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MONSTER / o, tw cannibalism - Printable Version

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MONSTER / o, tw cannibalism - ROXANNE R. - 06-25-2018

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #ff748c;"]/tw for mild gore

Hungry. Hungry. Hungry.

Her pink claws dug themselves into her pillow as she let out a heavy breath, she could feel her whole body shaking violently as tears slithered down her cheeks. She didn't want to kill someone, she finally had a family something to be happy about yet during the absence of Pincher she had refused to eat. She supposed that this was her own fault, starving herself like this. Stupid Roxanne, stupid. Her pink claws dug into her skull only being reminded of the night she had eaten a loved one, the tears didn't stop and eventually the hiccups soon followed. [b]"I'm s-sorry. . . I'm s-sorry. I didn't want to kill you. . . I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm horrible. . . I'm a monster, just like. . . Mom and dad said. . ." Her own blood started staining her paws, her pupils widened with fear knowing what had happened that night. She had been starving and the starvation had led her to become this beast that was hungry. She shakily stumbled out of her room thinking maybe she could quickly fly away from the Typhoon and never come back, that was a good idea. Her wings spread as she flew into the air though her flight was not very graceful, her vision getting blurry. Some of the seagulls flying about began pecking at her and flying past her to disorientate the small feline even further. Eventually one hit her in the wing causing her to return it to her side with a hiss escaping her, this caused her to dive towards the sand but she had barely caught herself landing face first into said sand.

She could already hear them, they were saying nasty things about her and she wanted to claw her ears off. "I'm g-g-good. . . I'm n-not bad." That's when her pupils narrowed into dangerous slits as she stood there with shaky, her nose was bleeding since she had ended up crash landing again. She let out shaky breaths though her attention shifted over towards the direction of an NPC that had decided to approach asking if she was alright. A crooked smile appeared on her maw as she walked over tucking her wings to her sides both eyes glowing in a menacing manner brushing against the NPC "Of course, I'm fine. Now that you're here." She was delusional but she didn't even realize it as she purred quietly "I'm so happy that you're here, Sirius..." The NPC laughed nervously trying to get away from her "I'm not Sirius, ma'am." The glowing only grew darker as she said with a slight pout "You aren't? A shame," Her hunger made her lunge forward for the cats neck and her paws would rest on the head and shoulder of the NPC hearing them screech in pain but she could them off by applying enough pressure to break their neck. The cat would fall limp in her jaws before she let them go watching them fall onto the ground with a purr making her throat vibrate "Poor sap." Her pink claws would trace over the fur of the corpse only to lift up his chin staring into eyes that held fear that were now glazed over with well, death.

Her hunger was a dangerous thing, why had she ever thought she could hold it back? Well, she let her emotions get the better of her and now she was in this situation. She was starving and resisting a fresh kill like this made her somewhat frustrated, she let out another shaky breath digging her pink claws into the flesh of the cat. Her breathing grew louder and heavier as her ears pinned themselves against her cranium, her body still shaking a bit. Her claws torn into the body as she let out a soft hiss, her fur bristling with excitement. She would lean down a bit letting out another shake breath before she bit into the unmoving corpse feeling the blood gush into her jaws.


Roxanne's mouth, chest, and front paws were covered in blood as she stood there over the body with a frown on her maw. The winged Siamese would then look at what she had done with her forepaws shaking as she swallowed feeling her throat grow dry as she would say with a shake of her cranium "I'm s-s-sorry. . .I didn't want to k-kill you. . ." She would feel tears starting to sting her eyes, she stared at what had remained which were scattered entrails and blood along with boys. She blinked the tears out of her eyes before she would step back  stumbling into the log she had took refuge in during a thunderstorm, she would stay in the log shaking a bit what she hadn't realized is that she had made a trail of bloody pawprints heading in her direction. She didn't have time to realize that as she curled up into a ball.

Re: MONSTER / o, tw cannibalism - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-26-2018

Caesar could somewhat relate to Roxanne in the sense of starving himself. The demon didn't eat very often, although that wasn't because he was depressed over Pincher's death or anything. No, the demon just forgot that eating was a normal mortal function and that in order for his body to be alive, he had to eat. So occasionally Caesar would binge himself on fresh-kill and just end up throwing it back up. Sometimes he ate a snack here and there, but usually he just ended up eating prey at a quick pace and vomiting it back up. Never before had the Officer resorted to cannibalism, nor was the thought really there. Sure, he enjoyed the feeling of blood on his teeth and the way a person felt as they went limp, but he enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, the thrill of torturing and killing somebody. Not eating them.

Caesar came upon Roxanne, though he didn't entirely know what was up with her. He could smell blood near her, and noted the trail of blood that led to where she was currently laying. The demon followed the trail, coming up to Roxanne and spotted her crying. The demon's ears flicked as he said, "What's got you all upset?" He was trying to seem more... friendly. Was he failing? Probably.

