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YOU GOT ME UNDER THE BLACK LIGHT / o, injured - Printable Version

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YOU GOT ME UNDER THE BLACK LIGHT / o, injured - Character Graveyard. - 06-25-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
It was dark out when Natasha had been wandering around the territory. Clouds had covered the moon and there was no stars in the night skies. She had been near the lake, her yellow-eyes watching as one of her fore paws entered and left the water, causing it to ripple smoothly. While she had been doing this, a large figure, about the size of a elephant had managed to sneak up behind her, releasing a deep, rumbling growl from it's throat. Before she could even turn around, the large creature lunged forward, placing a paw on the back of Natasha's head, forcing her into the water.

It felt like her lungs were on fire when her head was pushed into the water. She could feel her lungs slowly filling up with the liquid though she kept trying to fight back. She struggled, kicking her hind legs against the large creature though it was no use, it was too strong. The Lionheart was about to give up, when the creature pulled her out of the water and threw her onto the ground roughly, causing a few of her ribs to break on the impact.

The next move, was more painful. The creature had walked over to Natasha's hind legs, focusing on the one that had been previously broken. It would grab her leg with both of it's front paws and twist it into the opposite direction, causing a pained yell to escape her mouth though the creature brought down a paw on her head, knocking her out.

The NPC seemed satisfied with what it had done to her, so it had decided to leave her there and it quickly left the territory, before anyone showed up on the scene.

//So basically, Natasha had been sitting at the lake when a large NPC attacked her and knocked her out. She'll be asleep for a few days but all posts will be retro to this thread!
© madi

Re: YOU GOT ME UNDER THE BLACK LIGHT / o, injured - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-26-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash thought being near the water would relax her, though as she neared the area, she could feel her heart pounding with worry. Her legs were getting better, and she wasn't shaking as much when she moved, though she could feel her body shake a bit as she neared the lake. Atbash had been about to turn around and go back when she noticed a figure near the water's edge and worry coursed through her. Briefly abandoning all thoughts about her previous experience, Atbash rushed forward as much as her shaky body could take her, and she let out a gasp as she realized it was Natasha that laid here, knocked out by something.

Atbash knew she was smaller than Natasha, but that still wouldn't stop her from attempting to drag the wolf towards camp. Occasionally the she-cat would let out a call for Jacob and Izuku, hoping one of them would quickly show up to the scene.

[member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: YOU GOT ME UNDER THE BLACK LIGHT / o, injured - arcy - 06-26-2018

Izuku had a good track record of being out and about just as things happened, apparently. It was the main reason Izuku hadn't been dissuaded from his constant wanderings. Even if some turned out badly, there was enough times where it was for the better that he just sort of .... kept at it. It'd probably keep up that way, honestly.
It's Atbash's call that alerts Izuku first. The tenderfoot's ears prick from where he rests, and he quicly pulls himself to his paws. Was something wrong? It was for him and Jacob, so somebody was hurt. Again. The next time this happened, Izuku swears to god he's going to seek out whoever hurt his clanmates this time and ... he's not sure. Fight them, burn them. Scream. Whatever it takes.
"O -- oh dear," Izuku says upon arriving, ears falling back as he circles around Atbash and Natasha. He looks uneasy. That would seem to be -- a twisted leg, maybe? That can't be good. Her chest area looks injured in some way, but Izuku can't quite tell yet. It's more internal than anything -- broken ribs? That's his best bet. How would he set those? Judging by how wet her head area was, another attempting drowning? The thought makes him a touch nauseous -- that makes quite a few people nearly drowned at the new lake area. Was something wrong here?
... Right. What does he need to do, though? He'd been doing more research since Killua had gotten injured, since that's just how Izuku kickstarted learning, apparently. So he could probably deal with the leg to some extent, but he's not sure how successfully. The ribs ... that'll be fine.
"Um -- okay. Okay. We -- we need to reduce swelling on the leg, first. I don't ... I don't recommend moving her ourselves anymore, I'm not ... quite sure what the damages are," He explains, glancing about nervously. Snow would do -- they had plenty of that, though the a lot less than usual, summer and all that. The Maine Coon moves to gather some, and finds himself grateful he'd put protection over his bandage this time. it makes it easier to slide over to Natasha and place it over. Twisted leg. He might be wrong, but Izuku wasn't that great at identifying this stuff. But you had to reduce swelling as quickly as possible, or else it might not heal right. Granted, it probably won't heal quite right anyways. Um ... was there still water in her lungs? Once he has the snow over it Izuku brushes his paws over her ribcage before withdrawing, nose scrunched. Didn't feel right, might be broken. There wasn't a lot you could do about that besides have them bedridden. But what would he do if she still had water in her lungs? ... Izuku didn't even know how to do CPR in the first place, nevermind. How had she been knocked out? The water? Possibly blunt trauma? Either one wasn't good. "There's ... there's not a lot I can do here, but ... yeah, we do need to figure out a way to bring her to camp without jostling her anymore," Would a sled work? Izuku didn't know how to get a sled. And they couldn't exactly lug her around carelessly. Especially since Izuku ... wasn't all that well versed with broken bones and stuff like this. He was getting better but. Not good enough for actual practice.
what was i worth

Re: YOU GOT ME UNDER THE BLACK LIGHT / o, injured - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-26-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash stopped as soon as Izuku came near, gently letting go of Natasha's scruff. She listened to Izuku's words, watching Natasha carefully and with worry. Luckily Izuku had started to go to work as quickly as he could, though when he brought up not moving her so much, the she-cat frowned. "Do you or Jacob have conjuration?" She asked. She personally didn't have it, but she knew it was a thing. If that was the case, then maybe one of them could conjure up a sled or something to carry Natasha on.
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi