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PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - Printable Version

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PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - Lokisaurus - 06-26-2018

small children should not generally be left alone to their own devices.  that was a rule that most people knew right off the bat - small baby!  do not let out of sight!  of course, the babies don't know that rule - babies know very little.  babies know two things: mom smells like food and the world is big.  what they do with that information seemed to be up to their creepy little selves.

to aaliyah, whose bobcat mama had died in childbirth, mom didn't smell like milk.  mom didn't smell like anything.  it would be assumed that she had been given to a wet nurse who she didn't really know and didn't really care to know.  she had a dad - a papa, more specifically - and that was about it.  that was enough for this baby bobbie, at least in the parental department.

beyond her missing mama, aaliyah fully embodied the ideal of 'babies are gonna get into everything.'  in fact, little aaliyah had gotten her little mitts on a discarded nut or bolt and had put it in her mouth to investigate.  it tasted like yuck. 

she was gonna keep it to chew on.

Re: PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - Character Graveyard. - 06-26-2018

SHINE ✧ Connor — The Ascendants — Fireball
Since birth, Connor had been under close watch by both of his mothers. They had made sure that he was always safe and if he was exploring the territory, they were always a few feet behind him. Today, it seemed they weren't behind him though.

Connor had been walking around the territory when he had caught sight of the young female, who was taller then him by a few inches. He seemed interest in what she had in her mouth, so he decided to approach, though he remained silent.
© madi

Re: PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - Roy Mustang - 06-26-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy was alright with smaller children, if you asked him. Roy never had children of his own- in his past life, he never had time for a love life. He certainly seemed like he was quite the womanizer, but in reality, that was the way he kept his work/alchemy notes undercover. Anyways, Roy did have feelings for someone(that someone being Riza Hawkeye), but due to the marriage laws in Amestris, they couldn't get married. If they got married, they would no longer be subordinates. To stay as a team and to keep their unit together, they didn't let their feelings get in the way of their job. That's how it had been, though now there was no way to return to Amestris. Surely, if he ever came across Riza again, he'd tell her the sad reality of not being able to go home, while opening up other possibilities. The only small child Roy handled back in his old life was Elicia, who was unofficially his niece. Elicia was Maes Hughes daughter, and Maes made sure Roy heard a lot about her during work. Maes was a family guy, he loved his wife and daughter. He still felt anger to this day that he had to be taken away from them by the homunculi.

Roy was limping through the territory, padding along the same path he takes, when a small figure in the distance caught his eye. The male came to a pause, watching as little Connor made his way over to the small figure. He could smell an unfamiliar scent on the creature, he had a feeling that it was a young child, and probably shouldn't be handled by Connor alone. Considering Connor is still pretty young himself, after all. The melanistic bobcat made his way over, his gaze landing on Aaliyah as he noticed her sucking on a discarded nut or bolt. While Connor didn't say anything, Roy saw the item in Aaliyah's mouth as a choking hazard. "Hey, spit that out," The Flame Alchemist instructed, as he lifted his right paw, attempting to lightly nudge her. As he attempted to do this, it was then the male realized she was the same species as him. The only difference between he and her were their pelt colors. Roy was dark, while Aaliyah was light brown.

Re: PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - GORDON CIPHER. - 06-26-2018

Gordon didn't exactly have a positive role model in her life when she was younger. Her father wasn't exactly the best, for lack of better words, and she and her brother were practically left to fend for themselves. Besides, Gordon could honestly still be considered a child just due to her size; she was practically the size of a kitten, thanks to Munchkin genes. Gordon waddled after Roy, her eyes lighting up as she saw Aaliyah. "She's so cute!" The she-cat exclaimed, though frowned a bit as she noticed the bolt in the cub's mouth. Gordon watched as Roy tried to attempt to nudge the cub, but didn't move to do anything herself.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━

Re: PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - ★ HAZEL - 06-26-2018

There were so many children as of late: Luna's, Margaery and Suiteheart's, and this little bobcat, who Hazel had yet to meet. So caught up in recent events, she couldn't remember the little girl's joining, which was...distressing. Then again, she wasn't surprised - Hazel had spent the majority of the last few days trying to curl her mind back into the tight, unbroken circle it had been before this...joint, emotionally connected bridge she hadn't agreed on. She could practically feel Bastille's odd anxiety over it, knowing that he had done something she didn't like. It was half of an apology. Still, she couldn't quite tell if she was mad at him or not; frustrated, maybe. Worried. The girl in her mind was pushing at her walls, urging the feeling of anger to appear, but honestly? Hazel was too tired to be upset at anything.

