Beasts of Beyond
Hello! - Printable Version

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Hello! - Cosmic - 06-25-2018

Hello there! I'm Cosmic. I used to go by Harleystar for those who were on FF. I'm here to start fresh and hopefully find some new friends and roleplay a bit! <3

Re: Hello! - Lokisaurus - 06-25-2018


Re: Hello! - axiom - 06-25-2018

Hey, I'm also a FF ex-patriot, lol. Though I don't think we were active at the same times, I don't recognize your name? But my memory sucks ha.

I hope you like Bob! Big Grin Are you looking at the animal rp section to plop a character into?

Re: Hello! - april . - 06-25-2018

heya!! welcome to bob! i'm april! c: if you have any questions or want to plot, feel free to hmu! <3

Re: Hello! - Una. - 06-25-2018

Hi! Welcome to BoB! I'm Una! I was on FF since 2012, but I left right after they changed everything! I came to this site after hearing about it from a friend who was also on FF for a long time.

If you're interested in roleplaying in the animal main game, I recommend The Typhoon and Snowbound!

Re: Hello! - vvintersoldier - 06-25-2018

Hey there Cosmic, welcome to the site! I am unsure if we met before on FF, but Harleystar rings a bell! My name is Sky, I'm a moderator here on BoB. If you have any questions or if you want to plot with my characters, feel free to message me! c:

Re: Hello! - dreamiplier - 06-25-2018

h-hewwo? ofo

welcome to the site, cosmic!! i'm dream, i also used to be on ff most of us are on this site lmao oops but like back in 2015 lmao oops. i unfortunately don't recognize your username, but, it's nice to know it now!! if you're ever looking for someone to talk your ear off and probably annoy the shit outta ya, i'm always open lmao

if you're gonna go into the animal roleplay section, i definitely recommend the ascendants & tanglewood, though all the clans are amazing!!

Re: Hello! - tricky - 06-26-2018

heyoooooo there!! im also from ff obviously but now im here
nice to meet you ;^)

Re: Hello! - Imortapose - 06-26-2018

Hey! I went as Imagination/Immy back on FF, and I led The Cartel with my character Caera. I don't remember your username either, but I also didn't get out that much and I have a bad memory. Even if we didn't interact on FF, I'd love to become friends with you now! Big Grin

What group are you thinking of joining? I'm in Tanglewood and Snowbound with Caera and Gon (respectively) and I'm deciding on whether to put my new character in The Ascendants or The Typhoon. I've also got a character in the human game which will be going to Griffingate but North End really interests me as well. So, basically, I'm every where and I'm open for plots!! <3

If you've got any questions about the site, feel free to hmu on either here or Discord! I've been getting around the site more lately so I should know enough to be able to help you with any questions you have. Also like, if you just wanna talk?? Please hmu, I love to make friends.

Re: Hello! - Cosmic - 06-27-2018

Thank you all for the welcomes!! <333

I have Playerone Kennedy / Hope in The Ascendants right now! c;