Re: MONSTER / o, tw cannibalism - PINCHER - 06-27-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher had never had any sort of physical temptation to starve himself or force himself into a strict eating habit. His father had been the one to place that sort of seafood-based diet only and placed him to constantly train everyday to the point that his figure was trimmed even if Pincher decided not to continue. But to hunger to avoid temptations? It had never occurred to him that Roxanne was doing that to herself and had he found out befote the accident, he would have attempted to aid in whatever she needed. But it appeared it was too late. He was always too late. Why was he never on time? To help? To be the shoulder of support? It was something that irked Pincher immensly especially when he was unable to truly be there for his family. They were the most important thing in his life besides the ambitious desire of becoming "perfect". They were there for him and he wished he could be there for them too.

He had been busying himself working on plans as usual, piles of crinkled stacked faded papers on his desk becoming bigger as time passed. Approve this. Check that. Ensure this. Plan that. He let out a small groan as he pushed away some papers he was currently concentrating on, his head lowering to thump softly against the desk. He remained still for a while before deciding to drag himself out of the desk chair and get some fresh air from the sea breeze. He stalked out with his attention leaning towards the tavern, his long forked tail crawling out of his mouth to lick his jaws in anticipation. That was until he caught the scent and taste. Blood. His eyes widened with unease as he caught the mingled scent of Caesar and Roxanne being caught in the howling beach wind, the canine now beginning to feel knots of nervousness forming in his stomach. Were they okay? Did something happen? His pace began to quicken with his ears pounding with the blood that flowed through his veins yet no thumping of the heart could be heard. It only reminded him of what he was now forced to do, the horrible sins that he had to once again place down on his soul like they were dominoes. He just hoped no one had to suffer this, to endure the agony of having to live but with a price.

Pincher managed to reach just in time to hear Caesar question someone within...a log? He had rounded the corner, his powerful hind legs kicking up sand as the captain glanced around to expect Roxanne injured or Caesar if they had gotten into another fight. Yet, instead, he nearly crashed into the laying corpse that was practically torn apart, his paws pushing down to allow there to be some halt. He stopped just in time, grimacing with faint disgust at the strength of the smell as he inhaled. He wrinkled his pepper black nose before turning to the savannah, questioning "What the hell happe-" His deep voice was cut off when he spotted the small silhouette of his sister, hardly visible in the darkness of the log. The lean doberman glanced down at the crimson pawprints that lead to the log and his mind clicked it all together, causing his stomach to churn with unease. Had she...? He headed slowly to join Caesar, taking the other side as he chimed in softly "Roxxie? It's me Pinch. What's wrong...did something happen?" He wondered what had lead this sudden accident but he forced himself to be patient for he didn't want to overwhelm her.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: MONSTER / o, tw cannibalism - guts - 06-29-2018

Greed had never starved himself before, whether it was intentional or not. He didn't have to eat like a normal human, after all. But sometimes he did. Sometimes he wished for all the burdens of being human, because then he wouldn't feel so damn lonely. He felt like a monster, being created by some human with the desire of taking over the world with other artificial humans like him. But of course these were feelings he kept hidden from everyone. He pretended like he was fine with how he was, like it never bothered him.

He had been wandering around, searching for something to occupy his time. There wasn't much for him to do that was new or exciting, and while he enjoyed drinking and flirting, it got old sometimes. So he found himself walking with no destination in mind. It was relaxing, listening to the birds sing and the waves beat against the shore. The salty smell tickled his nose and his lips twitched. Then the scent suddenly changed.

His face contorts in disgust, his nostrils quickly overwhelmed with the sheer strength of it. He gags slightly and glances around for the source. After walking forward a few feet, he suddenly comes across it. A corpse, mangled and most of it missing. Jesus Christ. His head swinging around, he quickly spots Pincher and Caesar, then the paw-prints leading toward the log. It couldn't have possibly been-

Oh god. Greed looks down at the body again, still speechless despite the fact he had seen a lot worse in his time. This wasn't anything new to him, and yet he was still stunned. Maybe it was mostly because of who had done it.


