Beasts of Beyond
led by the current ➵ joining - Printable Version

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led by the current ➵ joining - arcy - 03-20-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]Hestia has never felt this agitated in her life. She's lost -- she's been lost for weeks. And so yeah, she's scared, so what. She's never spent this long without some sort of guardian -- granted, Hestia didn't remember her mom. Just -- Amunet, mostly. Her mentor. Who was Hestia's mom, anyways? Because at this point, Hestia would take that disappointment of a parental figure over being alone.
Even with the feeling of desolation clinging tight under her fur, Hestia continues marching on. She looks -- pissed, for lack of better words. Her teeth are partially bared and claws unsheathed, but even with all this, there's little tears in her eyes. She'd gotten a lead -- and she knew where Amunet was, now. She'd managed to beat the word out of enough people to solidify it, though just barely -- Amunet hadn't been outside of Tanglewood often, it seemed.
As the scenery gradually melds into swampland, the little snow leopard marches on anyways. She can't help but feel a little -- hurt. Amunet was here, but she hadn't even tried to give Hestia any clues? Hestia couldn't fend for herself. She wasn't good at fighting, especially with how small she was now. She was surprised she was still even able to bully information out of people, considering her newly found lack of intimidation. Granted, she hadn't been all that intimidating even then, all she had over anyone was her size and her claws. Now all she had were her claws and her words, sharp and biting as can be.
A scent reaches Hestia, but she keeps on marching. Not strong enough, she needs to be deep enough in that somebody will hear her. She's filthy by this point, covered with filth all the way up to her belly -- and her front half, of course. She'd slipped quite a few times. In any case -- Hestia is here. Tanglewood. And Amunet is here, she's sure of it. Hestia scowls as she stops, somewhere fairly distant from the border. Good enough.
"Amunet!" Hestia screams at the top of her lungs. She doesn't care who she attracts anymore -- any other members of Tanglewood would be fine, they could bring her Amunet. Predators? Just kill her already, why don't they. The snow leopard cub is shaking where she stands, covered in filth, and a little tear slips down her face. Her breath is ragged, and her face is twisted in some horrifying mix of pure rage, and absolute devastation. As is the way of Hestia, it seemed. "Amunet, I know you're here!" Hesta somehow manages to make her voice louder, but her throat is already starting to ache, just a little. She doesn't really care, though, she just wants Amunet to be here, thanks. She's sick and tired of being on her own. (at this point in time, hestia is crying. she doesn't seem to notice, though that might be because she's absolutely pissed, as per usual, and lost in her thoughts and feelings)

Re: led by the current ➵ joining - vvintersoldier - 03-21-2018

It seems like Vladimir didn't exactly learn his lesson from earlier about venturing out by himself. Amunet had not been pleased with him, considering he can't see and could have so easily padded right into danger. Thankfully, that hadn't been the case- no. Amunet ended up lightly smacking him in the head, which he well deserved- he probably gave her a heart attack. Which was why he decided not to venture too far. He thought he wouldn't come across anything funny not being far out, but he was wrong. His ears instantly pricked up at the sound of yelling in the distance, hearing a name he was quite familiar with. Amunet.

He wasn't sure as to why he was following the source of the yelling. Whoever this maybe, they sounded pissed, and it would probably be bad if he got attacked. He wouldn't be able to defend himself, and if he died- Amunet would probably resurrect him just to kill him again due to his stupidity. Vladimir began to realize as he padded in, he was the first Tanglewood member to arrive, in territory. He doesn't smell any clanmates, nor does he hear any pawsteps nearby. So the blind cougar picks up the young snow leopard's scent- directing his head to sort of face her. It wasn't going to be perfect, and there is nothing he can do about that.

"Amunet? What do you exactly need Amunet forrr?" Vladimir questioned as his thick, Russian accent rolled off of his tongue, tail slowly swishing behind him. He couldn't see Hestia's crying, but she certainly didn't seem okay just by her tone. "She should be herrre soon zough, in mean time, may you tell me yourrr name?" He asked another question not that long after his first, an ear flicking.

