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Such a charming // open+weekly tasks 6/25-7/2 // and romantic notion - Printable Version

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Such a charming // open+weekly tasks 6/25-7/2 // and romantic notion - jacob w.c. - 06-25-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — //hey guys! so this week starts the currency/point system in weekly prompts/tasks! For full information on the categories (medical, scavenging, aggressive, protective, festive, personal, and random) look at the Weekly Task/Prompt Guide. To submit your weekly task, go to the Point/Syamine Hub and Bank. If you're interested in starting a business, look at the Snowbound Business Guide. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know!

It felt like the last few days had passed in a blur. At first, it had been due to the fact Jacob hardly let his cabin after hearing the news about Pincher but now it was because, somehow, his best friend was back and there was so much to do in Snowbound. He'd had the entire shop system in place before it'd all happened and now the idea of it excited him more than ever. Perhaps it was a bit selfish, but Jacob had wanted to help start it all off and he positioned himself near the center of the territory with a wide smile. "If anyone wan's a weekly task, come on over 'ere. Remember tha' there are categories now so ya' can request what kinda ya' want n' there's syamine now tha' ya' can use at shops once they start poppin' up," the husky called.  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Such a charming // open+weekly tasks 6/25-7/2 // and romantic notion - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-26-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Honestly Atbash wanted to start a shop, though she would have to start finding gems in the tunnels that Snowbound had before she set one up. It was a little hobby she thought of doing honestly, and starting a shop would be a good way to encourage that hobby. "Hey, Jacob." Atbash chirped as she came over. "Can I have a Random task?"
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: Such a charming // open+weekly tasks 6/25-7/2 // and romantic notion - arcy - 06-26-2018

Izuku wasn't quite sure how to feel about the new weekly tasks and shops thing. They're cool, he's not going to lie, but it feels kind of ... weird. He's not sure. He'll get over it soon enough though, he's sure. He might even look into opening a shop later, depending on if he ever gets enough free time. Might be a good hobby or something, but Izuku first needed an idea at all. He didn't know anything about running businesses, and none of Izuku's current hobbies would be any good for shops in the first place. Oh well. He'd work on it.
"... I'll take a random task too, please," This is more about taking up a task than anything right now, and Izuku's not in the mood for any decision making at all right now. Feels like too much of a gamble. Still, Izuku manages a small smile to Jacob as he seats himself. His leg hurts and he's tired, but he has stuff to do, apparently. Hopefully he actually manages to get it done in time.
what was i worth

Re: Such a charming // open+weekly tasks 6/25-7/2 // and romantic notion - guts - 06-26-2018

Personally, Aizawa didn't really care either way about the new system. He could possibly see himself at least visiting shops in the future, and while the points were useful, he wasn't too intent on collecting them. He would do just fine with what he had now. Padding over, he nods towards Jacob. "I'll take a random task, also,"


Re: Such a charming // open+weekly tasks 6/25-7/2 // and romantic notion - jacob w.c. - 06-26-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob offered a wide smile to Atbash and gave a nod, shuffling some cards in his paws a bit. He'd decided that would be the best way to handle things when someone asked for a random task, given it wasn't exactly random if he just picked one for them. "Alright Atbash, it says 'ere ya' got a medical task. We've been real low on herbs since movin' 'cause we couldn' bring a lotta' our old supply. I know ya' ain't been feelin' well but if ya' could lead a few people out ta' collect more for us, that'd be great. If ya' don' feel up ta' it, I can assign ya' somethin' else n' it wouldn' be a big deal," he assured her before glancing towards Izuku. He was glad that this would give the boy an opportunity to do something other than medical work. He knew that it got tiring and, admittedly, Jacob hadn't been around healing as much as he'd like to be. The circumstances being as they were, it was understandable but that didn't mean he was content with it. His apprentice deserved a break. He shuffled the cards a bit before settling on one. "Izuku, ya' got a  task for scavengin'. I'm gonna' have ya' take a look at the new lake tha's jus' outside ah' the town. Look ta' see what kindsa' fish are there, what kindsa' plants, n' if there are any important buildin's or landmarks anywhere near it. Jus' kinda' check it out, I guess. Ya' can take a group ta' go with ya', if ya'd like," he stated. Finally, Aizawa arrived and he shuffled the cards one more time. "Aizawa, ya' got a protective task so 'm gonna' have ya' go 'round the town we're stayin' in n' look at some ah' the stone walls. Most ah' 'em seem ta' jus' be for decoration but see if there's anyway we could fortify 'em or use 'em as a real defense. Maybe look into seein' how hard it'd be ta' add some kinda' gate. Once ya' come up with a plan, get a group ah' people n' at least start on it. I trust whatever ya' choose ta' do will be jus' fine. N' if ya' can't find a good way ta' improve it, feel free ta' jus' make it look nice or add some decoration or paint or somethin'. Whatever ya' wanna' do," he concluded. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Such a charming // open+weekly tasks 6/25-7/2 // and romantic notion - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-27-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
A medical task, huh? "Oh, no, that's fine!" Atbash chirped in response. Besides, it's the least she could do to make it up to both him and Izuku for the wounds she had recently. "I'll be on it as soon as I can." She gave a nod of thanks to him before she padded off.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi