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Hate is always foolish // meeting 6/25 // love is always wise - Printable Version

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Hate is always foolish // meeting 6/25 // love is always wise - jacob w.c. - 06-25-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — A day ago, Jacob had wondered if he'd even be able to do this. Pincher's death had brought the husky to a deep, dark place he hadn't visited in a long while. Not since the death of his Pa and his Ma. Not since the fire. That had been so long ago. He supposed that the week he spent with Pincher, the week where he insisted the whole submarine was burning and Pincher would die soon too, that week had been dark but not as dark as now because he hadn't been alone. Jacob had always been resiliant but lonliness was the one thing he could never overcome. When there was no one to hold him to a standard, no one to bring him back to reality when his mind ran away, things got bad quickly. It was like he didn't have anyone left to care about or live for so he stopped caring about himself entirely. Jacob didn't find his personal value in himself or in his abilities but in the people he shared his life with. They were what was valuable about him. When those people stopped exisiting or left, Jacob didn't know what to do.

But now Pincher was back. And he still had his clanmates, who relied on him. Things might be a little late but he would still do the job he promised them. It didn't matter how he felt. "Everyone! Come n' gather for a meetin'!" The husky called. He waited a few moments for his clan to gather before he began speaking, "I gotta' lot ta' cover this week so 'm jus' gonna' go 'head n' start right away. 'M gonna' start by sayin' tha' there are no demotions or warnin's this week. However, there are a few promotions. Aizawa, I'd like ya' ta' step up as Snowstriker. Atbash, I want ya' ta' step up as Arcticplayer. Ya' both 'ave been invaluable ta' me n' offered plenty ah' help n' ideas so I'd be happy ta' have ya' join me on the hp team. Natasha, you're promoted ta' either Flurryhost or Lionheart, ya' can choose which ya' prefer," he paused for a moment, glancing down at his note cards. Good, he was still running on time and he hadn't forgotten anything so far. "I'd also like ta' welcome all the new member tha' came in this week includin' Kodiak, Riddlersgame, Hana, Vinny, n' Clementine. I'd also like ta' welcome back four returnin' members, Tena, Killua, Kratos, n' Levi. We're happy ta' 'ave all ah' ya' n' it was nice seein' so many new n' familiar faces this week," he concluded before shifting the note cards in his paws.

Only one more big announcement. After that, it'd be easy. Just little reminders about things that were already happening. "My next announcement is bringin' a big change ta' Snowbound tha' I hope ya'll will be interested in. We 'ave all these empty shops 'ere n' it seems like a waste ta' leave 'em layin' around. So, I've decided tha' 'm gonna' let ya'll start your own businesses. It can be anythin' ya' can think of, offerin' trainin' services or makin' food or makin' jewelry; anythin' ya' can think of. Since we're doin' this, I've also decided ta' 'ave us start usin' a currency called syamine. 'S a blue, translucent mineral tha' was in our caves. They're pretty easy ta' smooth out. When we do weekly tasks now, you'll be able ta' request a task from a specific category n' get five syamine if ya' complete it. This is gonna' start this week durin' weekly tasks. Doin' so many tasks in a certain category can make special events n' activities happen when they fill up. If ya' 'ave any questions 'bout this, feel free ta' ask 'em once this meetin' is over," he explained before taking a deep breath and moving his cards one last time.

These last few announcements would be easy, just a couple of reminders about things they'd been doing for awhile anyway. "Finally, we 'ave a celebration with Typhoon goin' on n' a decoration contest. The decoration contest ends tomorrow so make sure ya' get your entry in if ya' wanna be considered," he finished before his eyes widened slightly. "Oh! 'M startin' bi-weekly meetin's for the semi-high positions n' high positions. Once I find a Snowseeker, they'll be holdin' these but for now I'm doin' it. Jus' meet me back 'ere later tonight so we can discuss things. Other than that, ya'll are dismissed," he stated, taking a deep breath as he finished. Another meeting done. Thank goodness.



Re: Hate is always foolish // meeting 6/25 // love is always wise - Character Graveyard. - 06-25-2018

COLD NOSTALGIA ✧ Natasha — Snowbound — Warrior
Another meeting. Natasha had heard Jacob's call for a meeting, so she had ran over and took a seat right next to a NPC- since nobody else had shown up yet. She would then focus her yellow gaze on the Chief and listen to what he was saying.

Aizawa was promoted to Snowstriker, Atbash was promoted to Articplayer and she was being promoted to either Lionheart or Flurryhost. She had decided to go with Lionheart, though she would announce that at the SHP and HP meeting.

Natasha would nod her head and speak. "Congrats to those promoted and noted!" The Lionheart would then make her way away from the meeting.
© madi

Re: Hate is always foolish // meeting 6/25 // love is always wise - ATBASH CIPHER. - 06-25-2018

how could you just walk away and leave me here?
Atbash had heard about Pincher's death during her time in the medicine den, though she didn't really notice Jacob looking too distant from his group. Sure, he had that one night when he looked at the stars before she got attacked but that was about as distant as she ever saw him. Atbash didn't realize how close Jacob was with Pincher and although she's never really had a crush outside of Cry (and even then, that crush was extremely short-lived), she probably would have tried to comfort the Chief as much as she could if she knew Pincher's death had been causing him so much grief. But luckily Jacob seemed to be faring somewhat alright, as the husky called a meeting.

Atbash shakily made her way over at Jacob's call and took a seat, looking up at the Chief as he spoke. He started with promotions as usual, and announced that there was no warnings or demotions - which was always a good sign. "Congrats, Aizawa and Natasha." The she-cat chirped with a small smile on her face. It was good to see them promoted, they deserved it. "And... thanks, Jacob." But did she really deserve the position? Even after she was so petrified of coming out of the medicine den after Caesar attacked her? Sure, she was slowly improving on that but there was still the fact of her not being around for four days.

Jacob announced a new currency system, which did catch her interest a bit. Shops and a currency system sounded really cool to her, maybe she could find some pretty gems and sell them! It'd be great to start a new hobby to get recent events off of her mind. "Everything's noted, too." Atbash added quietly with a stiff nod towards Jacob after he was finished with the meeting. She took note of the semi/high position meeting of course, and told herself that she needed to be there at some point.

//Congrats to those promoted!!
bio | female | flurryhost [shp] of snowbound
© madi

Re: Hate is always foolish // meeting 6/25 // love is always wise - arcy - 06-26-2018

Izuku was tired. They were still kinda low on stock and everyone was suffering for some reason or another. And he'd also been overworking himself again, hence his brief absence and current reappearances till he vanished again or something. Which might be for the best. He'd kind of upset his injury a lot lately. Anyways, look, Izuku had been like ... single-handedly dealing with most of the injuries and sicknesses and stuff. Which was fair, Jacob was busy and also seemed kind of distressed about something. Izuku hadn't heard about whatever happened to Pincher, okay.
Still, at the call of a meeting, Izuku arrives, taking a seat next to Natasha and curling his tail around his paws. Promotions, as deserved. Izuku grins. "Congratulations!" He chirps, glancing up at Natasha with his still-resting tail twitching. A lot of new and returning members, that was exciting, even if Izuku hadn't seen them around a ton yet. Shops and businesses, not Izuku's thing, and Izuku absolutely refused to set one up. Other than that, events, Izuku would try and participate in, but definitely the other HP meeting. Right. All noted, that's ... kind of all, then.
what was i worth