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the disease is called love / p, nayru - Printable Version

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the disease is called love / p, nayru - madster - 06-26-2018

after malphas finished eating that body stuck in a bear trap, he left the bones, fat, and fur for some other scavenger. this was not the first time he gave into his carnal desires- he just found feline flesh to be the sweetest, the most tender, and it also painted him as somebody to be feared.

when he had eaten that body in front of a crowd, the pretty sawbone discouraged him and he nearly shrugged her off. his brow furrowed at the memory of the interaction. i can't believe i called her beautiful. i don't even... god, now i'm a cannibal and a creep, the thought floated through his head and he tried to think about other things. why do you have to prove yourself, malphas? you stupid piece of shit. i bet you're going to get sick and it will be your fault. that anxiety spoke, and he wanted to cry.

the next morning he awoke on the ground but felt awful. he stood up, weakly, a pounding headache making his vision blur. i'm the worst, he thought, gritting his teeth. he diagnosed himself with a fever unrelated to the rotten meat and carried throughout his way.

as he was going to the marsh he felt the world swirling around him and then he vomited. it was probably the fever that had made him do that, but... he decided he would pay nayru a visit. despite his overwhelming anxiety relating to medical care, he wasn't an idiot, and so he would see her. even if she thought he was a creep. he hoped she didn't think that.

he remembered where she had taken him when he got caught in that stupid bear trap, and slowly he made his way there, resisting the urge to puke on her doorstep. "h-hey, uh... nayru... are you here? i think i'm getting sick."


Re: the disease is called love / p, nayru - Nayru - 06-26-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]”Okay, Chad... today? Today’s the day. We’re going to talk to mother and everything is going to go okay. Got it? Got it. Let’s start lighting the candles,” Nayru whispered to the tiny alligator, watching as he scurried to a far corner of the table only to return with her lighter. She made quick work of igniting the thick, white candles that surrounded her grimoire before sitting back on pale haunches and fixating her attention upon the spell at her paws. [color=#6b7e99]”Ancestors... I call upon you. I wish to speak to my Mother who perished giving birth to my sister and I. Phasmat-

Was somebody at the door? Again?

A faint sigh fell from the lips of Nayru as she headed to her door, throwing it open in one fluid motion. Behind her, the candles continued to burn, the smell of herbs and flowers dancing in the air. Malphas? Why was he here? After his terrible health choices, the last thing Nayru expected was to see him here, looking particularly rough. [color=#6b7e99]”Sick, how?” She inquired lightly, permitting Chad to waddle up to him only to release a low hiss.

[color=#6b7e99]”Here, come in, make yourself comfortable in the sitting room. I just need to uh... clean up something,” She instructed quietly, motioning to the room lined with shelves full of herbs. With that being said, she hurried to exstinguish the flames and stash her grimoire in a desk drawer.  Did she think Malphas was creepy? No... not really. He called her beautiful, true, but Killian didn’t seem to even know her name- he only called her “pretty lady”. It was whatever, she supposed, no harm had been done thus far.

Returning to the room, she permitted a faint smile to appear on her face, [color=#6b7e99]”Let’s get down to diagnosing you, oh... and official introductions. I’m Nayru and this is Chadwick, he doesn’t bite too hard.”

/mobile! sorry for any errors!!

Re: the disease is called love / p, nayru - madster - 06-26-2018

he waited there, feeling his head pound and he hoped she was at home. he preyed to gods he didn't believe in.

finally she opened the door, and he saw her, expecting immediate disgust or scolding, but instead she just calmly let him in. he gazed around her house- it smelled entirely of recently extinguished candles, and it sent the boy's mind wandering. "if you're busy, i'll just go..." he muttered, but he was already sitting down and decided not to say it again louder.

she introduced herself. nayru. he had heard her name earlier, when vigenere had sent for her the time beck's trap led to his back leg being lacerated. and she had a pet alligator... named chadwick? he sent her a confused glance but then he started rambling.

"so yesterday i ate that rotten meat. cause' i'm stupid, we'll get that out of the way," he spoke. "and today. i woke up with a headache, and my stomach really hurts, and i think i'm running a fever. i see no possible way the meat and my sickness could be related, though." he said, unironically.

Re: the disease is called love / p, nayru - Nayru - 06-27-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]”I’m just working on a side project, no worries! A patient’s health comes before any personal thing of mine anyways,” She assured softly, a white-capped paw beginning to absently stroke the scales that lined Chad’s back. Her alligator, in response, hissed and cooed a little bit, obviously enjoying the attention he was being given. Were they a strange duo - an alligator and an undersized goddess who happened to dabble in witchcraft? Why yes, most certainly. Did either of them mind? No, of course not. All of their clanmates seemed to be quite adjusted to the sight of Nayru and Chad. One did not go without the other, they were an inseparable pair.

Drawing her paw away, Nayru would fixate her attention wholly on Malphas, metaphorical brow furrowing as  he described his symptoms. [color=#6b7e99]”You definitely picked up something eating that meat. If you’re going to resort to uh, more unconventional diet choices, you need to ensure that the bodies are fresh. First, I’ll give you some yarrow, and then I’ll brew for you some tea. We need to flush your system,” She explained lightly, departing for just a moment only to return with the herbs that would help him.

[color=#6b7e99]”Eat the yarrow and then throw up outside, once that’s done, we’ll go from there, okay? I don’t want to alarm you, but you may have a parasite problem, Malphy...” She paused, frowning, [color=#6b7e99]”Can I call you Malphy?”

Re: the disease is called love / p, nayru - madster - 07-01-2018

[size=9pt]// so sorry for late reply i have no excuse ;w;

"you're too nice." malphas muttered quietly, knowing what happened to be nice. it was just easier to be mean and shove everybody out who cared. he had considered being a sawbone a few times- the thought repeated in his mind sometimes- but realized there was a level of empathy he could never reach.

as she served him yarrow, he sighed. "sure thing, doc." he ate it emotionless and then trotted outside, used to the feeling of puking- whether it was from alcohol poisoning or eating bad meat. he vomited, wiped his mouth, and then came back inside. "left you a present in your front yard," he joked, referring to the vomit. "anyways. nicknames." he ignored the part of her scolding her for his bad habits.

"you can call me malphy, but only if i can call you..." he searched for something. "if i can call you gayru. just kidding. got em." malphas had seemingly forgot about what she said earlier until it dawned on him.

"fuck. parasites? am i going to die? nayru, if i die, you gotta reuse my body for some witch shit, ok? that's my stance." he said, joking to try and distract himself from the diagnosis. "oh god. parasites... fuck."

Re: the disease is called love / p, nayru - Nayru - 07-03-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
(you’re okay!!!)

Nayru watched wordlessly as Malphas ingested the yarrow and then disappeared outside to throw it up. Parasites were messy business and admittedly, the undersized Sawbone really didn’t know how to proceed. Perhaps if she boiled some tea with minor traces of poison in them and served it, that would do the trick? Or maybe she could treat the issue as indigestion? The former seemed rather risky so she decided to settle for the latter, disappearing back into her storeroom only to return with fennel seeds. [b][color=#6b7e99]”I’ll have someone clean it up,” She laughed awkwardly, [color=#6b7e99]”But here, eat these.”

She paused for a moment, a frown curving her maw. Gayru? No... no. She didn’t even know what that meant. [color=#6b7e99]”Stick to Nay,” She instructed, though not unpleasantly. [color=#6b7e99]”And no, you aren’t going to die. Parasites usually pass on their own, those seeds I gave you will treat them like indigestion and treat any pain you may have. Also that’s... uh... not the kind of magic I do. I just started after all,” She explained softly, casting a gaze over her shoulder and to her little magical area. The warm scent of candles still hung in the air, as did something a little more sour. Much to her chagrin, poisonous herbs were utilized often in the spells her grimoire detailed. [color=#6b7e99]”Do you... do you want some tea?”