Re: led by the current ➵ joining - COSMIIX - 03-21-2018

She definitely would have just resurrected Vlad just to kill him again, call it tough but she didn't fancy it when someone disobeyed her a second time and she had caught wind of Vladimir's scent soon following it. She was about ready to feed the mountain lion to her python, Moses, she couldn't see why the blind male was so well, blind. She was about to get into a run to possible tackle and pin the same sized big cat until she could hear angry screams along with a heavy Russian accent speaking. She recognized those screams and it tugged at her heart strings, she hurriedly made her way over with both rounded ears angled in the direction of the high pitched screaming. Once she caught sight of both Vlad and a small snow leopard cub did she quicken her pace before aiming to wrap the cub into a protective hug and press her nose to her forward "Oh Hestia, my darling, my sweet, my love." All of this was uttered in a maternal voice as Amunet removed her cloak aiming to wrap it around the cub and used her dainty paw to wipe away the tears. If Hestia was here then where was her brother? Amunet grew concerned wondering if the other cub had been eaten but, she tried not thinking of that as she held Hestia in her gentle grip. She supposed that Vlad was fortunate that Hest was here or else she probably would have given the cougar another whack for the unwanted worry. Her spotted tail wrapped itself around Hestia before she would reach over in her cloak for a moment picking out a vial that read 'thyme' this would probably calm her and a bit of honey for her throat, she wasn't certain of how long the child had been screaming but she was sure that her throat was raw from it. She finally murmured quietly to Hestia nuzzling between her ears.

"I'm here now."


Re: led by the current ➵ joining - arcy - 03-21-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]Hestia's ear twitches as she registers the arrival of someone new. Not Amunet. Fantastic. And she's crying, apparently. Hestia sniffles. She'd wipe away the tears, but her paws are absolutely filthy and she wasn't in the mood to get mud all over her face. Hestia, in an act of somewhat petty spite the stranger probably didn't deserve(hestia really doesn't care if they do or don't), refuses to look their way for a long minute, at least until she hears their voice.
It's a cougar, and it's a lot bigger than Hestia herself. But -- it's got a red bandanna or sorts wrapped around his eyes, and they're not looking quite at Hestia's face. Blind? Fantastic -- not only can he not see her, still crying, but he can't be a threat. Or not much of one, at least. Either way, Hestia doesn't care, and the fact he can't see her causes her glare to intensify, just because he can't become insulted by it. That was the worst way to get attacked, really.
"It's none of your business," The cub snaps, a half-hearted growl coming from her throat. The effect is promptly nulled by the frankly pathetic sniffle she makes afterwards. A part of her is tempted to make a jab at the other's blindness, just to make her feel better about this whole thing. But first of all, Hestia had standards, and she's not gonna make fun of the blind person for just because she's a mess. "M-My name is Hestia, and she better be here soon," She tries to swallow down a hiccup. It doesn't work very well. It just makes her throat hurt more.
It's a long few moments in which Hestia just stands there, her face twisted in a deep, heavy scowl. She's not even faking it -- well, for the most part she's not. Hestia is just angry all the time.  She has a lot to be angry about. Just in general. Her mom, or Amunet, or just her shitty luck in general.
Movement caught Hestia's attention again. She's not actually sure who it is this time, so Hestia reluctantly turns her head to see. Her expression doesn't change until she actually sees Amunet. The leopard is the same as ever, and for a long few moments, Hestia can't really think or feel. Amunet was here -- it's been weeks, and here Hestia finds her in some gross swamp out in the middle of nowhere. Hestia's lip curls, and then she's angry again. She can't find her voice yet though, can't bring herself to object to her mentor's affections. She's numb, yet she's angry, and she's relieved. What a horrifying combination. Hestia hates it. However, it's only when Amunet says she's here now that it spurs Hestia into action.
"And where were you then?" Hestia snaps. Her tail is bristling in a way that suggests it would be fluffed up if it weren't so filthy. She bounces away from the leopard and turns on her with a wavering growl. (she almost trips over the cloak) She doesn't really want to be separated from Amunet it seems, and for a split second Hestia feels bad for yelling. Then in another, she doesn't. So she needs to scream it out some more, Amunet is probably used to it by now. The only ones who'll probably care are the bystanders hearing Hestia scream at levels previously unheard to man. (she's kidding about that, but she still feels just a smidgen bad for the blind guy just sitting around. Blind people have better hearing, right? Very unfortunate.) "Where the hell did you go? Why didn't you find me! Or at least leave a clue!" Very dramatic, just suited for not-family drama. Hestia rounds on Amunet. She's crying again, absolutely fantastic. When will the day come that Hestia isn't an emotional fucking wreck. Let her scream in peace, please. "Why did it take so long? It's not like it's ended well, for me!" The rest of her words are hard to understand -- still loud, just unintelligible. Absolutely fantastic. Now she's a blubbering mess. She's made an absolutely fantastic impression on Tanglewood, one of the most ruthless groups out there. She intruded on their territory, screamed into nothingness for one of their members, and cried a lot. Just what she needs in life.
It doesn't take long for Hestia's anger to dissolve into near nothingness again. The little snow leopard hiccups as the tension practically melts, and Hestia drags herself back over to Amunet in defeat. Her throat is raw by this point, and she's also proved once again that she can reach a shocking volume of noise if she's pissed enough. Now, Hestia attempts to bury her face into Amunet's fur. She's already emotionally drained to hell and back, and is in no way prepared for any drama she's going to end up facing while presumably joining, considering Amunet already seemed somewhat settled here. Absolutely fantastic. Just what she needs
//rushed towards the end :^(