Re: MONSTER / o, tw cannibalism - ROXANNE R. - 06-30-2018

✧*:・゚ The sudden voices made her fur ruffle up as her little body grew tense, her pupils slightly widened with a bit of fear only to let out a startled hiss before realizing that it was Caesar. She swallowed a bit still tasting the metallic flavor of blood on her tongue "I d-did it. . ."" She said in a shaky voice with her ears pinned against her head as tears blossomed in her eyes once more only to slither down her cheeks, she sniffled quietly as she scooted herself deeper into the log adding in an even quieter voice "I d-didn't mean t-to do it. . . R-really. . ." She stared down at her forepaws unsheathing her pink claws staring down at them seeing that they were coated with blood, it wasn't fresh anymore and it was starting to cake over her little forepaws. Why was she so startled now? She had killed to eat before, why was it she felt so anxious and frightened with her clanmates seeing her like this? The winged feline let out another shaky breath with her back pressed against the wall, she could feel her whole body trembling. She supposed that it effected her now because of her relations with her new family, Pincher, Rosemary, Connor, and little Goldie. Oh god. What had she done? She felt like she wanted to vomit though she was already to shaken up to do anything else, her body schools with soft hiccups still not wanting to come out of the log. She didn't think anything would make her come out of the log but then again she felt like she had cornered herself making her a little irrational with her decisions. She eventually found herself growling at Caesar still charged by the fear that usually belonged to most cornered animals "F-fuck off, Caesar. . . You only c-care about your own s-sorry yellow ass. . ." She blurted out rather harshly yet upon hearing the next voice her hiccups only seemed to get worse.

It was Pincher.

She could almost feel her own heart getting stuck in her throat, her ears twitching at the sound of her heart racing. She almost wanted to tear at her own chest to stop the rapid beating since it didn't seem to calm her down at all, the winged feline sniffles hearing Pincher starting to talk to her but it almost felt as if his voice was echoing throughout her mind. She had wanted to come out of the log and hug him, cry into his chest only to tell him over and over again that she was so sorry yet her current thoughts didn't seem to help her. 'You really think he'll forgive after what you did? You're fucking pathetic, Roxanne.' Her thoughts hissed at her venomously with her paw barely reaching out and feeling the brief warmth of sunlight yet it was quickly redrawned back to her chest where she held it. She wanted to keep crying but the more and more she did the cries were slowly being replaced by frequent, soft hiccups. She wanted to tell him exactly what had happened but she was too afraid. Too afraid to think of what he thought of this. She feared possible abandonment and being shunned, kicked out of the only family she ever loved or felt loved in. "I didn't want to do it. . . I didn't. . ." She finally breathed out shakily still shivering, she felt so cold on the inside and she just wanted to go home. She just wanted to go to bed and hug Kalayavan, just pretend it never happened. She knew that it wouldn't be that easy. "I'm so sorry, P-Pincher. . . I'm s-sorry." There she went, blubbering out apologies and they didn't stop as they fell into soft whispers that the breeze picked up. That wasn't the only thing that it seemed to pick up, her senses were still decent and well, the smell of the next clanmate approached made her even more tense than what she had already been.


Her claws dug into the sand underneath her biting her bottom lip as she finally breathed out "I w-wanna g-go home. . ." She could feel her sides heaving a bit trying her best not to hurl up what she had eaten. So many things that should stay in the body yet she felt sick to her stomach, she covered her mouth with her paw to stop only briefly calming down as she said a little bit louder "I. Wanna. Go. . . Home," She found her paws leading her to the opening of the log staring at those gathered there with her eyes puffy and tears still dripping off of her cheeks hitting the ground with quiet plops. Her body still shaking and her wings laying on the sandy beach with shame, she couldn't even bring herself to look Pinch directly in the eye much too ashamed of what she did. She knew that her pathetic apologies wouldn't fix it "I w-was hungry. . . I didn't m-mean to hurt anybody. . . Or let a-alone eat them. . . I c-couldn't think straight. . . I c-couldn't control my h-hunger. . ." She finally finished staring down at her paws with shame and self-disgust that she held towards herself, she wanted so much to be hugged or give a hug yet she feared that they would be scared of her because of what she did. "I k-know a shitty sorry isn't going to fix it e-either. . ." She had been nervously sheathing and unsheathing her pink claws not uttering another word not looking at anyone, she didn't even bother saying anything to Greed. She had ruined her own chance of having friends. She hated this, she hated herself.

Re: MONSTER / o, tw cannibalism - CAESAR CIPHER. - 06-30-2018

What was she...? Oh. Caesar still didn’t realize that she had eaten somebody, but it was rather clear that she at least killed something. The demon watched as Roxanne sobbed, clearly not understanding why. He briefly glanced at Pincher and Greed as they came over, almost sort of relieved; they might be able to actually relax her and maybe she wouldn’t feel as cornered and afraid. Caesar didn’t understand why she was feeling the way she was, but at the same time he didn’t really feel any concern for her.

Caesar narrowed his eyes as she snapped at him, though he knew she was right. He did only care for himself, but that was because he was the only person he needed to care for. It was everybody for themselves in his opinion, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to go stick his nose somewhere where it didn’t belong. Caesar’s ears flicked as Roxanne admitted to what she has done and he gave a small  shrug. ”What’s the problem, exactly?” He asked, his tone just as monotonous as ever. ”Eating is a natural thing, right? It’s something that you have to do.” Regardless if you were mortal or not. He should honestly probably listen to his own words sometime.
