Beasts of Beyond
THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING | MEETING 6.25 - Printable Version

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[Image: Cads1fI.png]
Cain had to say: he was feeling pretty fucking damn good that morning. Fresh electricity crackled across his skin as he stalked out of the Command Center towards the docks, a sense of predatory grace lacing his movements -- signs that he was coming out of war, coming out on top. And he was more than thrilled to share the news, too. He had a feeling they were going to be just as excited about the chaos to come as he was.

"Blackfall," he called, voice smooth but with a dark edge as he grinned, "Gather around. I've got news for you all, and I think you're going to like it." He rolled his shoulders back, stretching out the tension in his spine and back, and rocked back on his heels to wait. Darkness and shadows frothed at his feet, swirling across the surface of the docks, and he added with another of those grins, "And be prepared to go on a bit of a trip."
[Image: Yc7IJWv.png]

Re: THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING | MEETING 6.25 - Amren - 06-25-2018

[b][color=#414a4c]✷ ✷ ✷
Of course Amren followed after Cain, quite the wicked grin dancing upon her crimson lips. Somebody was in a good mood and she, in spite of herself and her general foul disposition, couldn’t help but indulge in some of those feelings too. Embers jumped from her skin, reddening her cheeks naturally with their heat. Compared to the electric darkness that was her commander, she looked like an open flame- dangerous, lethal, and incredibly ready for the boy to get on with it and tell them what there was to hear.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Amren would simply resort to waiting (as much as she hated to), intrigue sparkling within silver eyes.  This better be good.

Re: THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING | MEETING 6.25 - purgatory - 06-25-2018

Re: THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING | MEETING 6.25 - ♕leopold♕ - 06-26-2018

Hadn't they just had a trip? Leopold's face was sour, arms crossed infront of him as he approached. He did not want to go on a trip, no thank you. He was perfectly fine with staying home and doing nothing but snacking. "Will this trip be a long one?" His gaze settled on Cain after he looked to see who was already there. Jeong was here, that was good. Leo slowed to a stop before them and waited for Cain's answer.



CAIN PENDRAGON — Cain glanced over his shoulder as Amren emerged behind him, and was vaguely amused to see that she had no shame in doing so. And then his gaze was back on those gathering and he grinned again, shark-like and sharp. "Good morning, everyone. We're going to start out with the good news and move on to the better news. First, I'd like you to say hello to your new General. Amren, darling, that's you." A flicker of mirth in his eyes, before he carried on: "Leopold, Jeong, Thomas -- Lieutenants. You've stuck with us long enough." He gave them a moment to process, before he was ready to get to the real shit.

"Now, for the better news. We have the Crown," he drawled, the words a little slower for emphasis and clarity, because he was a dramatic bitch sometimes and he didn't even care. Cain grinned, and jerked his head towards the Command Center, where he'd chained Freddie's handcuffs to a post inside. He was no savage, however. He had given him enough slack to scoot around a little bit and walk to the open doorway. "And we're taking their city. Amren, I want you to take control over there when I'm not, and you may take who ever you want with you. Get ready to leave in 30, everyone. And be sure to stop by and say hello to Freddie on your way out."

Re: THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING | MEETING 6.25 - Amren - 06-28-2018

[color=#414a4c]✷ ✷ ✷
[b][color=#414a4c]”Oh, me? Thank you, boy,” She extended with a smirk. So she was General now? What a fascinating development. She had been second in command before, to Rhysand and his band of idiots. She had let them down though, left them to perish even as they insisted that she did. She was meant for greater things, they had told her, she couldn’t burn like the rest of them. As cold and seemingly uncaring as Amren tended to be, she couldn’t help but feel remorse twist in her stomach. She wouldn’t leave Cain like she had her friends. She couldn’t make the same mistakes that she had in her previous dimension.

Dismissing her thoughts, she focused her attention back to the matter at hand. So Freddie has finally fallen? Thank god. That annoying excuse for a sovereign was doing nothing but causing problems for Blackfall. What intrigued her more though was her place in all of this. Ah, so she was to stay in Griffingate and make sure that those pests we’re kept in line? She could do that. She could do that well. [color=#414a4c]”I’ll make sure to leave the poor boy some burns to remember me by,” She said smoothly, cackling in that typical Amren fashion of hers. As for who she wanted to bring? Simple. [color=#414a4c]”Leo, you’re coming with me. And you,” She paused, pointing a finger in Cain’s direction, [color=#414a4c]”Better take incredible care of my dog. I’ll leave detailed instructions before I depart.”

Re: THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING | MEETING 6.25 - purgatory - 06-28-2018

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 65%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 140%;word-spacing:-1px;color:black"]Lieutenant? Oh, he very much enjoyed the sound of that. Though he didn't want to be addressed as such, not interested in formal talk if that wasn't apparent by now. With a subtle smile, Jeong tipped his head in Cain's direction before looking to Amren. The frightening woman would do well as a General, he thought. No complaints there. However, it would be a lie if he said his stomach didn't shift in response to who Amren chose to go with her. His eyes shifted to Leo for a second before looking back to Cain, wondering if he was going to say more or if he could be excused to prepare for their departure. Leo is going to be fine. It's nothing to get worked up about.

Re: THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING | MEETING 6.25 - Thomas - 06-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Thomas was late. The lionhearted man usually prided himself on being punctual: he never missed events and was rarely ever behindhand. The dark haired individual fell in beside Leopold as the meeting began (thankfully he had not missed Cain's address). He was silent as he took in his leader's words. A promotion? Well, that was interesting now, was it not? Donning a smile, he said, "Thank you, Cain."

The next topic for discussion was Griffingate. Thomas felt intrigue flood his system as Cain explained how the enemy's leader had been captured by none other than the Blackfallen. He felt a sly smile play out upon his lips. That was good news. Capturing the head of kingdoms was often the first step into beating the opposition into the ground. The capture of Frederick must have crippled Griffingate already. Good. Very good.