Shoving the thoughts away to the best of her ability, Hazel joined the four, golden eyes sparking with giddy intrigue at the sight of the young child. "Ask nicer, Roy." Hazel chided, bemused by the alchemist's methods as she tossed a tired grin in his direction. At least he wasn't trying to force the thing from her mouth, which left Hazel to worry over the thing still currently between the bobcat kitten's jaws and the possibility of her choking on it. "Hey, cutie." Hazel purred, crouching down to Aaliyah's eye level. "That can't taste very good. Why don't we go try and find something that tastes a little better, and we leave that here?"
★ — hazel — "speech" — eight months — the ascendants — tags — ★
[sup]c) miithers[/sup]

Re: PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - Lokisaurus - 06-26-2018

At the approach of an audience, Aaliyah lifted her head, allowing her toy to fall to her feet.  Who needed some yucky chew toy when there were new smells?  Certainly not this child. 

Aaliyah made a quiet mewing sound as she was nudged by the much older version of herself.  Her blue eyes peered up at her assailant, though her quiet baby anger turned to very loud baby curiosity at the recognition of her own kind.  Though his version of her was big and black - like the blobby things that her papa called 'shadows' - he smelled just like her.

That meant that this thing - or person - was now hers.

Aaliyah made a loud mrowl in the back of her throat, and attempted to leap at Roy's extended paw.  At the same time, she turned her head to Connor and Hazel - both of whom seemed to be taken in by her little self.  Aaliyah lifted her head a little higher, proud of her cute lil' fluff, and made another mrowl.  Was that smug?  Was she being smug?

Maybe a little.

Re: PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - Roy Mustang - 06-26-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Was Roy being a little harsh? It seemed like Hazel believed so. Roy's ears pricked in the direction of the feline, glancing at her for a moment, tearing his gaze off of Aaliyah. "I could have been harsher," The Flame Alchemist commented, thinking back to the time he first met Fullmetal- before he became a state alchemist. Edward, at the time, was eleven and survived the taboo- he was confined to a wheelchair, and his brother was stuck in a suit of armor. Back then, that didn't stop Roy from grabbing Edward's collar and demanding what they did. He didn't care how old he was, there had been blood down in that basement and alchemic symbols that they shouldn't have been studying. If anything, Roy was going easy on the bobcat cub. Roy didn't get to say another word to Hazel, or glance at Gordon(who made comments on how cute Aaliyah was), as his attention instantly snapped back to the cub. He heard a mrowl coming out of the tiny kitten, and when he snapped his gaze back onto her, she was leaping at his extended paw.

Roy didn't get a chance to react.

Roy stood there shocked, as Aaliyah seemed to keep hold of his paw, dangling in the air. "Whoa, what's gotten into you?" He said with a nervous smile, as his gaze locked on the bobcat cub. Roy wasn't sure how this managed to happen, Roy hadn't been looking at her when her angered gaze turned to curiosity, when she recognized the connection between them. His eyes gleamed with surprise as he watched the cub lift her head up, letting out another mrowl. It was almost like she was proud, she was proud she managed to leap and hang onto his paws. Has this cub grown attached to me? He thought to himself as he slowly brought his paw down to the ground, so Aaliyah won't be dangling in the air anymore.

Re: PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - Lokisaurus - 06-27-2018

Now with two paws and a tummy on the ground, Aaliyah took it upon herself to roll away from her 'catch' and onto the next of her audience.  Gordon was the only one she hadn't acknowledged, which she remedied by lifting her teeny nose towards the older cat.  She didn't quite reach to her desired height, but that was okay.  She scuffled her paws a bit, mewling to be picked up for more attention.

That always worked, right?

Re: PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - BASTILLEPAW - 06-27-2018

Hazel pulled on him like a tether, more so than usual, which he supposed... well, he supposed it made sense, given that he was now attached to her. That didn't mean he had to be happy about it, though. No, it made something twist in his stomach, made a sense of dread rise in his throat. She had yet to confront him directly about what ever he had done to her -- to them -- but he knew she wasn't happy and that it was only a matter of time before she finally built up the energy to snap at him. Worse yet, he was starting to feel the anxiety over it. It was like every day they moved forward like this, the more he drank and the more he could feel. He wasn't sure if it was the bond of the alcohol.

He gaze found her first as he joined them, but then it skirted away towards the little one. He was vaguely entertained to see that she seemed to have latched onto Roy, before she went off towards Gordon. "Guess she likes you," he commented, low, considering Gordon for a moment. She was probably the least threatening member of their group, soft and kind, and he had a feeling that she might be the type to actually like the attention of the little baby (once she got over her nerves, that was).

Re: PARTS TOO SMALL - baby introduction - GORDON CIPHER. - 06-27-2018

It was absolutely adorable the way the little cub latched herself onto Roy and Gordon couldn't help but feel a purr rise in her chest. She was a bit surprised to see the child crawl over to her, though she quickly got over that shock as she realized that the little bobcat was wanting to be picked up. Her nerves honestly weren't bothering here quite as much, even if in the back of her mind, she was worried about her father showing up. Seeing such a young child was heartwarming to Gordon and it honestly made her forget her worries. "Oh, y-yeah!" Gordon stammered out in response to Bastille as she tried to pick Aaliyah - who wasn't named just yet -- up as much as she was able to. "I-I like her, too." Could the cub even understand her? Probably not, but it was still really cute to see her wanting so much attention.
i'll need you to reassure me i didn't waste a verse ━