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moonlight / o, visitor - Printable Version

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moonlight / o, visitor - Character Graveyard. - 06-25-2018

Re: moonlight / o, visitor - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-26-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
It didn't take long for somebody to appear, although Atbash was still a bit wary of the border. She knew that what happened to her was far from the border, but that didn't mean Caesar wasn't lurking around the border. But luckily though, the person at the border wasn't Caesar, nor looked anything like him so Atbash relaxed a bit as she neared Shinso. "Heya." She chirped. "My name's Atbash Cipher, what's your name and business with Snowbound?"
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: moonlight / o, visitor - jacob w.c. - 06-26-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob knew quite a bit about rumors and what they could do. There were all sorts of rumors about him when he was growing up, not helped by the fact that no one really knew who his mom was. Vito's life had always been a rather... well, his family situation never seemed exactly stable and Jacob was the only stable thing that'd come of any of it. Then he'd been kidnapped and forced to move away. No one besides his father and those that were put in charge of him knew where he was or where he was staying. At least, that's what they all thoughts up until his house was specifically started and set on fire. Jacob had thought about that day plenty of times, wondering who it could've been. As far as he was aware, most of the people that would've known where he was died in that same fire or had very strong alibis (mostly because he was with them just shortly after or there'd been other attempts on their lives by the same group of people).

It had all been a mess, to say the least, and in the end Jacob wasn't even sure how many epople knew he was alive. When he first left the city, he knew the majority assumed he'd died along with everyone else in the fire but clearly that wasn't the case. Archie had shown up with him here  and he was constantly on the lookout or the older man. He wasn't sure when he'd be approached again or what would come of his threats but he was sure they weren't empty. That note didn't seem particularly friendly and he knew Archie was mad about something, though he wasn't sure what exactly. Jacob hadn't caused the fire they'd apparently both been trapped in but he doubted the man was thinking clearly. Jacob heard a noise nearby and lifted his head, his ears twitching as he tensed. He was familiar with Archie's scent, having spent several weeks with him when he was younger, but it was always possible he could've changed that. He moved towards the border regardless, though his steps were careful and guarded, but soon he saw a stranger and he knew it wasn't Archie. "Uh, hello? Can I help ya'?" the husky asked as he approached the boy with a light smile on his maw. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: moonlight / o, visitor - Character Graveyard. - 06-26-2018

Re: moonlight / o, visitor - arcy - 06-26-2018

Izuku had never been quite sure how to feel about Shinso when he'd met the other at UA. He understood the other, of course. Related to him, really. They both spent their childhoods being talked down upon for something they couldn't help when they both just wanted to be heroes. They hadn't talked a lot even after the Sports Festival, though. Izuku tried to intitiate conversations sometimes, but ... well, it didn't ever really work out. Which was a shame. He really would've liked to get to know the other before he died.
But, well, that was the past. Which Izuku probably would've entirely let go of if it weren't for Aizawa's presence. Or the constantly appearing presences of classmates and such. They never stuck around for long, though. It was always short enough Izuku was kind of getting sick of it. Stop getting his hopes up, why don't you? Let him let go of UA forever at this point, please. He had duties, he couldn't just spend all day mourning or whatever. This was all a very dramatic mindset, though -- Izuku didn't really want to forget. He had the journals to prove for that, meticulously giving him all the info in case he does forget. He supposes he just ... feels like it's holding him back, sometimes. Holds him back from making friends or letting himself get fully enveloped by clan life. It's gotten better, though.
"I'm not the greatest person to explain, but Snowbound is a clan of, uh, people, living together. A society? We live here," Izuku never could figure out how to condense what clans were into a few words. It was just something he understood after a while. Granted, it probably didn't help that this not-English wasn't his first language. It was a wonder he was anywhere near fluent at all. Even so, as Izuku joins Jacob and Atbash and seats himself a little lopsidedy(thanks leg), he squints at the stranger. Familiar. Ominously familiar. Voice nd all. ... If this was another person from UA Izuku was going to throw a fit. Nobody ever told him why everybody else was dead. "I'm Izuku, if it makes you feel better." Izuku wanted to be pushy. Wanted to gently shove out a 'name please' or something because seriously, just confirm or deny it why don't you, he's happy either way. But name please wasn't even pushy, though it was by Izuku's standards. ... Honestly, he probably could, since Kacchan wasn't there to scream at him for it and try and ruin his confidence or something. Seriously, the worst he'd get is a scolding, not even an injury or a murder attempt or something, it was weird. Right, but. Anyways.
what was i worth

Re: moonlight / o, visitor - Character Graveyard. - 06-26-2018

Re: moonlight / o, visitor - guts - 06-26-2018

Aizawa had seen what the 1-B student was capable of, and he had decided that he deserved his place in 1-A. It wasn't fair that they were ranked in such a way, that others had more expectations than the rest. But, ultimately, it was how things were. Unfortunately, he wasn't the one in charge of who went where. Still, that didn't mean he didn't have his own views on who belonged where. Mineta was a lost cause.

Padding up, he studies the stranger silently, a hint of familiarity hitting him almost instantly. Then he states his name and it all clicks. "Shinso," he echoes under his breath. So, class 1-B had possibly been wiped out, too. The thought made his stomach turn--though it could have been from his slowly receding sickness. Either way, he nods towards the feline, taking a seat. "Aizawa Shota. What happened to the others in your class?" he can't help but ask.


Re: moonlight / o, visitor - melantha - 06-30-2018

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; width: 60%; text-align: justify;"]It seems that Melantha arrived at the wrong time. Had she arrived just after Atbash and Jacob and before Izuku, things might have been a little less confusing. But the solitary creature never really was one for punctuality due to the increased distance between herself and others, so Mel walked in just as Izuku, Aizawa, and the stranger all started talking. From the way they all look at each other, Melantha thinks it's safe to assume that they are all familiar with one another. How strange. And what are these classes that Aizawa mentioned? The aforementioned creature and Izuku always seemed to have an odd relationship, but Mel never questioned it. Now she wonders just what previous experience links all these creatures together. "What about a class?" questions the huntress as she approaches on muscular limbs, unable to contain her curiosity. Pallid olive eyes look between the three males expectantly, eagerly awaiting an answer. "Oh, I'm Mel, by the way." The introduction is an afterthought--not nearly as important as getting the information she wants, but she thinks it might be the polite thing to do.