Beasts of Beyond
calamity / open, introduction - Printable Version

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calamity / open, introduction - Character Graveyard. - 06-25-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Abella was a strong woman. She was raised to be a soldier for Griffingate, like her mother had been. She had seen what the Blackfallen were capable of. Her little sister and parents had died in a fire that had supposed to have killed Abella- as she was a strong warrior. She had remembered holding all three of them at the same time and screaming her grief out to the world. That day had changed her. She had been a innocent teenage girl, but she had become cold, promising to herself to never love again. Then she had met Leon. The man who managed to break through her walls and win her heart, only to be captured, tortured and killed by members of Blackfall. Abella could remember the day that they brought Leon home in a crate. She had buried him behind his first home and she decided to take residence in that house, to ensure she would be buried beside her only-love.

The short-haired woman had been walking the streets of Griffingate's capital, a wallet held tightly in one of her palms, when a few short men had walked up to her. Without warning, two of them ran up behind her, wrapping their arms around her waist- while the other grabbed her wallet and took off.

Clearly enraged by this, Abella would bring down her feet onto one of the man's feet and she quickly broke free from their grip. She would then follow after the man who ran off with her wallet, pushing her way through a large crowd. She would jump forward, tackling the man who had her wallet and locking him in a firm choke hold. "Give it back to me." Abella said, her tone serious. Afraid of her, he would give it back to the short-haired woman.

She would let him up and all three of the men had bolted off, trying their best to get far away from her in a small amount of time, which worked out for them. Abella could only watch with a amused smirk on her lips.

Re: calamity / open, introduction - Orion - 07-01-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"][glow=#D3D3D3,2,300]✯ —[/glow] Abraham had been watching from the side, brown hues staring at her movements closely. She seemed intimidating, indeed. With no thought, he spoke up towards her with a smirk across his lips. "Well," he commented loudly, "You seem to be having a bit of trouble, my lady." Stumbling forwards away from the wall he was leaning on, he walked towards her direction. "I'm pretty sure I've never seen you." After all, who could miss that face? That RBF(resting bitch face) and that short hair was practically iconic. Hell, Abraham couldn't already forget it.

The man aimed to prod at her forearm with his elbow lightly, offering her a wink. "Like the rush of the world, I assume?" came his next words. "Surely, you seem enthralled after taking that gang down." Then again, they all seemed like a bunch of useless pussies... like he was.

Re: calamity / open, introduction - Character Graveyard. - 07-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]A cold stare in her eyes, the short-haired woman would turn to Abraham and cross her arms. So he was aiming to flirt with her? Ha. She would mentally wish him good luck with that before she spoke- ignoring the rest of his words. "I am not your lady, nor am I anyone else's lady. Understand?" Abella said, her tone firm and clear.

Then she noticed him prod one of her forearms with his elbow, which she did not like, so she shot him a warning glance. She wasn't that fond of physical contact with strangers, so she would make that fact clear to all in Griffingate.


Re: calamity / open, introduction - Orion - 07-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"][glow=#D3D3D3,2,300]✯ —[/glow] Oh? Abraham reeled back, a sly smirk growing upon his lips as he did so. "Oh?" he questioned sarcastically. Truly, his intent was not to be flirtatious, but rather interested. Though, now that she mentioned it, the cunning male had his sights set on his newest piece to his collection of lady friends. "I like an independent woman," came his mocking words. "Some say the ones who distance themselves actually have the brightest of hearts." Who said that? Who knew. Abraham was truly pulling words out of his own ass to impress the company before him as he usually did.

A dangerous glance! His smile grew, offering a snort in response. "Why, aren't you a fiesty one, Abella?" Abraham cocked his head to the side, eyeing her up slowly. "Big fella too." Lord, what a woman.