cool skating spot. Chad hadn't had this much fun in... maybe two weeks? Three weeks tops. The thing was, skateboards weren't a practical mode of transportation at this point. Maybe it had something to do that he was practically using a doll-sized skateboard, or maybe it had something to do with the terrain. Either way, the boy wouldn't give it up, even if it killed him.

Adjusting his tiny, useless sunglasses, the chameleon pushed the skateboard up a rock, and on to some smooth terrain.  Well, at least the smoothest spot he could find in a swampy forest. He didn't have a care in the world when he was on his skateboard. It had honestly removed all stress from him; it made things so much easier. Though, his comfort was quickly stolen away from him, as he skidded over a small pebble.

It was a complete wipeout, causing his little skateboard to fly a foot or so away from him. Chad picked up his sunglasses, and looked over at the board in complete disappointment. "Aw shit," he cursed aloud, before moving as fast as he could back to his skateboard. He didn't even realize that he had been trespassing onto Tanglewood's territory at this point; all that mattered to him was getting back on his board and continuing to ride.

Re: SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME - o, joiner - madster - 06-26-2018

still recovering from his cannibalism-related sickness, malphas had been hiding out in the forest. it was very humid but the heat was somewhat comforting in his sick state. here, he was truly alone, away from the bullshit of everybody else. he rested his eyes, at peace for once.

then he heard a little voice, and he nearly spiraled into an anxiety attack, getting on his paws in a daze, and in front of him rolled a plastic toy. crawling towards it desperately was some kind of lizard thing, and feeling cruel, malphas would aim to bat the chameleon away from the skateboard using a paw with unsheathed claws. he wanted to see the thing crawl again.