Re: led by the current ➵ joining - beck. - 03-21-2018

If he had known shrieking at the border was going to become a regular habit of newcomers, Beck would have never even founded the group in the first place. Singed whiskers shivering in annoyance, the mangy spirit didn't hesitate to materialize on the sidelines of the scene, noiseless pawsteps pointedly avoiding any puddle in his path as he stalked forward. Apparition heavily distorting for a nonexistent heartbeat in curiosity, the boy at first only offered quiet clicks of enamel as he gritted razor-sharp teeth and snapped his jaws together in wait. Could he disturb such a somber moment? The leopardess' maternal instincts were overwhelming, to say the least. He wished he could remember the forgotten time of when he could admit to having been comforted by a mother. All his memory recalled was the painful truth that he was just another orphan from the slums. Certainly, there was someone who had existed to blame Beck's existence on, right?

    Violently fluffing out his grimy pelt to chase away envious thoughts, he lowered his head to awkwardly slouch next to Vladimir, visibly biting his scarred tongue in wait. Hestia was the girl's name. And she smelled like anger and tears. A perfect fit for the increasing clan of runaways and misfits. Beck flicked his notched ear towards Amunet, accusatory tone worming into his wheeze as he questioned as innocently as possible, "I didn't know ya had kids." It was probable Beck have a weak spot for children, considering he was just barely an adolescent when his own life was snatched from him by adults. Adults didn't think twice about a burial for him. Ignoring his resentment, he cast a luminous glare at Amunet and circled around to gain a better view of the cub. A wry smirk warped his unscathed cheek at her ferocity, earning a fatigued giggle from damaged lungs. "Well, ya have her now, don'tcha? I'd say that's a happy endin'." Flopping back onto his haunches just outside of Hestia's peripheral vision, he recoiled from the reunion, anticipating biting words from either of the females at any moment.

Re: led by the current ➵ joining - COSMIIX - 03-21-2018

Hestia was angry and well, Amunet didn't blame her for it either seeing as the cub had every right to be angry at her. She was a bit angry at herself for not searching or leaving hints for Hestia but, she had came across Vladimir during her time here and well, she supposed that she had gotten sidetracked. She sighed quietly in a bit relief when Hest finally pressed her body into her fur and she would use a paw to bring the cub closer to her slender form answering her with a light frown "I apologize, Hestia. I got sidetracked. . . I found Vlad along the way and he wasn't in the best conditions." There was no point in lying to Hestia, she was her trusted apprentice and like a daughter to her. Using her tail would she try to wipe away the tears before curling it protectively around the snow leopard cub. Her ears swiveled back until they lightly swept over her cranium as she shot a silent glare at Vladimir although, it wasn't like he could see that yet her attention shifted over in the direction of Beck and twitched her whiskers briefly "Ah yes, well, aren't we all full of surprises?" She replied with a soft sigh escaping her, Hestia was like a daughter to her and well, she somewhat filled the empty hole in her heart. She missed her son and maybe even the man she once called a lover yet she wouldn't get hung over that history but instead Hestia with a small frown "Where's your brother, Hestia? You two aren't usually apart," She glanced around as if trying to spot the familiar face but found none, this made her concerned. Had they gotten into another fight or had they lost sight of each other. Oh bother, just when she didn't need to worry about some other nitwit. She rose to her paws slowly adding in a low rumble "We'll find him but for now, let's get you some thyme and honey for your raw throat, sweetheart." With that, she would turn with a flick of her tail and would pass Vladimir with a lash of her tail hitting him lightly on the nose and watching him through a pair of cold, mismatched pools. Was she unhappy? She wasn't pleased with Vlad's recent actions that were deemed stupid and she said to him with a faint growl "Come along, croc food." She normally wasn't this mean or let alone stoop to the level of name calling but, she truly was angry. Her steps were slow so both Vlad and Hest would follow her.