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GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - Printable Version

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GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-26-2018

//Small trigger warning for a short description of Caesar eating snails if you've got entomophobia/insectophobia in the second paragraph snails aren't insects but aa just in case

Caesar didn't know where the sudden urge to want to eat snails came from, although the sudden urge to eat was completely normal for the demon. He had a tendency not to eat all the time, and sometimes the body gave him the sudden urge to just binge on everything he could find, so this feeling was normal to him. Although specifically eating snails was a tad different, but Caesar didn't question it.

It had been at least an hour after Pincher returned, and the Officer was currently in the jungle digging around at the ground to look for snails. Once he found one, he pulled it out it's shell as much as he could and popped it into his mouth. it was absolutely fucking disgusting if he had to admit, and the demon grimaced as he ate yet another slimy snail.

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - ROXANNE R. - 06-26-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #ff748c;"]She noticed that Caesar was searching for something and she was about to ask what it was he had found before she saw him eat a snail, she instantly cringed feeling her face twist in disgust [b]"What are you doing? Why are you eating snails? That's fucking gross, Lemonhead." Her lips peeled back in a disgusted snarl as she flapped her briefly and her ears swiveled backwards to press her cranium, she shook her head at the Savannah cat. She lashed her tail to the sides not sure of what to say at the moment, the winged Siamese cat would dig her pink claws into the sand underneath him. "Ugh." She would let out a soft snort taking a step back and tucked her wings against her side.

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - Wade Wilson - 06-27-2018

actions "speech"
Wade couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up from his throat. No way. No fucking way this guy was actually eating snails. This was the kind of shit that got you millions of views on the internet whatever that was amirite. The maned wolf's eyes were as wide as saucers as he hurried over and sat himself down to stare at Caesar. "Shit my man, what the actual flying fuck?" he questioned alongside Rox. What that mouth do tho?
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-27-2018

Caesar had almost no shame in what he was doing, and the demon ate one more snail as Wade and Roxanne came over, and he gave a shrug at their questions. "Honestly? I can't answer that." He responded before his gaze lingered on Roxanne. "You know what cravings are, right? You go through that shit? Kinda what I'm feeling right now, y'know?" He said as if that explained anything before he went back to digging at the dirt.

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - Wade Wilson - 06-27-2018

actions "speech"
Cravings? Wade gasped. "Oh my sweet freckled Jesus you're pregnant? Congratulations!" he grinned, voice more teasing if anything, maybe the slightest hint of questioning mixed in there. "Why snails? They aren't exactly... appetizing." Maybe to the French. But that was just a big stereotype. But he wouldn't judge. To each their own, he supposed.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-27-2018

Wade took that completely the wrong way. Caesar stopped his digging and glared up at the Privateer. "No, that's not what I meant. I meant I just got the sudden urge to want to eat snails." He growled. "Is that a better explanation for you?"

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - ROSEMARY - 06-27-2018

The sudden urge to eat snails? Exactly lining up with the telepathic suggestion and time frame for it kicking in? The ocelot immediately recognized her handiwork, and found herself surprised at how effective her subtle mind control ended up. She anticipated that he might eat one snail, perhaps two, and then snap out of it once the disgusting texture and taste hit his tongue; yet, he only seemed to buckle down in defense of his actions, even when others pointed out the strangeness in his ways.

Appraising him curiously, the ocelot stared at him while her auxiliary pair darted around the air in front of Caesar - reading the colored words he spoke and her anesthesia produced. As far as she could tell, his tone sounded entirely genuine. Tilting her head slightly, she fiendishly wondered just what else she could do to him. Given Caesar's hatred of Pincher (as far as she could tell, he wanted her brother dead for some unknown reason) and otherwise uselessness to Rosemary herself, she held no qualms about further poking away at his mind. He'd make a good test subject for her untried abilities; how wonderful, that she could turn someone so useless and disgusting to her into a useful tool.

"Is this something you do often, Magenta?" she asked him, joining in on the teasing with a slight waver to her soft voice. Just keep up appearances with the rest, as though she were surprised by this development - not a difficult thing, in theory. Besides, she needed to double check that his snail eating now wasn't a fluke from him holding a history of craving snails.

Twin tails flicking slightly, she concentrated, her four eyes narrowing momentarily as she attempted to send him a telepathic suggestion to his subconscious - this time, she wanted him to associate the feeling of pain with Caesar's own heartbeat. This one, like the snail eating, wasn't easy to monitor - but she was ambitious about what she could do, and thus she just had to try anyway.

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-27-2018

The reason Caesar didn't exactly snap out of the trance just yet was mostly due to his body craving any sort of meal; Rosemary just allowed the demon to give into its temptations. If Caesar had telepathy right now, he may be able to detect Rosemary poking around in his subconscious, but unfortunately for him, that power hadn't come back just yet. Besides, it was likely he wouldn't even feel her there in the first place, considering he wanted to stay far from his subconscious anyway. His subconscious was where his regret and remorse stayed, and bringing himself back there would only cause him to break down. Which was something he did not want.

"If you're referring to binge eating, yes." Caesar replied with a snort to Rosemary, shaking his head. He wasn't aware of the trick she implanted on him just yet, but he likely will soon. "Eating snails specifically? No, I suppose not." It was just a weird ass craving, what could he say?

Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - Owlie - 06-27-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]His eyes narrowed at the cat, looking at the snails. The cocktail parties forced by his father came to mind. He criged, baring his teeth slightly. [b]"You're eating the wrong kind, boy." He said, growling then giving a sigh. [b]"Nevermind. I hope you get sick."

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Re: GUESS I'LL GO EAT WORMS // open, eating snails - bubblegum - 06-28-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
she knew that there were a lot of weird foods out there, especially aware now that she began to practice cooking with many different recipes. she was plenty aware that snails could be considered a meal if done correctly, but that wouldn't stop her from cringing at the sight of caesar. that was not the right way to eat them. all slimy and gross. she had originally been brought over by the group of people, her attention pretty quickly drawing to caesar's stupid yellow face, but she now regretted it. he seemed to know what he was doing was wrong, but he wouldn't stop for some reason.

"why don't you eat something else? do you not have self-control?" she said with a disgusted expression. well, actually, no, he probably didn't have self-control now that she thought about it. he just said whatever the heck he wanted. she shouldn't have even bothered asking. the girl knew full well that caesar was a jerk, and she could remember the quarrels she had with him during papa's temporary death, so she wasn't afraid to talk a bit more rude to him than most others.